Jem...Chapter 215


Practice was good, really good it’s amazing how good you feel after taking a little time off and just enjoy life a little bit.

Honestly there’s a bunch of pressure off me too having come out to everyone here in the house too.

I mean it hasn’t changed things for me with like anything that I’ve been doing so far.

But it has changed the feelings in the house I think.

You know practice is kind of more fun when you have Molly and Carmen in front of us and dancing too.

And they’re having fun and we’re having fun.

Then we go from practice and the playlists to talking and messing around as we get to playing around with some of the other instruments that we have here now that I ordered.

Tambourines we have three of them now, The Harmonica which I can actually play, Keytar, The V-wing guitar and our newest toys a Star bodied electric in mustang red for Brooklynn who is really happy and she’s putting it through its paces.

Which leads to more playing and some song suggestions and we end up learning or we all end up learning and how to play one of my favorite songs which is *Hook* By Blues-Traveller. We do a run through three times making our own play style changes and I’m going through the lyrics over and over even with it being a song that I really like.

There’s as much work as there is fun in playing music even if we’re doing covers as part of our songs.

And then we’re playing some Train and some Jessie J. stuff just because we like both and we feel like doing them.

That’s such a big part of the charm about playing music for a living and that’s as much practice as there is and as much work that there is you like doing it.

Love it even.

I love the sound we make. I love the feel of the vibrations that come from the amps and travel through the floor. I love my fret fingers and string calluses and all of that.

And the other girls do too.

You can feel it in the vibe as we practice and play.

We get some good hours in of practice with everything for The Amsterdam and when we’re done we settle in with coffee and some leftovers and are doing some different stuff.

Kimmie on and off texting with Max while doing some school work. Mike and Brooklyn doing school stuff both and literally sitting together like they’re glued even leaning on each other and sharing a big mug of coffee.

Molly’s doing some stuff on the computer and that’s all over the place as she’s the Empress of tabs and has stuff going from like social media stuff for the bad to chat and she’s even doing some graphics with like designs for like leaflette posters for SLB and for the Halloween show that’s going on at The Cat and then there’s another for Sawyer’s Funrides.

Carmen’s online a little too but she’s stretched out on the couch sort of behind Molly and they have this thing where if Molly leans her head back it settles into Carmen’s midsection and that’s all sorts of adorable.

Rayne and I claim the loveseat we have and the end part of our coffee table and we’re pretty much just eating and picking at things as we go through our social media stuff and we respond to things and different questions and comments.

And we watch a few videos sent to us by some across the world garageband sort of fans from places like Japan and Germany and it’s not so much them being super fans but it’s girls like us. And we’re sort of like cross posting support for each other.

Which of course gives me ideas about maybe doing a live feed show with them playing here or us playing over there but on screen instead of travelling.

It’s really cool as it’s not just us talking about it but it’s us talking about how to do it and set it up and it’s not just us but everyone else following the threads as well.

I love getting involved with fans.

We kind of do all of that until it’s time to start getting ready to go and head out to The Amsterdam and that’s showering and then heading downstairs for Carmen to get us ready with wardrobe and hair.

We’re taking enough time too, getting it right is important too.

I’m rocking my light pink and it’s teased out with that signature look that I’ve been going for and Carmen has the clothes all set and I’m wearing faded skinny jeans with stressed tears in them and it’s real denim too.

Hey jeggings and leggings are fine but not for The Amsterdam and that kind of old school crowd and music.

People want real jeans.

Hecking I want real jeans.

I’m rocking it out with a wide white belt and a decent sized buckle and those rivet holes and I’m going with a pink band tee-shirt under a big v-necked work out sweatshirt with no sleeves and a black leather vest and matching black lace up boots that are about mid-calf with a nice heel.

Rayne’s wearing her go to black with a band shirt and she’s wearing it tight with a killer bra that is really showing off her breast size and she has black jeans, two belts in the whole crossed over style and she has this big sort of fedora like hat that’s this really nice black felt and gives her this sort of goth meets old rock Stevie Nicks look from like way back.

Brooklynn is going for the red band shirt and she has one of Mike’s brown flannel shirts on over that with the sleeves rolled up and Carmen pinned them so they’ll stay that way and that goes with jeans like me and she is doing that crimped hair style that looks really good on her and shows off all her length.

Roxy or Kimmie is a little different with her hair in a top knot and she has the whole braid thing going on down either side of her head and she’s wearing her own tee shirt with a moogle on it that’s drumming and there’s sparkles around it and she has black cargo pants on with a heavy belt and black cloth running shoes with those old school white soles.

