Jem...Chapter 151

Jem…Chapter 151


Brookskyn… Skank…Rat-fucker.

I get out of the van and others are getting out of their vehicles and I look over and I see Brooklyn and she’s standing at the side of her car with the door open and she’s red faces and she’s staring at the house and she’s crying and there’s tears running down her face and she starts to sob a few times and then she’s screaming.

“FUCK! FUCK, FUCKING COCKSUCKERS!!!” She’s pounding her closed fist on the roof of her car over and over and Mike’s out of his car and jogging over to her and Brooklyn wipes her eyes off on her sleeve and she hops into her car and she pulls out of the yard gunning it and spraying gravel and once her tires hit pavement the tires chirp and squeal.

We’re all looking at the scene still in shock for a second them Mike’s sprinting to his car and I hop back into the van and look at Rayne.

“She’s going looking for Randy and Danny!”

Rayne pulls out grinding gravel under us until we hit the pavement and we peal a black strip or rubber too as we chase after her.

*And Now…

I’ve been in fast cars before.

Dad is a mechanic and that sort of comes with the territory as well as a few of his friends and for a while there Dad was the guy they called to pick up cars that were totalled in like racing and they let him have them for parts.

These guys were like professional or like semi-professional drivers and Rayne…well Rayne is successfully filling in every stereotype about women drivers and French drivers all at the same time.

I’m actually holding on really tight as we’re following Mike and he’s following Brooklyn and she’s got it floored as she’s driving around town and only slowing to look I think at certain places where Danny and Randy might be at.

The first place was some dive bar place close to one of the fish plants and the second was this house that was like a half mile from there deep into the lowest east side of town. And as much as I’ve lived in Harper’s Point all my life this was one of those neighborhoods that a lot of kids that didn’t have to live here just didn’t go to.

It was called “The Fishhook” like in my Dad’s day and it was the poor and rough part of town with the welfare folks and the fish plant workers and other things that used to be here like there was a whole steel mill place or something here way back. Not one of those places that makes the steel and stuff but get the steel from the guys that make it and do stuff with it.

I guess that was a big thing down here with like highway bridge contracts and things for the railways like repairs and stuff. Then like the steel industry changed here in Ontario and the place just died off and it hurt things here and had like a ripple effect.

It’s a lot of really old homes and buildings and low rental trailers and places that pay pretty much next to nothing these days and welfare and well the not so great people that seem to live here too with the regular folks like Randy and Danny.

We go to like five different places before we see Brooklyn pull into this gas station with a side built store and take out and I see Randy and Danny’s truck there and they’re hanging with a bunch of people outside of it and they’re eating pizza.

She gets out of her car and I can see her yelling at both of them. “YOU CAN’T JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE CAN YOU!? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT!? I CAN’T HAVE A FUCKING LIFE FREE OF YOU BASTARDS!!!”

She has some girl that’s with them and the others in her face and she shoves Brooklyn back and away and Brooklyn punches her down hard and she hits the gravel and her brother get up with some of the others as Mike is running over with Kimmie.

I’m getting out and so is Rayne and Molly and Carmen and I see Dad and Uncle Mitch and Billy and Davey pulling in on the bikes.

One of her brothers says. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, we saw you and the rat bastard you’re fucking and the rest of the fucking crew you’re running with and we packed up.”

The other one says. “It wasn’t like the bastard running the place was going to cut us much slack anyways giving us the evil eye and shit and that was on you fuckers.”

Brooklyn glares at them. “Yeah well it’s awful fucking suspicious that we seen you and then that happens and shit.”

One of the guys with them smirks and says. “Aw Brookskank doesn’t like getting her come uppings and shit.”

One of the girls coughs. “Brookskin.”

Mike looks at the guy. “You shut the fuck up.” He looks at Danny or Randy I can’t tell them apart. “Well seeing how what she said was written on the house it looks like you did do it or they did.”

One of the two says to Mike. “Fuck you rat.”

The girl that said it says. “Yeah everyone fucking hates Brook, she’s a fucking traitor and a rat-bitch everyone calls her that.”

Kimmie slaps her. “I don’t that’s my friend!”

She punches Kim.

The girl Brooklyn slugged gets up enough to tackle Brooklyn to the gravel and The brothers and two other guys jump Mike.

Dad’s moving and Uncle Mitch and Davey and Billie are too and Rayne’s heading in and me I’m staying off to the side with Molly and Carmen and I’m kind of freaked out. I mean it’s not like this happening is something that I’m used to and there’s fists going everywhere.

Mike’s fast and skilled, I’ve never actually seen anyone do martial arts before other than in movies or on television and Mike’s ducking and then throwing someone and he gets a punch to the face and he falls but rolls right back up and did a leg sweep thing and then he did an elbow to a guy behind him.

It was that fast and he sort of did that jog step back and forth on his feet boxing like upper body thing and that’s when help came with Dad and them and it’s hard to keep track of it all.

