I know everyone else has had more hits, but 'Bike' part 1, has this week achieved over ten thousand hits. Okay, so no one goes on to part two, let alone the other six billion episodes, but it's nice to think at least people have had a look before deciding it's total rubbish.
For those who have read it, thank you: for those who've read them all, I hope you have a good therapist?
From me an' Da Bonz.

My best bike.
Ways to go
When I saw Bike 10,000, I thought maybe you were planning a few too many stories ahead. ;-)
As for my therapist, she told me not to come back anymore. I think I was more of a challenge than she wanted. Oh, well. :-)
They know they can survive
That's quite a milestone...
and, if you were to add up the reads of all of the episodes... No, let's not, I don't think I can count that high.
Actually, I think it's impressive that people are still willing to start the series, KNOWING how many episodes they have to go to catch up... They'll enjoy them, but wow.
Thanks for sharing this saga with us.
Hey, I read the whole thing
I read the whole thing, starting at about 620 episodes in, and I have to say I now more hopeless than even the worst junkie. I am so hooked on the story that I eagerly look forward to whenever you get around to writing the latest episode, even if I have to send hubby to bed and read it late at night.
That, and I'm terribly jealous of the bikes.
Oh, and if you stop writing, I'll fly across the pond and put tacks in the road just so I can give you flats and extract the next story bit from your fertile mind.
Fair warning.
Nice bike.
Now just replace that compact chainset with a triple and come back up to Derbyshire and we'll find a few hills :)
Have you worked out how long it'll take to get to Bike 10k? I'm afraid it's unlikely I'll still be reading it by then but I hope you're still writing it :0) Cathy will make a great granny I'm sure.
Not true, actually...
A little more than one in every three viewers goes on to read more, judging from the total reads as one progresses through the stories in order.
Based on a non-exhaustive sampling of random stories, this appears to be about average. for all stories, not just Angharad's corpus of work.
What this means, I think, is that there are a large number of visitors to the site with very specific requirements, and if a story doesn't seem to meet those requirements — whatever they might be — their interest level drops to nil.