Of all those who have served as president of our country Jimmy carter holds a special place in my heart.
The following news article caught my eye:
After more than 60 years together, Jimmy Carter has announced himself at odds with the Southern Baptist Church -- and he's decided it's time they go their separate ways. He called the decision "unavoidable" after church leaders prohibited women from being ordained and insisted women be "subservient to their husbands." Said Carter in an essay:
At its most repugnant, the belief that women must be subjugated to the wishes of men excuses slavery, violence, forced prostitution, genital mutilation and national laws that omit rape as a crime. But it also costs many millions of girls and women control over their own bodies and lives, and continues to deny them fair access to education, health, employment and influence within their own communities.
And, later:
The truth is that male religious leaders have had -- and still have -- an option to interpret holy teachings either to exalt or subjugate women. They have, for their own selfish ends, overwhelmingly chosen the latter. Their continuing choice provides the foundation or justification for much of the pervasive persecution and abuse of women throughout the world.
Male dominance seems to play a role in the guilt and shame we feel as transgendered. Thank goodness there are people like Jimmy carter who are willing to call those in power at their game.
Hear! Hear!
I don't care much for whichever president of the USA, but my oh my. Those are some wonderful words. Now let's hope these are not fighting words on the dusk of an era, but rather inspiriting for the dawn of a new one.
Carter was
probably the most honest president since Washington. Sadly, he was also probably the most naive. However, I have a soft spot for him too.
Remember, he was a very strong supporter of the ERA. Which, by the way, since the passage of the 27th Amendment 202 years after it was introduced into Congress means that the ERA is not as "dead" as some would have us believe... only 3 of the states that didn't ratify it need to still do so. It was shown that the arbitrary time limit on ratification was unconstitutional. So.
To me ERA = English Racing Automobile a design from the 1930s era of motor racing IIRC. I suspect that's what you mean.
Like Angela and Angharad, I've always had a soft spot for Carter. Always seemed an honest and straight forward bloke - perhaps that's why he wasn't a successful politician in the conventional sense.
Oh Dear
Should carter (see your first line) not be spelled with a capital C? Or maybe a Capitol C?
Never mind, it's so easy to miss these small typos.
Jimmy or Billy
Any family that can bring us everything from little liver pills to Billy Beer deserves a "Capitol" C. I will step into the belt line for my punishment, much like Jimmy did.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Guilt and Shame?
What guilt and shame? I've no idea at all what you are talking about. I guess I missed that portion of my transgender indoctrination course.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Unless Your Tongue
is stuck firmly in your cheek you are a unique and extremely fortunate person.
Of course there shouldn't be any guilt and shame for something that is so natural, but. . . .
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
It remains disappointing that no one considers Rutherford B. Hayes or Millard Fillmore their favorite. Oh well!
Love, Andrea Lena
I Guess "Favorite" Doesn't Mean Good...
Nothing much against Hayes other than his stealing the election from Tilden, but Fillmore's basics don't endear him to many people of our generation.
A firm proponent of the Fugitive Slave Act, grateful Southerners were naming children after him at least as late as 1920 (nearly 70 years after his presidency) even though he was from New York state. Then, four years after he finished Zachary Taylor's presidential term, his Whig party fell apart when the Republicans were formed, and he joined up and became the presidential candidate for a third party variously known as the American party, the Native American party and the Know-Nothings. Their platform was basically anti-everybody-except-white-protestants -- especially immigrant Catholics in the Northeast and Midwest, and Asians in California -- and the Know-Nothing appellation supposedly had to do with their official ignorance of anonymous intimidating activities they organized. (The story was that they took the name to heart and came up with an identifying gesture: pointing to an eye, their nose, and a wave of hands signifying "nothing".) In the 1856 election, Fillmore carried Maryland; Democrat James Buchanan, no great shakes as a president himself, was the overall winner.
To be more exact
Jimmy Careter is the best FORMER President this country has ever had. His integrity is second to none and that has served him well in his personal projects and diplomatic missions.
He has done a lot of good since leaving office as a naive president.
For Once Kimmie
I mostly agree with you. I voted for Carter mainly because he promised he wouldn't lie to us. I don't think he did, much. Admittedly that was a very low bar for success -- or an extremely high bar given what horrible liars we've seen in that office.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Well running a government
... is like making sausages ... you really don't want to know what goes into making them. It is unrealistic to think that any mortal person with mortal failings, faced with the miasma that is government can be honest all the time.
For any person to think that is a bit naive.
I am not focusing that comment on you by the way. You and I have a bit of a divergent view on the world - so be it. For me being a multi-minority is a huge influence on my world view and have made me less doctrinaire - less conservative. However, it is fine as it is how the world goes round.
Its not just the Southern Baptists
I don't have a special place for Jimmy Carter but I do agree with him on the cburch leaders.
Talk about restrictiveness and backstabbing. They (the church leaders) speak about religeous rights and yet they single handedly have not let women be equal.
I see the bias all the time especially when a church dinner is planned. Its the women who wait and serve while the men are first in line.
I'm battling with the Methodist in regards to how I present. Their take is if you dress as a woman when you should be dressing as a man you have to be gay. I miss some of the people I used to share worship with, I liked a good chuckle on how it should be coming from a hippacrits mouth.
Somehow people just don't get it. "Lets brainwash our youth so we can hang onto social substandards>"
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Link to President Carter's Full Paper
I personally would like him better...
If he'd quit the church, which hasn't changed all that much that I can tell, before he became an old man.
As politicians go, he was probably amongst the most honest in recent memory, but that's only a relative distinction.
Mind you, he had Ronald Reagan launching treasonous attacks on his leadership whilst still in office, so a little overreaction may have been in order.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Will refrain from Commenting
Other then stating that I am refraining from posting an extensive comment here regarding Carter, I will say nothing more then other that I am doing so to honor what I beleive is one of Erin - "The Sites" rules on political controversy which could lead to ugly controversy.
I didn't think there was anybody that actually thought Jimmy Carter was a good president. The man was a disastrous president and imho the worst at least in modern times if not in the history of the nation. Being TG and being a conservative at the same time may seem to most here to be an impossible contradiction but it is who I am. I struggle every day with trying to figure out just where I fit in on the scale. Somedays I'm happy with just being a CD and there are others I feel the desire to go further and on others I want to be rid of the whole thing. Be that as it may, I remember those years vividly. I have no desire to repeat them in any fashion. It appears to be exactly where we are headed as we have Jimmy Carter squared occupying the white house now.