Taxonomy upgrade extras:
Honestly, what would society be without art?
You ask and try to grasp this in a feduciary context
and we all know things are more complex than this.
Killing art is like ripping the heart out of society.
A dead and lifeless corpse through once blood circulated.
All electronic, chemical, computer, mathmatical engineers
and what is so much of this technology sourced for and what may, do they perhaps,
spend a sheckle on?
Yes Art, visual and auditorial stimulation.
Never mind, I do not diminish Philosophy and it's answers.
But most people respond to art.
Art of nature is what created the dream and realization of flight.
In the corpse of limited mobility and suffocation of art as the situation
we see people respond like highly adaptable, mobile automatons.
I need not expound on the countries I speak of for I think you of sound intelligence
to make sense and hence go forward, towards progress and success of reanimation.
No, no not a bastardization or abomination but Organic as much as possible.
Ellen Dissanayake
I recommend that you check out the work of Ellen Dissanayake. She explores a lot of the same ideas and questions and she is much more eloquent than I am.
Here's a link to get you started:
- Terry
You might also like... explore the work of Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
although this article doesn't mention, except in passing, that he's a very creative theorist in the physiology of Art, its origins in the brain, and where it lives in all of us.
Although he's not listed on the DVD description, he forms a major part of the exposition.
He's also talked about the origins of religion in the brain, although I can't pin down exactly where I remember seeing it. It was in the context of epilepsy, as I recall. It may have been in the Series, Consciousness, but I could be wrong.
I've been following him for years...
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Fine Art
I think fine arts have co-opted the entirety of art, ignoring the artisan to focus on the artist. I am not saying that fine arts are not important, they are, but in the fight for their place, particularly fighting against people saying something is not art, they themselves have ignored artistic activities.
Watching a skilled carpet-layer, lay carpet, after doing it yourself, and one can notice an artistic difference in the two approaches. Watching a century in snooker can be as amazing as watching a dancer. Myself, I am more able to see elegance in an ERD, than in a painting.
Point taken.
What I was writing was partially a critique on how some feel it would just be suitable to yank the funding out of Fine Arts and focus only on Reading, Writing and Arithmatic. The issue is those people in engineering, what usually entertains them, enthralls them as the Arts do? Also what the heck would do people spend massively on but the Arts? Sure it may not be a painting but movies are easily a part of the Arts.
What is an ERD by the way?
Hard to say...
I'm guessing number 2
Acronym Definition
ERD Episcopal Relief and Development
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
ERD Emergency Repair Disk
ERD Emergency Response Division
ERD Extended Reach Drilling (oil industry)
ERD Economic Relations Division (Bangladesh)
ERD Event-Related Desynchronization
ERD Elastic Recoil Detection
ERD Explosives Regulatory Division
ERD effective rim diameter (cycles)
ERD Environmental Restoration Division
ERD Energy Recovery Device
ERD Early Return of Dependents
ERD Esophageal Reflux Disease
ERD Eligible Rollover Distribution
ERD Early Random Drop
ERD Earthquake Resistant Design
ERD Employee Relations Division
ERD Expected Reinsurer Deficit (CAS Risk Transfer Metric)
eRD E-Referencedesk
ERD Environmental Radiation Data
ERD Early Renal Damage
ERD Enterprise Relational Database
ERD Electronic Restraint Device
ERD Equal-Cost-Route Descriptor (Cisco)
ERD Equivalent Residual Dose
ERD Equipment Readiness Date
ERD Experimental Research Design
ERD Électricité de France Réseaux de Distribution (French)
ERD Employment Relations Divisions (Montana)
ERD External Reuse Density
ERD External Requirements Document
ERD Estimating Requirements Document (mini Cost Analysis Requirements Document)
ERD Engineering Review Diagram
Erd Total Residential Energy Demand (Carolina Environmental Program)
ERD Expected Recovery Date (medical terminology)
ERD Envelope Recipient Domain (email)
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style