The rest are going like they’re going for a rock show with Carmen in one of our band tees and leather pants and big boots and Molly’s going well her usual goth self but she has a new but like second hand grey fatigues jacket on with a whole bunch of buttons and badges for like rock stuff and old bands and new bands and LGBT+ things on it and Mike’s wearing a black shirt we have for him with SLB STAFF in it in big letters and our logo on the back under that and well jeans.

We call Dad and the others and then we pack our things up and we head out to The Amsterdam.

It’s really packed when we get there with the parking lot full and they’re turning over a lot of kitchen trade tonight too because we can smell it all coming from the kitchen vents as we pull into the back.

Dad’s there, Uncle Mitch, Max and his Mom plus Janey is there and Josie is there with her staff but she’s hanging with Jake and there’s a band already there on stage doing the first act?

Jake comes over and we’re sort of watching these guys play and they’re not bad a bunch of like older high school guys or early college types and they’re playing this cover that’s a bit faster and a bit less gravelly of *One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer.* By George Thorogood.

“Hey girls.”

I hug him. “Hey new guys?”

“Yeah we’re getting a bigger supper crowd on the weekends now so we’re adding another act in earlier then when you girls play. More people come when there’s tunes.”

“Makes sense, so when do they start?”

“We’re starting the first act at seven on Thursdays through Saturdays. We’re getting some of the local new people from town here and from a few other towns. Our rep is starting to catch back up with us as not just a place for food but for live music too.”

I can’t help but grin. “That’s awesome jake, seriously.”

“Well you helped get things off the ground and there’s a good sized crowd here coming to see you girls play as well.”

“Good, we’re here to play. So who are these new guys?”

“Scott Chase and The Travelling Pilburys.”

Kimmie cracks up at that laughing. “Oh my god, that’s so awesome.”

Jake’s nodding. “They’re from Little-river which is like some little place down the rail line out at Red Pines. They’re not half bad.”

I nod. “Good sound. Good song too, that’s something you can dance and drink to as well.”

He’s nodding. “I think I might see if they want to play here semi-regularly like you girls.”

“I would.”

Gets called away for something and we start getting into make-up as we’re listening to The Pilburys playing and then we’re up and getting our stuff set up and plugged in and talking to the guys.

Scott the lead singer seems pretty nice and he’s got this kinda cute local guy look to him with just this little bit of good funky something like you see with the guy from Train.

He’s good to watch and the band is good too. I like the sort of don’t care if we’re odd because we’re fun.

There’s some pretty decent applause too as they finish and we get introed up for the stage by the bar D.J. and there’s a really good response from the crowd there and we set up fast and we open the show right out with *Boots of Chinese Plastic* By The Pretenders.

And right off of that into *Hook* By Blues Traveller.

Blues Traveller is the perfect mix for the Amsterdam, it’s fast, light, old rock but right in that zone where it either makes you want to grab your drink or get up and start to dance.

And we follow that as people start to get up with the song with *Your Mama don’t Dance* By Poison which for all of the title is a very good dancing tune it has that sort of throwback to parking lot dances.

Then we follow that with one that gets everyone up and dancing from them with Poison’s *Talk Dirty to Me.*

And that one gets them singing too.

Then we’re playing our stuff with *Keep the faith* By SLB and then we follow that with *Who’d Ever Think* and then *Don’t Wanna* which is a great song to bridge over to some AC/DC and *T.N.T.* Which is another good and easy song to dance to. Like rock dancing in that jumping and bouncing way.

Yeah I know it’s all like super old school but it’s Ontario and it’s like this, there is certain old school music that never dies and it never goes off the radio and even on satelite digital it’s all still around.

And it’s The Amsterdam it’s an old school food and rock sort of place and crowd that comes here anyways.

Then we do *Raise A Little Hell* By Trooper and that has us play over into *Everything* By Starlight Butterfly and we hit that with a whole different take and sort of hit them with that kind of Bon Jovi vibe.

And that’s nine songs live which is pretty close to an hour and we stop for our break.

“Hey Everyone! We’re going to go on break and grab some of the killer food here tonight and it’d be a great time to do the same.”

There’s some whistles and cheers and we head out back and start getting cleaned up. Nearly an hour playing rock songs in a pub and under stage lights makes you pretty sweaty.

So while we might look good from off stage up close you sort of end up getting kinda messy. Plus the bathroom breaks we need and it’s just a good idea to get all the make-up off and to let our skin breathe.

We’re doing all of that when the waitresses bring the food and the drinks and it’s still really good and a lot of the new menu stuff from before so the skin on fries done with the herbs and fixings and the sliders and the kick booty onion rings.

It’s all really good and it’s getting it’s own taste now too like you can tell this is from The Amsterdam.

Once I’m cleaned up enough and sipping my tea I head outside to the bar floor and go over to our table of merchandise and i help sell some of our things while talking to people that are coming up and buying things there.

