Bastille Day

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Bastille Day, 14th July, is the anniversary of the French mob storming the hated fortress/prison in the centre of Paris in 1789, and is commonly regarded as one of the beginnings of the French Revolution.

A few years later, 1986 to be precise, I rather sedately broke out of my own prison, coincidently on the same day. It came about by my going to see my general manager, who had got wind of my intentions via the grapevine--someone who'd been told in confidence, blabbed.

When I saw the general manager, he gave me a week to organise myself and make the changeover - it happened much faster than I expected, but at least I had his support and that of the organisation, a health authority as it was in those days. Even the chairman came and offered me his personal support and that of the board. They were heady days.

Then on Monday 14th July 1986, I went into my office wearing a skirt for the first time. I was petrified but also exhalted by the colleagues who went out of their way to come and say, 'Good Luck'.

I don't think I'd want to do it again, but it was an interesting day and has led to, at times, an interesting life. I'm not sure I'd advise anyone else to do it, unless they want to do life the hard way, but for my own sanity, it was necessary. I'm still rubbish at riding bikes, especially on hills, but nobody's perfect (except Bonzi, of course).




Cat's ears in the cat's ears (or the little bastille in the garden!).


So thats

the H.Q of EAFOAB....Nice picture Angharad, But where's Bonzi?

Hugs Kirri

Bonzi has been added.

Angharad's picture

He's hiding in some wild flowers called Cat's Ear, hence my caption.



Gutsy, Lady!

joannebarbarella's picture

Nice pic. You obviously made the right choice.
"Pour les enfants de la Patrie, L'etandard senglant est levee..." or alternatively, "Ou est le papier!"

So who has sung…

…RUDE RUGBY SONGS? Tut-tut. Was it down under on in UK, Joanne?

Go it Ang. Hope to see you again soon,

Love and hugs,

“It is hard for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” Thomas Hardy—Far from the Madding Crowd.


“It is hard for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs.” Thomas Hardy—Far from the Madding Crowd.


Well, I feel compelled to add a comment. Living in France, I got some time off work (even though I work at home).

Though, I think in France, 14th of July if not celebrated because it's the anniversary of the Bastille events, but rather the anniversary of the Fête de la Fédération (I had to lookup on Wikipedia)

By the way, I don't really like the French national hymn, it talks about war and blood. Very bloody, not so entertaining. I don't really know how it sounds for native English speakers, but here in France, it's kind of horrible.

But I'm glad good things happens on this day as well. :)


.... but a wonderful tune.

I think the Marseillaise is the best National Anthem of any country. I suppose it is a bit bloody but it's still stirring which is more than you can say about 'God Save the Queen', which doesn't say anything about 'us' just about 'them'. But then, I'm a republican :) (small 'r' btw)

Hardly recognised you Angharad without the anorak and soaking wet trousers. However your inner beauty still shone through even on a damp Derbyshire day. What a great reason to remember Bastille Day - your very own little revolution.


Hi Ang, I'm glad that you

Hi Ang,

I'm glad that you had the support you needed from work. July the 14th is a special day for you and I hope that eat some cake!

By the way nice piccie, lovely face, very slim and looks really intelligent... you're not bad either ;)


Caught the sun, kiddo?

Or is it a trick of the light?

Bloody cameras; I wish they'd have selective vision when pointed in my direction.

You're unlikely to see my ugly fizzog (dis)gracing these hallowed halls; don't want to frighten the moggies, do we?

Many congrats on your amazing and prolific writing, also having the courage to tell your employer about your real self. 1986 was still the dark ages in my office and I had just gone back into denial for the third time. All came right for me in 1998 though. There comes a point in your life...


RE: Bastille Day

Apparently, when ‘The storming of the Bastille’ took place it held only seven prisoners. These were four forgers, two lunatics and a ‘deviant ‘aristocrat (nothing new there then)
More importantly, I would like to say thanks to Angharad for the many hours of pleasure I have enjoyed in reading EAFOAB and her other oeuvres. A lovely photo by the way.

Happy Aniversary!!


Dear Angharad:

Since this is the anniversary of your big step,




Ah, Gabi

joannebarbarella's picture

'Twas On the good ship Venus. I don't suppose you've seen a figurehead anywhere around, have you?

The mast might be more difficult to find here.

I have a feeling we've discussed filthy rugby songs here before :0) Gabi's an expert. I sometimes wonder about her misspent youth. Btw, the figurehead is probably in bed somewhere if memory serves.



I was getting out as myself about that time - on a regular basis, and working out how I'd tell my wife once she finished her defense (Scheduled for Dec.)... In July, I was also planning my transition for soon after. Things happened, and I ended up putting things on hold, and now find myself going forward with her support (& the support of her family and both of my daughters)... I'm not sure when things will happen, but I'm sure they will.

Your story is encouraging. The photo Bonzi took of you is good too. I'll not mention Bonzi's photo, as he's already gotten more compliments than is good for him. :-)

Thanks for sharing your writing with us.

Obviously, from the last Line, Bonzi ghost-wrote your blog, too

Congratulation on your latest 23 years

It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


I still remember

suffering long hours of detention at school because the idiot-fringe in the class insisted upon singing the praises of certain nautical Venusians - and other persons of ill-repute. Still, one had little choice but to join in as the retribution for failing to do so was brutal and fast.

Last month I told a dear friend that I was celebrating my official birthday; and she looked puzzled. I just said that the Queen has one, why shouldn't I?

Maybe I'm reasonably passable (makeup mirrors are wonderful things), or my poor sight is enough for them to deal with, or they know and just don't care.


Wow, Ang

So you're French then? I had no idea.

On the subject of bikes: Perhaps I can give you tips on how to ride uphill if you can give me tips on how not to hurt so much when I get off my bike...

Just a thought

Happy, if belated, Bastille Day

Big hugs

I don't just look it, I'm totally evil