Portia Had It Right

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The level of quality of the text is quite plain; stories drop like rain from a throng of gifted writers upon BC. The process is twice blessed: to those who read these gifted words and also to the keyboard pounding wretches who enrich their own lives through their hair-pulling efforts.

BC has enjoyed talented writers for as long as it has been in existence. Some who post today have been here for the duration, many others have come and gone, but never in the time that I have been part of this site have there been such a huge number of outstanding writers producing so much good literature.

We who enjoy reading TG literature have, because of BC, the pleasure of choosing from a cornucopia of varied stories and styles. Like any good banquet there’s more, by at least ten times, than any person could ever consume.

Most of us enjoy a good story, and there are plenty of excellent story-tellers writing for BC. Many here like to see a well-structured tale, and there are authors who can, and do, write professionally providing high-level literature. Obviously, there are many who have a need to explore their nature through writing, and a large audience for just about anything they care to offer.

Even though it’s still October and not the month for tryptophan induced thanks, we all should take a moment to consider how fortunate we are.

All of this works when BC is healthy. We shouldn’t make Erin ask us for money. Keeping BC robust is good for readers and writers alike. When Erin recently made a plea for money she received an outstanding response. Now- please help her develop a reserve for the inevitable thin times that always happen.



I agree

Angharad's picture

If we want this site to maintain its standards, we have to support the management financially as well as in visiting, commenting, and voting. While I appreciate not everyone is in a position to put their hand in their pocket, there are many who could, who don't. It's quite painless to set up a regular contribution through Amazon, and it might make the difference in this site being here next month. After all, why should Erin subsidise other people's pleasure?

