So i haven't wrote a iota about anything those last days. At least not on my stories here, and very little on those other story's I, stupidly enough, promised to finish elsewhere. A promise made?
But those story are becoming sooo big (It's definitely the stories fault, not mine. They just don't want to finish. Yep, I think they are 'fighting back'?). And as I only use two fingers writing I'm expecting them to soon enough just be stubs of their former existence, the fingers that is, well maybe the stories too? If I don't continue writing them that is.
But I will write more and I'm pleased that some liked the teasers. Eric have helped me correct some wayward expressions of mine, directly copied from my own language, and i hope it is more correct now.
And another thing considering my first 'blog' comment. I think Angela was right, I didn't consider the impact on readers as well as I should have. On the other tentacle, sometimes you get angry. And that said I hope you will forgive me, possibly?
Hmm, seems I made a 'Freudian slip' here :)
Ah well. I've corrected it, better late than never..