Hi again everyone! Guess what? Once again I've traveled all the way around the sun! You know what else? I've had some good company on the trip. So much has happened in this last orbit. My Southern Comfort Conference Scholarship, the amazing time there at the conference and many other wonderful things. There has also been the sad ones of losing both our beloved dog Delta and our cat Zoe. I've learned more about myself and the harm I did to myself. Denial is more than just saying no or refusing to admit certain truths. It's taking a vital part of yourself and warping and twisting it so you can pretend to fit in. It's a harm that I did to myself I'm still recovering from. I'm paying the price now with a poor record of employment due to depression, anxiety, and what have you. At 49 I'm not old, but I'm certainly not young either.
So what can I do?
I can celebrate!
I've made so many good friends and every year, day, hour, second I'm alive things can change because I want and am working to make them change. I have those good friends yelling and screaming at me when I stumble just as I do the same for them. If nothing else we're having a good time venting!
So here's my birthday cake presented to all of you in virtual form. Please have a piece. I'm virtually certain we'll have enough for everyone
PS: This marvelous cake was baked by the wondrously talented Michelle. Photographer's credit goes to the incredible Understanding Spouse.
The Cake Is Not a Lie
Sorry! I couldn't resist. That cake looks great! I'd almost hate to take a bite, if it didn't look so absolutely delicious.
Happy One More Revolution Around The Sun Day! :-D
   When will my reflection
   show who I am inside?
You know what the best part of virtual cake is?
It's always your favorite flavor! ;)
Happy Birthday! ^_^
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
De Nial Is Not A River In Egypt
Happy Birthday Grover,
That must be an Irish cake. I ate it all and it reappeared!
Happy Birthday to you
best regards to you too! You look like a muppet and you act like one too!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
super grover
so true, its you!
49, your just a child chronologically speaking
When you get to say my 52 or like some persons *I* know from Texas, 53 -- sorry I forgot to say Happy Birthday earlier this year, Dr Pepper Gal -- now your talking maturity.
Then you turn 83 like my dad and enter your childhood again. All of this April driving SOLO around the Iberian penninsula with his French and Spanish learned from early 1960's LP language records. Didn't have any Portugese records that I know of.
He made it back alive and we are not a war with any country I know of that he visited. So far so good.
-- snicker --
An Irish cake? Is that like the bottle of Guinness or the Irish whiskey that magically refills each and every time you empty it so the Irishman who gets it from the Leprochan/genie says " I'll have two! " I remember the late Dave Allan doing this joke.
Grover, hope all is well with you and the Understanding Spouse.
I hope you fly better than SUPER GROVER. He crashes alot.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Happy Birthday Grover, My Love!!!
I'm glad everyone is enjoying the cake. My friend at work, Michelle, agonized over the cake ever since I gave her the pictures from which to draw inspiration. And that was about a month ago. I think she did a fantastic job for not being a professional cake decorator.
There should be some virtual ice cream to go with it somewhere around here.
GROVER!!!! Did you eat the ice cream?!?!! I told you to save some for the guests!! *sigh* i guess we'll have to go to the store to get some more...be right back...
Paula Young
A life lived in fear is a life half-lived
A VERY Happy Birthday to you, my dear friend.
You and Understanding spouse made MY trip to Southern Comfort just that much better for your hospitality and kindnesses to me. You have both passed the bounds of friendship and entered the territory of family. So let it be written, so let it be done.
God Bless you both.
huggles and lotsa love,
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.