Check this out... New Sniper Record.
That is amazing, to be able to hit not one but two targets at that range. Dayum!
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Check this out... New Sniper Record.
That is amazing, to be able to hit not one but two targets at that range. Dayum!
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Great shot.
I appreciate that Cathy from EAFOAB prefers a bow and arrow when necessary. However she should be aware that Accuracy International, who make the rifle, is based in Portsmouth, not far from the University. She could pop in next time the Russians, or the press, cause problems.
Just a thought.
Anne G.
I won't demean the poor fellow by saying they were luck shots. I was reading a story a while back; can't think where; in which the sniper waited for the impact of the first bullet to pull the second shot. I think the range was approaching a mile or something.
GAD, it was over 40 years ago when I last shot a combat rifle, but I seem to remember that we were to pull our next shot as soon as we got sight picture. It is amazing to me that the poor fellow was able to do it with two broken arms ... Must have been the lower arms?
Much Peace
That story
Is Arecee's Assasin. So far it has two parts and is still ongoing.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
The skil and even luck required is almost unbelievable. Reading the wind, breathing control, trigger control etc. And for the second target to expose itself after the first round hit is unthinkable. I can only imagine the idiot awakening at the gates and thinking "I can't believe he was that lucky, or I was that dumb"
3 seconds?
Well, just guessing that the bullet started out around 3000 fps, so the shooter should have had 3-5 seconds to get back in position before it hit, and perhaps it could have been 6-8 seconds before his buddy even heard it.
Who knows, maybe it was recoiless ,or had a Muzzle brake on it?
I better shut up, don't want to get the gunnies aroused. :)
Killing people now constituents a world record? They actually have a record for who can kill from the farthest distance? What the fuck do they think this is a game?! These are people's lives at stake, regardless of the fact they are the enemy, no one should be proud of the slaughter of human lives in my opinion but I'm a pacifist so yeah... I know war is necessary, and so is *shiver* killing but I cant acknowledge that the military would treat this like fucking grand theft auto. What do they get points for it or something? I prefer General William T. Sherman's statement on killing, "War is HELL". And this is coming from the guy who slaughtered probably the most people during the civil war. Also just to be clear, I'm not targeting anyone's statement, I'm targeting this army for being such knuckleheads ><
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
What is impressive is not so
What is impressive is not so much the fact that he killed two Taliban soldiers but rather that he was able to aim an hit a target over a mile and a half away. That is impressive in and of itself.
We are the change that will save the world.
We are the change that will save the world.
I see
Not to be rude to the shooter person, but still it doesn't interest me ^-^" I've never been big on stuff like this anyway, Ijust needed to get that out of my system, I didn't intentionally direct that statement over to anyone here so if I offended anyone I'm deeply sorry mew.
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
If they couldn't treat it as a game...
If they couldn't treat it as a game, how could they do what they do?
I can see no difference between us mourning the body of yet another poor kid brought back from Afghanistan, and the mates of those two people going back to some village to tell the two sets of parents that the evil invaders of their country have killed their children.
We've created enough shit in the Middle East. Let's get talking to resolve our differences, because we're never going to win this by killing each other. All that does is keep the hatred alive.
have fun talking to the Taliban
and good luck with that. What you see as "differences" that need to be resolved they see in terms of righteousness (them) and wickedness (everybody else). This is something the everyone says about the enemy in every war, but sometimes it's true. They're not interested in what you have to say, your wants & hopes and desires, but only if what people do pleases God, and they have some very strong opinions about that. As far as they're concerned there are no "human rights", only the laws of conduct from the Quaran, as they interpret it. See the 2003 Afghani film OSAMA (a film that couldn't have been made when they had control of the country...) for what the Taliban are all about. You'll love it, it's transgender- about a little girl and her mother who are starving because as women they are not allowed to leave their house, so she dresses up as a boy in order to be able to go out and work, until she gets drafted as a child soldier by the Taliban, but then she gets discovered, and then tried for the heinous sin of walking down the street, and her life is only spared (if you can call it that...) when she is given to some nasty old puke who doesn't have enough property of the female persuasion and wants a thirteen year old wife ("Mmmmmmm, tasty!") to break in...
I would only hope that if kooks like the Taliban ever took over this country some foreign power would come in and stop their oppressive reign before they executed me as an abomination to their God. And if they tried to regain power, as the Taliban are even now attempting to do in Afghanistan, that those foreign troops would try to make sure this didn't happen, and had snipers as good as the guy in the article. I don't rejoice over the killing of anyone, but insane criminals who only want what they want and have no regard for anyone else are hard to sit down and reason with, and using snipers like this is a far more measured response with a lot less wear & tear on the innocent noncombatants than say carpet bombing the whole place would be.
All I can do to make this screwed up world a better place is to pray for peace, to work for the rights of all in my small petition-signing and writing-my-representatives kind of way, and to try not to be a Taliban about it when I find myself in disagreement with someone, to not demonize them in my mind just for the views they hold. But when their actions cross the line into tyranny or genocide then meeting violence with violence is a sad and horrible necessity.
~~~peace, Laika
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Who suggested it would be fun?
or even easy?
But seeing who can kill more of their opponents certainly isn't fun either, and it's an attitude destined to end in disaster. If you cannot win people's minds in a battle they think is more more important than life itself, you are condemning the western world to never-ending terrorism, and body bags of young men continually returning to our lands. Is that a better alternative than talking?
You may think so; I do not.
Man shall not live by bullets alone.