Girl to boy, the heart break.

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This is heart breaking. I feel so sorry for them.




Puddintane's picture

The true horror is buried down toward the bottom of the article:

>>> Until the sex-change operation is completed, Palestinian officials won't change the gender on their identity cards to "male," thus restricting their access to higher education.

Whilst it's very sad about the boys, we seem to see here that half the population lead blighted lives, those who look like girls without the "blessing" of a genetic anomaly that identifies them as future men, and therefore important enough to educate, and who have no partisans ready to launch international appeals to save them from the tragic fate of being treated like every other girl in Gaza.






A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Genetic Problems due to inter marriage.

Oh, I expect that they were relatively happy as girls and did not even know about the real problem. I have lots of friends from the middle east and one of the guys told me that Sicle Cell Anemia is a big problem with Arabs. I'd known that it was huge in Black people. I had also known that in Saudi Arabia, gender changes are done at 40 times the rate of the population in America, and had surmised that the reason was the the women get sick of being treated so badly and change to Men. Most of them are FtM.

I haven't and won't stop being Muslim, but I can sure see that there are problems in the ranks.

Best wishes

Khadijah Gwen

Something else missing also

... Now why is it there was no mention of any of the 'girls' as feeling gender dysphoric and that the puberty change finally made them feel right about themselves ?

I betcha some of these ex-girls in their heart of hearts might have wanted to remain girls. But in that society, where the male sex is everything, the ex-girls must feel it is a step up. Which like Puddin' said is pretty damning of there culture and religion.
