Jem...Chapter 146

Jem…Chapter 146


I’m the near last one to get to bed and I get my things for the night and get a shower and Carmen is passing as I’m out and in my sleep shirt and things. “I’ll do the wash; consider it part of the costume department from now on.”

I blink and look at her and I kiss her cheek. “Goddess bless you and I accept.”

She does a detour to get the shower things and the things from the hampers chuckling. She’s saying something in something that sounds like I think is Portuguese.

I’m pretty sure that they speak Portuguese in Brazil.

I settle into bed with Rayne who was in one of the band tees and she was up and waiting for me and reading one of her books and I slip into bed with her and snuggle up and she slides her arm around me and I settle up to her and get comfortable.

“Finish your chapter hon.”

“You want me to read it out loud?”

“Honestly that’d be perfect.”

It really was too.

*And Now…

I wake up and it’s early and yet the place is busy, and it’s loud and I’m usually the one that’s up first and I figured that Molly and Carmen might be up and everything and all but this is definitely Kimmie and Brooklyn and I hear happy laughter and I can hear Mike too and I roll over and look at Rayne who’s waking up too and she’s looking at me.

She has this I have no clue look. “Maybe we won lotto six-forty-nine?”

We’re not allowed to play, well she is since I think you have to be eighteen to buy lotto tickets and I look at her.

“Did you buy a ticket?”

She nods and then she blinks. “No…it’s in my purse though so they wouldn’t know and that’s not it.”

Okay now we’re both curious and we head down stairs together and they’re all up and in varying stages of getting dressed and ready for school and they’re all looking at the computers Carmen sees us and she’s smiling and she goes and brings us both a coffee.

“There’s Blogs and some really cool comments talking about you girls.”

“Us.” I say and she just smiles and push leads us to the couch.

I start to read as Molly is brings up our review page for Starlight Butterfly on our site. “Our site’s done?”

She shakes her head. “No but I have this done and I have been just loading these things onto here from my searches and things that have been popping up. I’m close though it the bigger framework ideas and things though we’re going to have to talk costs and stuff with IP’s and servers and all of that.”

I sip my coffee. “Okay…and it’s not done and you’re all freaking out because of…?”

Molly beams. “Yes just read it Angel it’s pretty awesome.”

***Terry David Finnegan for Good Rockin Ontario’s blog writes.

Look I’m an old radio D.J. and I do this blog as sort of a way to keep from turning into dust. I’m not even the one that actually does half of this it’s my granddaughter. No it’s not child labor either she’s 22. The thing is she told me about the show awhile back now and I was really leery of going to a place called The Pine Tree to go to a rock show and one that’s all for a group of young girls that are called Starlight Butterfly.
Really? Butterflies?
But the whole thing came up on twitter about the show and I decided to go with my granddaughter and haul my ancient bones down there and what did I find?
A goddamned good show.
I’ve literally lost count of the years since someone from any band big or small came outside the club and talked to the people there much less get a whole lot of us fired up and there’s just some little slip of a girl that’s talked a pop-culture almost retro shout out to some 80’s cartoon icon because of a shared last name.
She and their hundred pound soaking wet drummer came out and fired us all up and I was more than ready to see the show.
I was blown away.
One they’re musically talented but also they have intent-timing which means their cover flow from one to the next but they also blend with the bands original songs and I lost count at twelve songs of theirs last night and they rocked that Café.
And she came out and she signed shirts and anything else and sold her own swag and shared her fries with me.
I repeat the lead singer shared her fries with me.
I’m from this town and I’ll never look at a Wednesday night or the Pine Tree Café ever the same way.
Again “Café” and that’s only in the most accurate sense of things but last night I was thrown back to a time when rockers played anywhere that’d give them a stage. The Pine Tree Café was shifted back to that for me where you had a kind of classy place that after the day crowd went home to hide all of the night crowd would come to a different spot but the same spot.
It reminds me of the old school small venues in Toronto, Hamilton and Detroit.
Their song Billy Holiday says that they know a great deal of music to write something like that and their song Invisible took me right back to feeling like I was lost and alone and fourteen again and Oncology took me right there to the point of tears all over again in a different way as it called up a whole lot of loss.
The fact that they opened a second show and with a brand new never been sang before song was a real treat as well as watching and listening to classic covers including ‘Me and Bobby McGee’ as sung by the very talented Jem aka Angel Benton .
I could say and rave so much more about this but all I can say is come, come and check out The Pine Tree Café and come and see Starlight Butterfly”

***Big-Smoke-Mama Blogger Posted.

I’ll be honest SLB wasn’t on my radar really until Twitter and seeing the feed for Chapel Street Shelter. But you know after last night and the way that they put on a stellar showing with a media fattened crowd I’m going to see them again and I’m going to check them out a whole lot more you should too.

