Homecoming Princess Revised

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At Sephy's suggestion, I had taken a look back at my first story Homecoming Princess and found it needing to be brought up to my current writing standard. I have done quite a few stories and my skills have improved since I first wrote that a few years back. I spent close to two months rewriting this in my spare time and have written this from a new perspective. I will leave that for the readers to discover.

Each original chapter was only a bit like 17-22 pages. This chapter (Homecoming Princess) has to be broken into 4 separate parts (its 78 pages long). So the other 2 chapters (Princess Lost & Princess Found) will be similarly huge. I will mark the original Story as Original on each chapter and this new version of my story now will bear Revised. Each new chapter installment will be roughly every 3 days for this first chapter rewrite.

The first part of this rewrite should be up sometime Tuesday morning.




I enjoyed Homecoming Princess the first time around, it's gonna be a tough one, to improve what you already had. But with Holly helping you, I guess it is possible.


Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive