Here I am, trying my hardest to right the next 'Fog' chapter, which Gabi likes to call 'The Green Frog (Kermit)' and I can't concentrate.
It's not writers block, it isn't lack of inspiration or is that perspiration in my case? It isn't anything to do with the fact that the lawn needs mowing and I should really do something about washing the car.
No, its that damn tune going around my head again.
We went to Disneyland Paris some years ago and I loved it - being an honorary ten year old in mind if not in body. I went on many rides but not the ones that make your tummy go flip flop - I don't like those. We went into a sort of movie theater sponsored by Kodak I think and saw a cool screening of Honey, I Shrunk the Audience! before that, they showed a preshow film as an advertisement for Kodak and it used Cyndi Lauper's True Colors as a backing.
After that I was humming it for ages, my sig other kept giving me looks though so I had to stop that.
Then we went on a ride that was called, It's a Small World. as we gently went around the ride it was nice and relaxing and then that song started - It's a Small World; repetitive and so sweet it should have a government health warning for diabetics at the entrance.
That song removed the much nicer True Colors from my mind and replaced it with something altogether more sinister that should never have been allowed to assault my brain.
How many kids and adults have been afflicted like this over the years? Are there other poor souls going around with that damn tune going around and around in their heads? Is it a Disney plot with some sort of subliminal message that the best code breakers haven't been able to fathom out? Why does it keep coming back to haunt me several years after hearing it just once?
I'll stop now and have a lie down before trying to work out if our kids can swim across to Dunoon or something before the dreaded Kirmit the Frog gets them.
'It's a small small world'...........stop it Sue!
Oh no not again!
Your blog reminds me of a Muppet Show episode where they were singing THAT song and the HUMAN star was going wacky and tossing Muppets all around the stage.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
If you're
looking for Kermit inspiration you should download "Rainbow connection."
Bailey Summers
It's Not Easy Being Green
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
And then again...
Mairzy Doats
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
The Game much?
And you are right - the previous song was so much nicer.
Of course, you can just go to youtube and start listening to One Winged Angel - as an alternative.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
If you ever have the opportunity to see Cyndi live...jump at it! She always sings 'True Colors' and on rare occassions she can hit a 'high C over' at the end which simply sends chills up and down one's spine!!! She also has, of late, started playing the dulcimer in accompanyment which gives the tune an even more haunting sound. Cyndi rulZ!!!
Mea the Magnificent
BTW...there's a score of Cyndi's stuff on YouTube!!!
Truly Addicting
I live in Florida, and my parents (mainly mom - dad died too soon) lived in Orlando, so we went to Disney World quite often or the kids visited grandma and went several times a year. Most visits to Disney included a trip along the Small World Canal, and yes that song is quite and truly addicting.
So Sue perhaps to get over the writers block, think of another Disney Ride, like "Snow White's Scary Adventure". Just seeing the wicked old hag with her apple is enough to scare you straight. Perhaps she's the source of the Green Fog.
There's a cure
Go to Disneyland and get a job there. Ask to work in the toy kiosk nearest the It's a Small World ride. After about 40 hours, the song has no power over you!
The coolest thing is you become a carrier and can infect other people at will. It's like being a superhero. Or supervillain. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
It's so insidious,
One year we visited the ride at the original Disneyland and the sound system quit just as our boat left the landing. After about 10 seconds, everyone on all the boats were singing it!
The only thing more grating on my ears than this song, is the sound of some guy with cast iron ears trying to teach it to his granddaughter. By the time the ride was over I was about to scream, "Give me Mozart!"
Bad Craziness on a Boat Ride
My favorite parody of Disney's IT'S A SMALL WORLD ride (the only one I know of, actually)
and that mind-numbing song was when the Simpsons went to the brewery/theme park Duff Gardens:
~~still around, sort of. Hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
oh just great
....Now I've got the tune in my head. ;)
Could not resist...
... it's a small world after all.
It Is Insidious
Don't think about bananas.
I so shouldn't laugh, but I
I so shouldn't laugh, but I have to. That is one of those songs that I always break out when someone tries to get a bad song stuck in my head. The trouble is, it also gets stuck in mine as well, so it's a tradeoff of torturing them while torturing myself ;-)
I find something hard usually fixes it, or failing that, Hotel California cures all :-D
Ear Worm
My ex-girlfriend used the term "ear worm" to refer to what you're talking about. It's the worst.
When I get a song stuck in my head, I take that to mean that I haven't been listening to enough music. I can usually cure myself by listening to random songs in my vast collection.
I hope that helps.
- Terry
Sue, it could and can be much worse ...
You said Euro Disney, ah that explains it. That *worm* or *mneme* has to be the President of France's favorite tune. But then he is an inch SHORTER than Napol ... Neapolitan? ... um ... who was that short French guy with the Napoleonic complex?
"It's a Small World After All..."
-- snicker, gufaw, giggle --
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Hey fellow Americans, remember the Viagra ads on TV that butchered Viva Las Vegas?
Thought that would get a rise out of ...
John in Wauwatosa