I was really bored and tripped across this site.
Random Movie Plot Generator (See some of the things it pulls up, below.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Sapphire
He was a flame-haired father of 3, who had a a love of Autumn and shoulders of concrete. She was a lovely female soccer star wannabe who was looking for the holy grail and hated it. Together they traveled to another world. Fighting the devil and loving each other.
*I wonder if Sapphire knew this about herself?*
He was She
He was a strangely attractive house husband, who had a a feeling that someone was watching him and nothing to lose. She was a large bosomed 80's pop sensation who lived in the basement and needed a man with a loving touch and maybe, just maybe he was it? Together they cryogenically froze the homeless. Fighting rampaging computer viruses and blasting zombies.
*This is actually a fairly decent plot for a crackfic*
There once was a Gem
He was a hard transvestite priest, who had teeth of gold and a limp. She was an athletic mom who flew jet fighters for the Bulgarian air-force and yearned for a family. Together they had more fun than you can shake a stick at. Fighting scum and exploring emotions.
*I was reading this one, mouth agape.*
More "gems"...
This years Sapphire
He was a lucky young dude, who had a a dying mother and piercing blue eyes. She was a cow eyed old lady who pushed Rod Hull off a roof top in 1999 making it look like an accident and wanted the family life that THEY said she could never have. Together they experimented with donkey corpses. Fighting the dark ones and doing it with style.
* Talk about macabre... but two refreshes later, it gave me an alternative plot with the same title... *
This years Sapphire
He was a silly MI5 agent, who had a teeth of gold and arms of lead. She was a mean spirited prostitute who lived in a cardboard box in the road and wanted to start a family of her own. Together they experimented with donkey corpses. Fighting replusive mutants and loving each other.
* Strange, I always thought Jobe Wilkins was the bio-devisor most likely to experiment with donkey corpses, not 'our' Sapphire... *
Searching for Sapphire
He was a disabled Super Star, who had a a theory about the where-abouts of his missing sister and nothing to lose. She was a bored porn star who buried her friends back in 'nam and propped up bars. Together they sought revenge in the shadows of the night. Fighting scum and doing it the easy way.
* Sapphire's a popular lass in these titles... *
The Third Lion
He was a disabled MI5 agent, who had a a phobia of Frenchmen and an ability to read minds. She was a stunning 80's pop sensation who flew jet fighters for the Bulgarian airforce and was seeking the spirit of love. Together they got into amusing and romantic comic scenarios. Fighting the dark ones and taking crap from nobody.
* A Whateleyverse tale? *
Stone Bug
He was a large C list celebrity, who had a a parrot on his shoulder and an adamantium coated skeletal frame. She was a big hearted prime minister who was looking for the holy grail and craved the simple life. Together they travelled to another world. Fighting evil and protecting your Freedom.
* Errr... X-Men vs Doctor Who? Not just a B movie, a B- movie... *
Lunar Laser
He was a top transvestite priest, who had a a dream life and arms of lead. She was a cow eyed nurse who flew jet fighters for the Bulgarian airforce and wanted more. Together they travelled to London, England. Fighting osama bin laden and seeking enlightenment.
* Do the Bulgarians have a lot of female pilots? Female Bulgarian fighter pilots crop up quite a lot in these plots... *
The Story of Force
He was a skinny transvestite priest, who had a a phobia of snakes and an adamantium coated skeletal frame. She was a giggling nurse who sought the meaning of life and needed to feel loved. Together they travelled back in time. Fighting barbarous hoards and doing it with class.
* Another tranny priest! *
Fighting for Blood
He was an artistic man who owned everything, who had a a phobia of snakes and nothing to lose. She was an acne scarred psychopath who pushed Rod Hull off a roof top in 1999 making it look like an accident and needed to feel like a woman, but that couldn't be him could it?. Together they were the best darn couple on campus. Fighting the devil and protecting the United States of America from the rise of communism.
* Let me get this straight - an acne-scarred TG psychopath meets up with an artistic man, and they make the best couple on campus? Imagine what the other students must look like...ugh! *
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
another real fun site
Not very related to the above but I go here all the time.
It's like fingerpainting with your mouse (poor critter).
That big empty square you'll see is your canvas,
and you left click to change color...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Wow, what a trip and a half.
This really rocks! Spatteringly Yours!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Tutto il mio apprezzamento, cari, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena