Hi all.
I must apologise to a number of people here - I hope they know who they are - for not doing this in a personal message, but things have ramped up a gear or three here.
We have a definite buyer for our house and whilst it pains us to have to leave, selling up does at least give us the opportunity to start afresh and clear our debts, which have mounted by leaps and bounds over the last year since I haven't been working.
We have not exchanged yet, so everything's not a done deal and we're hoping that nothing goes wrong between now and the fabled completion.
We're looking for somewhere near Blandford where Pen works and once we exchange, we can actually start looking in earnest. In the meantime, we took last week and went from the top of the house to the bottom of the garden and threw out everything we weren't either taking or leaving behind.
It was about five loads in my car - which holds a lot more than I thought once you'd jumped up and down on the bags a few times anyway and we got to make friends with those at the tip. There was one guy who was dressed in a Scooby Doo costume. He assured me it was for a bet, but I was sure he was going to work the day after as Daphne, but hey, who are we to judge?
Things have reached a bit of a lull, but we're not expecting it to last too long before we're up and running about like headless chickens again.
We're planning to move ourselves and I'm looking forward to driving a 7.5 tonne truck.
There's also a motorbike in the offing, but I'm not holding my breath for that one. I want a Honda 1100 Shadow or something similar. Mid life crisis? Possibly.
Anyhow, everything's alright, it's just sides to middle here at the moment, plus I have been asked to write an article for My Brighton And Hove about the school Jo and I went to way back when. It's surprising how much you remember and how much gets muddled too - especially after over thirty years.
Well, that's it from me. I hope you're all well and if not, at least coping.
Love to all
You Beat Me To It
I was going to PM you and ask how it was all going, but you've saved me the trouble. I really hope it all stays on track for you.
I've crossed my fingers and my toes and every other part of my anatomy that'll make a cross, so hurry up because it's quite painful.
Tell me, are you going to feature St. Andrew's TG alumna from 56-57 years ago when you write your article? That could shake their little cotton socks up, and make their toes curl!
And you're shading things a little there Nick, 30+years? It's a big plus! Anyhoo, make sure you copy me in on the article. I know it will be written with your usual flair.
Won't even comment about the Honda. Yes, I will. Male menopause in motion!
Okay, short on the plus side
Alright, so it was thirty-seven years ago - almost to the day that I started at secondary school, I was trying to be nice to me.
I owe it to me...
Hmm... TG Alumni...
I don't think I will. No offence or anything, but it's a family website and I think I'll try and keep it sweet.
I don't just look it, I'm totally evil
WOOHOO! I'm glad things are falling into place for you Nick. Sending some good thoughts your way. I'll add a few for the Shadow. ;) Keep us updated.
Fingers crossed ....
... that it all goes well for you. Good luck with the clearing out/throwing away. I last moved, to a smaller house, about ten years ago and have spent the last week throwing away a lot of stuff that I stored then thinking it might come in handy some day ....
A mid life crisis is greatly to be treasured. As you know I favour four wheels as giving comparative stability. To my mind two seems a tad ostentatious. But still there is less to fettle I suppose.