Since some of you have asked - well, two anyway, I thought I'd bring you up to speed.
We were going to be moving to France and still are of we can, but the climate has changed.
When we first decided to go, we were anticipating a quick sale on the house.
Didn't happen.
In fact, since the 1st of December 2007, we have been trying to sell the house and thus far still haven't.
And, if that wasn't bad enough, the Pound has dropped in value against the Euro, which means with falling house prices (which thankfully, appear to have stabilised), our little nest egg isn't nearly as big as we thought it was going to be.
On top of that, the jobs we thought would be available - aren't.
This is indeed a mixed blessing as, the last thing that we wanted or needed was to be in a foreign land with a pile of stone and no money coming in.
So as of this afternoon, we now have three offers on the house, all at the full asking price (unusual), but none of the prospective buyers have sold theirs.
It's now a sit and wait game to see who comes up with the dosh first.
As for moving to France, that's not likely for a few months - probably several after the house has sold. I want to get some extra qualifications under my belt before we go to at least feel safe about being there and actually have something to offer a Froggy employer.
It's not all doom, and gloom, it's just not the right time, but when it is right, we'll be off like a couple of scalded cats.
I really do wish you well, Nick
I've seen the value of my house drop by nearly a third since I bought it three years ago. My neighbours and I were thinking some years ago of moving to France - maybe a side-by-side or one atop the other. It's OK for them with a daughter living near Bordeaux; they can swan off whenever they get bored (frequently). Anyway the right property didn't come up and we shelved the idea - just as well with the economy the way it is. It's not so much fun here in North-West England but c'est la vie.
À tout à l'heure.
European move
I don't know that we won't just say to hell with it and go anyway.
We've had our fair share of misfortune over the last few years and it's all from 'going with the flow'.
Somehow, our spirit of adventure seems have been stifled by the reasoning that it's too big a risk.
It's all too easy to look at the situation and thank our stars that we didn't make the move, but at the same time, because we didn't, we can't know what would have happened.
Now we're in two minds (which goes to prove I'm not sharing Penny's :) )and still are considering the "fuck it and go" idea.
I mean, how bad can it be?
I don't just look it, I'm totally evil