Hi all,
Just wanted to tag in and not be the stealth reader I have become recently. I am 3 days from becoming divorced and stress and relief are warring equally at this time. My therapist is certainly earning her money these days.
I am blessed with the friends I have found: here (at this site), in the TG community, and surprisingly (for me) among the general population. There are so many people who have gone out of their way for me and I am not only a better person for it, but also humbled and grateful. I am finding as I am true to myself, open and loving, so people react to me. It is much different than I thought would happen. I am happy to say people are people, and yes some are ... not the nicest to be around, but for me I have been treated respectfully by most, and encouraged to be me by them also. (Mind you this is Boise, ID so this says much in many of my family's view.) Me, I think I have come to realize most people are accepting if given the chance. On the other hand I have been told I have melted a few cold people and they are very nice to me, but chiller to others. What I do know ... I love being true to myself, and pray that others will only give me the opportunity to be accepted. It appears to be working. I do know it is a gift given, and nothing I have done, and without it I would not be where I am today.
I am finally off all my meds but anti depression so that is great too. I started the year with a squeak and it looks like I will finish with grace and blessings.
My sister is graduating Basic Training this Friday, and hopefully I will see her in two weeks. My what a roller coaster ride I have been on.
Please keep me in your thoughts. Friday is going to be a long day. I do know I get to keep seeing my child, and he is accepting of me, and that is the most important of gifts to be given.
I love you all. Please, please, please ... (oh dear the tears and happiness begin anew. I do love my emotions but sometimes think I go overboard on my emotional side. Nay, I wanted this for so long. Okay I am rambling). I wish we could meet each other, have a few hours to break bread, share our joys and sorrows, and grow closer as a family. As it is, thank you for the gifts of stories, comments and support we share with one another here. A special and grateful set of hugs to our support and founders.
This can be a blessing
To me, the ending of my old life felt like a horrible disaster at the time.
In retrospect, 5 years later, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) no longer troubles me; making my jaw hurt and breaking my teeth, Irriable Bowel Syndrome is a thing of the past, the nervous clearing of my throat is greatly diminished, people pay me a complement and I thank them rather than discount what they say, and I have somehow picked up a British accent that people say they find adorable.
In spite of the fact that I still do not have a man in my life, I am very happy. There is life after the big D, though things may seem awfully dismal right now.
Many Blessings
You're only a few hours away from here (Salt Lake City). ^__^
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Well She is only 30 minutes north of me ^^
where I am at in Utah ^^