I ran across "Agnes and His Brothers" while poking around the Netflix site. It's a German film about 3 siblings (one being a transgendered woman) trying to find happiness. The movie is more than a bit strange with many of the characters behaving quite badly, and I can't say I really understood some of the elements of Agnes's story within the movie all that well. There are some darkly humorous and absurd moments. Agnes is well accepted by her family and by the people she comes in contact with. I thought the male actor that plays her did a credible job. There's a particularly touching scene where Agnes visits her ex-wife and son. I'm pretty neutral on the film overall (it's probably that I'm not intellectual enough, not hip enough, or don't get the symbolism). There are some really positive reviews on IMDB.com: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0389738/
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