***Ruth Partridge from Red-Red-Pines Blog.

SLB was SLB at their best last night and I danced my ass off and screamed my ass off and I broke even in weight by stuffing myself with really great but really reasonable tapas and had a good buzz too. No cover charge meant a really big difference to for me and a bunch of us other cheap and broke people, not to mention Angel and Roxy came out to talk to everyone in line and were giving away free band tee-shirts for MPP like two hundred bucks of free shirts.

*** Jill Truman from the Ms. Truman Show Blog.

“Starlight Butterfly…I think I love you.”

*** Nicole Estabrooks from HPCC Clarion

You can actually do something somewhere in Ontario outside a mall or a major city on a Tuesday or a Wednesday night in Harper’s Point. This and other bands and places that seem to be going on here has me seriously considering Not leaving town. Greener pastures might just be here at home.

***Beth Jones from “The Jonesing’s” Blog page.

Starlight Butterfly is kind of like if Garbage mugged the Go-go’s.

***Henry Hawkins from Ontario Scenes.

I just saw a chick crooning A Whole Lotta Love.

Honestly I haven’t heard of any of them but there seemed to be people like that and I sort of think I remember the guy that I shared my fries with and was sort of older with a twenty something woman that might have been him and his granddaughter.

I think that he might have bought four shirts.

Rayne and I actually read through it twice before she has to get ready and go to work and she gets a print out of this whole thing to take with her and so do the girls and I’m grinning. Okay it’s not huge but this is pretty big.

As I go through the links there’s lots of comments of some of these blogs on their pages. I love the fact that Terry David Finnegan wrote like a serious fan piece and from looking at his blog he’s very critical of the stuff he sees and he hears and this guy travels to see stuff.

[Dear Terry, We just ready your blog for us and we’re all really thrilled at the great review that you have given us and hope that you will attend some of the other venues here in town with some of the other bands and performers. We here in the music community in Ontario and even here in Harper’s Point really wish to showcase things even more for our province and our hometowns.]

And then there’s Nicole Estabrooks mention of us on the blog for The Harper Point Community College Clarion.

[I love my Hometown and Harper’s Point Rocks, Pointer’s rock and we would love nothing more than to give Pointers a reason not to leave town. I know times are hard and jobs are hard but we’re part of a new economy if we work together. As hokey as it sounds it’s not just eating and buying local it’s partying and rocking local and making our place a place that people want to come to.]

And I LOL’d and send hugs to a few of the others especially the wild thing sort of reference on one and the whole Garbage mugging The Go-go’s

Rayne comes back and she kisses me all dressed for work and the girls have already left as well as Mike so it’s back to being just me and Molly and Carmen.

And there’s like a lot of tweets and we have like huge numbers and hits and likes and views for things last night on out Facebook page and our YouTube of the night and the whole thing with K&T was still going on and on with our Facebook page as fans were hashing it out and there was even fans of K&T on there arguing things back and it was getting serious feed like one of those things where it is one of those serious refresh things and you’re still not keeping track really.

I leave those threads alone because they’re way too opinionated and if Rayne wants to weigh in on things then she can but I kind of see a hard go of it with some of the K&T fans and the fact that Summer said that Rayne checked out of their relationship and that sometimes you have to just get out.

Summer did that and more but I think it’s just better to leave it for Rayne to comment on or not.

I switch over to the other things like our PayPal and our I-tunes stuff and I pay off our cover payments and then I look at Molly and show her.

“We have enough for what you need to get us all the IP stuff?”

She looks at me. “It’s all paid already.”

“You did that?”

“Nope I got a call this morning as I was doing it all up from your Uncle Bobby who said it was all covered.”


“So who is he? I mean they knew what I was doing online and stuff for this.”

“It’s the Adam thing with us helping Carmen and her helping us too.”

Molly looks at me and it clicks and she does this whole “Ohhhhh…well that’s a bonus, they really want this to work then?”

I nod. “If we look like we’re totally in business and focused on all of this then we’re not going to be looked at in that way.”

She nods. “Still that’s a lot of money.”

I nod. “It’s a big deal.”

She looks at me and I say. “If Adam’s that dirty then what does it say about the rest of them? It’s a way in for them to take a serious run I think at a really dirty family.”

She looks at the computers. “Well it’s likely government seized stuff anyways with a lot of dodgy companies and stuff online I’m sure there’s a digital repo system that they have or something.”

I shrug. “You’d know more about that than I would but it’s pretty likely.”

Molly grins. “You know I’m a little freaked out working for the man and big brother.”

I drink some more coffee and look at her. “Better Big Brother that then The Man if Adam and the Marshall Family is The Man.”

She nods and she passes me a notepad. “Carm did this up and it’s sort of a rough draft of the stuff that she wants or needs for her work and stuff for you girls.”

I look at it and I nod. “I have to go and do some banking and running around you two want to come?”

She blinks. “Me? Uhm yeah okay just let me get a few more things done and stuff and that’d be cool.” She sniffs herself. “And maybe a shower.”

“Well me too so we’ll get started?”


