Just This...

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December Seventh, Ninteen Forty One

I drive all day for a living and I listen to the Radio while doing that. The one thing I notice today was hardly no mention of the 7/11 of our Parents and Grand Parents, "Pearl Harbor" and the start of our part in WWII. This was quite unusual as this being a Navy/Marine Town and at that time was also an Army Town Too! Richard


You know...

To be perfectly honest I didn't think there was anything special about today besides the fact that it was Cyber Monday. Pearl Harbour certainly didn't occur to me, than again maybe it's because I'm not from the States?

There are other catastrophes on this date

There was an exceptionally destructive earthquake in Spitak, Armenia - 1988.
There was a mourning for the fire that took more than a hundred lives - just yesterday, 2009.

And, to balance it all (or to top it all) - I was born on the very day of the earthquake I mentioned! That's right folk - 7th of December is my birthday!

And so you never forget, that even on the blackest days, there is something else - and you just have to find it.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

Happy Birthday!

Today is also my mother's birthday, and (we found out tonight when he brought her by; thanks for the heads up... >.> ) that of my brother's girlfriend. ^__^



Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"

Pearl Harbour Day


In Australia the day is commemorated right around the country and we don't forget who our friends are.
It is also the day that Admiral Yamamoto said"I think we have
awakened a sleeping giant",and he was not wrong.A day of infamy
and treachery of the first order.I was 8 years old but I still
remember the fear that it generated.


Pearl Harbor Day

I truly hope this day is never forgotten. We don't seem to 'Remember the Maine' or 'The Alamo' or other events that brought us all together as a nation. Even 9/11 hasn't inspired the kind of national togetherness I had hoped it would. And it is so fitting that I can sneak beneath the comment of one of our most ardent allies during that terrible time in history.

Mea the Magnificent