It’s surprising that we’re selling that much stuff here given how long we’ve been running the stuff and playing here in town but there’s still people coming over and buying things and a few more seeing me there come over to talk which does I think help sell some more things.

And I sign a few autographs there as well while I’m out there hanging out before heading backstage again.

People are fed and have had their drinks and had a chance to chill some and once I’m out in back again I use the bathroom and then we start getting back into our make-up and then another drink and we’re back out on stage.

“Hey everyone we’re back and I figured everyone’s just in the right mood for a little closeness. Grab your date and c’mon out here to the dance floor and rest your heart on theirs while we play you some good tunes.”

We open up with *Carousel* By SLB. it’s one of my favorite slow songs one that I wrote so people could slow dance to.

Then we do *Right here waiting for You.* By Richard Marx which is another great slow love song.

And then we switch singers as Raven takes the mic and she starts singing *Have I told you lately* By Rod Stewart but it’s Raven so she’s got this whole soft and sultry voice of hers going on and she’s even letting her french accent slip through with makes that all so much more hot and sexy.

It’s really gratifying to see how many people are up and slow dancing and that there’s a lot of people doing the lighter and lit phone thing too. There’s even whistles when she’s done and she starts singing *One and only* By Adele and she’s singing it to me.

Then it’s my turn and I sing *Destiny* By SLB to her and we’re really getting into it even though this was sort of the idea with our playlist tonight and all and then she returns the favor by singing *Billy Holiday* to me.

And I sing back to her with *Bring the Rain* by SLB and when we’re done with that we’re standing really close and we share an open and on stage slow kiss before Raven starts into. *Total Eclipse of the heart by Bonnie Tyler with me coming in as the counter vocals in it.

Then we share another kiss and I start into us doing. *Forever and Always* By SLB and then I take to the keyboard.

“Last song of the night folks, we’ve had a great time playing for you all and this one really kind of fits nights here at The Amsterdam.”

I start in with the keyboard and play *Home Sweet Home* By Motley Crue.

It’s a good night when you end it with people doing a mix of slow dancing along with singing alone with their phones and lighters up.

We take our time with it and let the song have this pace that’s all ours nd set for our voices and play styles and it works great for me on the keyboards and even better for Raven and brooklynn as there’s some great guitar in there.

There’s a good deal of cheers and whistles when we finish and Brooklyn starts our as always play out with *One for the Money two for the show.* By Trooper and that’s as much a signature for us as it is a shout out of Canadiana.

That’s another hour of music and that’s the end of the night here for the show and we all leave the stage to go and talk to people out in the crowd and help with our merchandise tables.

Scott and The Travelling Pillsbury’s stuck around to watch us and they’re doing the same too as things are hitting last calls and last orders for food and for take out.

It’s interesting working with them sort of until they end up leaving with the customers. I have a feeling that they’re nice guys but at the same time they had this vibe that they might have been hoping that some of us weren’t all hooked up or girl on girl couples.

I did point them to Josie telling Scott that “Band tee’s are collectable and they’re wicked word of mouth.”

I know sometimes I seem or sound commercial but these guys had nothing.

And they are good enough that they should be doing more with what they have as a band.

I think that they took it alright though because i did see him go and tlk with her before they all left.

We as always stick around and talk with jake and the staff as we tear down our stuff and they we help clean up and everything and then we do our nightlies and share out the tips and get paid.

And we’re talking at the show at The Cat and that we’re sorry that we won’t be playing there that night.

Jake smiles as he’s passing over the checks. “We won’t be left stranded we booked an old D.J. and we’ll be doing an old school monster-mash sock hop instead.”

“Good because we didn’t want to leave you hanging but we really want to do this gig. It’s going to a girl rock scene and that’s not something that we see here in town like at all and I’d like to put on a good show and maybe see if sales are good enough that this could be a yearly sort of thing.”

Jake nods. “It’d be good for the town too really since if something like that does happen it’ll mean food spin off in town and people booking places to stay for it.”

I nod. “Halloween is sort of the start of off seasons too with fall and winter stuff starting to happen and all the summer traffic and travellers slacking off. A little extra business would be good during the winter.”

Rayne leans on me hugging me. “Well we might be able to make a dent in that at Christmas.”

Jake looks at us. I shrug. “I’ve had ideas for downtown maybe with shopping but us actually having something like a winter carnival or something like that downtown to bring people in. It’s just some ideas and hopefully I can get to talk about that with the towns chamber of commerce.”

He laughs. “Well let me know because I’d be down for something like that too. I’ll throw my voice in with yours.”

We hug and we all head out and we head for home.

Tonight was good.

It felt like we’ve been away for longer than we have here but this felt good.

Which will help in the long run as we have a lot of things to do in a short, short time.

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