... where should Serenity ... my Serenity, with Wash-as-Linda and all of the crew ... go from here?
For those of you who missed it when it fell so quickly off the front page, the last chapter of the second book can be found here. But now that we've reached a good stopping place, I'm curious as to whether folks want me to keep going.
As much as I love writing about Mal, Zoe, Inara, and the rest of the crew, the Firefly stories do take time away from other projects, like finishing The Hardest Battle or writing new Tommy Browder, Stark, or Bishop stories. So I'm asking ... you Browncoats out there? Do you want more? *grins*
It's time
for all Browncoats to rally and be heard. MORE!
redman consider me rallied.
consider me rallied. randalynn, it is way past time for a new linda as wash novel. i know i am being pushy and i don't care. your work is to good , not just to stop, it is too good to slow down. take us all into the black together. redman
No say it ain't so!
You've got to continue....
Me likes, and gotta to know whats gonna happen next!
If you 1st can't get them to agree, then cut them to bits...
You don't ask the easy questions do you? I enjoy all of your writings. However I will admit to a special love of your Firefly Fan fic. It is extremely good. Then again I your other stories too. If you have another cool port for Wash to pilot us to, I say go for it, otherwise we can wait.
I like them all, Randa but I fear ...
if you don't get back to the older ones they may *wither like the Earth plums we saw on the observ-o-scope," as the Rigilians said in one of the Tree House of Terrors Halloween Specials of The Simpsons.
You got Stark to a good resting point for now though a resolution for her fellow victims and herself is yet incomplete as is she. IE will she manage to find a way to become a mother, in other words a complete woman? Can the minds of those who were worst abused be made whole and for that matter their bodies? Will any of the villains ever make amends/find redemption? And so on.
I would argue The Hardest Battle is in most need of completion. The others, including the tantalizing glimpse of Bishop and even your very first heroine, Becca from No Obligation, can wait for a bit.
And Til Human Voices Wake Us could use a sequel, assuming you can write a worthy one -- wink -- That was one dammed tightly written one-off. Perhaps the mom making amends by exposing all she and her sister did to mutilate and reprogram her child but in a way that shields her abused child from the hounds of the press.? Seems the forced to be daughter never got justice other than her mom self imposed penance. The twisted sister of mom got off Scott free and who knows who else she has/is harming?
But then one is at the whim of one's muse.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I trust your vision
So while I would love more adventures of the good ship Serenity, I'd say to write whatever is burning brightest in your imagination....
Altho' I am curious about Bishop; because there's been only the one story & I'd love to learn more about this character & her pals.
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
More Please
I was going through
Favorites links today and found browncoats.com......Made me instantly think of your fanfic again and get itchy for more. No pressure, just a nudge that you are not forgotten. BTW, I typed Randalynn into google search a minute ago, and YOU came up first ahead of a bunch of other things.