Rayne’s pulling the girl off of Brook and she isn’t gentle it’s by the hair and there’s screaming involved and kicking too and Brooklyn’s getting to her feet and she yells at Rayne “Let her go!” and Rayne does but she stays close.

Kimmie’s fighting with the other girl that was there and yeah I know I shouldn’t be racist or whatever and expect Kim to know martial arts and stuff but I’m surprised at just how fisty Kim is with the girl.

Like scary girl tough, small and fast with drummer’s arms with all that hand eye and strength with boney little fists and she’s actually kind of beating the heck out of the girl.

Uncle Mitch yells. “Knife!”

Dad yells. “Chain!"

And it’s going so fast I see Mike stagger back after landing a few punches and these snapping kicks to the guy who mouthed off about Brook and that guy staggers back too and I see Mike touching his side and I see red…liquid red he’s cut.

Davey gets in between him and Mike and he sort of stalks into the guys doing stuff and the guy has a knife and he tries to stab Davey and he gets leather jacket and that’s pretty much the end on it as hit’s him and I see him reeling and Davey just like stepped in closer as the guy was still like head flailing and started hitting him.

I see it happening but not like all of it just the guy goes down after like Davey hits him like ten times and it’s all one sided? I never seen a fight like that, like where it’s just one way and the other guy didn’t get in a hit since the first one.

Billy, Wild Bill is doing the same and he dropped the guy that Mike shoulder threw and he has the chain and he was using it like a whip and he walked into the guys and started hitting them with the chain indiscriminately the guy he got it from, Danny, Randy and he was fast and just nasty with it going for faces and randy gets it swung against his hand and when he jump and rolls away from Billy, Billy uses the chain on their piece of crap truck and takes out headlights and then whips it hitting Danny? I still can’t tell but in the knee.

Brooklyn’s fighting the girl again and I hate to say it but it’s really a stereotypical girl fight with the screaming and the nails and some fists but more other hits and the girl takes a spray can out of her purse and she tries to spray Brook and it’s not paint but like Hair Spray or like body spray or something and Rayne pulls Brook out of getting squirted and she punches the girl in the face who lets out a horrible scream as she shrieks. “My Mosb! She bwoke by Mosb!”

I see her stagger back with her girlfriend who’s in about the same shape from dealing with Kimmie only her nose is fine it’s just the rest of her face and she’s limping too and bloodied.

Wow Moogles are dangerous.

The some guys from the Take-out comes out and hollers. “I CALLED THE FUCKING COPS!”

Danny or Randy is looking at us and the whole bunch of them are regrouping or more like retreating. “We didn’t do shit, we never went near you’re fucking house Brookie.”

She coughs. “Bullshit, those assholes knew…”

Randy or Danny says. “No cunt, we all really do like hate you. On the internet all the time and shit, being better than everyone from here, and choosing that an yer fancy school over blood. Shit travels Brookie and ain’t no one down here you useta know that ain’t thinking all the same thing and that’s yer fucking garbage.”

He spits and Billy steps closer and warns him. “Watch your mouth shitbird.”

“Eat my cock; you ain’t the only bikers here in town and shit.”

There’s a bunch of glares between them and us.

Brooklyn looks at her brothers. “I got the fuck out what was I going to do cook meth and do your fucking housework and shit for you? I left because I was tired of getting beat on by you too assholes whenever your last high fucking wore off and felt like taking it out on me.”

Danny, I think it’s Danny says. “Well we don’t fucking care Brookie, we don’t care enough to go after you and do shit. You’re a fucking traitor and you’re a rats whore but we didn’t do it because we don’t care enough…we literally like don’t fucking need you.”

The girl with the busted nose says. “Thabbs right skunt.”

There’s a few more standoff like seconds and I can here sirens coming and Randy and Danny load into their truck with the two girls and take off with the others that were with them in the car and there’s a…

SMASH!!! And the sons of bitches hit the front passenger side of our van and messed up the fender and smashed some of the lights too.

I’m swearing and Rayne’s swearing at them in French as they peel out of there and I see the strobes of the town police as they pull in with two cars and the officers that are getting out are the same town clowns that were on scene at the accident.

Maybe that’s what’s actually getting me mad and upset the most right now is that I’m pretty sure they’ll be just as helpful as last time.

Or not…tears are rising and there’s this huge lump in my throat as I see Brooklyn just choke and choke on the hurt and then there’s a wail and she sinks hard down to her knees in the gravel and she breaks down and starts to bawl her eyes out.

She just had everything she’s worked and fought so hard for thrown in her face.

Most of us are in some kind of battered shape and the house is still vandalized and we still have the cops from town to deal with too.

I look around and I’m not the only one that’s crying either…Me, Molly, Carmen, Kim, Rayne…we’re all crying because…because she’s Brook, our Brook and how can you not?

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