I am puzzled. Please tell me why?

I have noticed that the stories being written in The Home That Love Built universe are receiving considerably fewer hits and comments than I feel they deserve. Are they not exciting enough? Are they TOO full of emotion? Do they perhaps, strike too close to home for most of you? Am I expecting too much?

Please understand, I am not complaining. I never dreamed that the quality of stories written for my fledgling universe, my dream, would nearly as good as it is. To me, they embody exactly what I hoped for, very real, very emotional, very very professionally written and marvelous studies in what is, not what we wish it to be.

I understand if they are TOO real for many and if that's the reason for the low hit totals, I can deal with that easily. What saddens me is that the stories are wonderfully written, with engaging characters and have remained true to what I asked of the talented authors who, so graciously and skillfully, have portrayed the stark reality of the world we live in, yet are almost consistently in the lower hit totals.

I am NOT begging for more hits. I am merely wondering why this is so and if there is anything I can do, or ask from the authors, to improve their counts. I feel responsible since I am the one who came up with the idea for the universe and asked for others to join me in my dream of a place for T-girls and T-guys who have become homeless or have lost everything, where they could rest, recover, learn, grow, and put their lives back together in an atmosphere of love and understanding. Speaking of reality, we have one of our own facing just such a situation of being made homeless, Jengirl.

I want to, again, thank from my heart, the authors who took up the challenge of writing something real... sometimes frighteningly real. I know that most of TG fiction is wish fulfillment and fantasy, and maybe the thought of facing what is, instead of reading something that offers a sweeter or better view of being TG is the answer to my question. Certainly life has been unkind to say the least, to many of us and we might prefer our reading materiel be more entertaining or less scary.

I also thank those who HAVE read, commented and, until recently, voted for, the stories. My aim in starting The Home That Love Built universe was two-fold. First, to bring to fictional life a dream of mine, and many others, of a place like it. My second purpose was to, hopefully, implant the idea of such a place, in the mind of one of us who might be fortunate enough to win a big lottery, or who might have the financial and other resources that would make such a place, real. I know that might seem very Pollyanna-ish, but I know of no other way it could happen.

Thanks for reading this blog entry, and I do seriously want your responses, good or bad. Should the universe continue? Or should it just quietly go away? Can the stories be improved to have more interest in them? Should they be improved? CAN they be improved? I've done very little in my life to really make a difference and maybe my hopes that this universe will make any difference at all in real life are silly and unrealistic.

Hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel

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