I leave her to it but I get all of my info that I need for the bank and Carmen’s willing to go and she goes and gets ready and I do too with a change of clothes with my light colored jeans and my inserts and it’s chilly so I go with my light pink sweater and sneakers and then make sure I have everything again.

Carmen comes down with Molly and they’re both looking nice with Carmen in a nice blouse and slacks with great chunky heeled boots and a jacket and Molly’s in her goth look but she’s wearing a corset with her skirt and military looking boots and black stockings with no rips or anything and she actually has either toned down the really funky make-up or Carmen’s been showing her some things.

Me I’m going with my reds and roses and pinks to do my eyes with liner and shadow just to sort of hint at the whole Jem thing and some light pink lipstick and I call Jimmy and he’s more than happy to driver us around for the day.

We head to the bank first and I do have an appointment since I sent my personal banker an e-mail and he confirmed it and we only have to wait ten minutes or so since he’s getting ready and everything.

I set up an account on a debit card with notations for costumes and cosmetics so we can actually write some of that off as a business expense and with the bank card like a credit card there’s purchase records and we can easily access those at tax time.

There’s actually a lot that we have to get and to look for and after that’s set up and the girls get their own accounts set up as employees of Starlight Music and Entertainment we head out and we got to the old mall first.

I like this Mall it’s where the Second Cup place I like is and it’s where I met Ian and Steve and it’s also when Mike walked into our lives and when he kissed me. Plus this is the mall with the cheap stores and the immigrant stores and it’s old and the tiles are permastained and it’s all sorts of awesome.

You know a place is old when it has a place called Video Lunatics and it rents DVD’s but you can also rent VHS tapes here.

Like seriously who does that? Poor people, older folks that still have VCR’s and they’re cheap too like three for a dollar for three days.

I mean they’ve likely been played to death and stuff but hey if people are still into them why not?

And there’s Dollar Store and Dollar tree and a Biway store here too and outlet places and Payless and then there’s Bargains Deluxe in the basement as well as The Bargain Basement.

Bargains Deluxe is an immigrant owned place and it’s like electronics and appliance and it’s anything from kitchen tools to chainsaws and home appliances from all over the world and definitely without warrantees.

There’s some stuff that you just know is garbage but there’s others that are just bargains and they’re for real.

Like I get an electric can opener for three dollars. I know I don’t need one but this is one of those older ones with the really good knife sharpener in it and we get a new iron for clothes and an ironing board and a big tool box thing with all those clear plastic pull out drawers for Carmen to put things in and we get her a couple of tackle styled tool boxes for taking to shows.

The Bargain Basement is actually an offshoot store of Sears and it’s been around forever. See sometimes damaged product gets taken back and all of that hassle but for a long time Sears and The Bay both had places where damaged product of mismade product found its way to a clearance store like this and they’d be just slightly off but still really useable too.

Mom went here all the time; she got half of Dad’s work stuff here.

Okay I have to laugh when Molly is getting winter jackets and trying them on and some of them are guys and black and she looks at us. “Winter is coming.”

Actually with a lot of these being between twenty five and forty dollars I get a cute ski jacket for this winter and I get a light tan and brown doeskin shirt that’s sort of a plaid jacket with a quilted inside and it’s really sort of big on me but it has snaps and a bunch of really big front pockets and the color actually goes good with me.

Carmen looks at me and she bursts out laughing. “Oh holy shit you are going full on lesbian and buying the flannel crap.”

I look at her. “I object I’m Canadian, I can dodge that cliché for the other one.”

Molly’s like. “Nope, you have to have the red plaid if you’re going to claim Canaucky status. It’s the hoser’s national color eh.”

They’re twenty bucks because they’re like two inches short in the sleeves which means their perfect in a way, still really long on me but heck with it I buy a red one and a green one too.

I also buy winter rubber boots the big green ones with the yellow/white bottoms and the liners to keep your feet warm.

Seriously warm’s better than fashion.

There’s a lot of stuff here too that’s just discontinued stock and we buy a whole bunch of things. I mean some of these things were like twelve to twenty in the catalogue for things like simple dresses and we’re paying five.

We get our shopping on there and then to other places in the mall after stopping to drop things off in Jimmy’s van and he’s napping in between our trips and we hit the other stores in the old mall getting a Singer Sewing machine and all the do-dad’s and the place that had the machine also sold hobby stuff so we bought lots of stuff there too for costumes and things. Then we hit Biway for cheap things like all those little accessories for like hair and make-up and all sort of other things and there’s a few cute things there too for me and Molly to get but it’s mostly Carmen getting stiff for us and what she plans on doing and she bought a huge amount of crafting stuff from those Dollars store places.

I got some killer buys at Payless.

I’m really not a clothes person but or I don’t think I am but all in the same I love being able to pull off a look, and I love being able to just look good and I’m seriously behind everyone else too and I need fall clothes and I need winter clothes and I need some more cute clothes and sexy clothes and shoes.

Okay, okay maybe I am more than I thought that I was but they were all cheap and they were all on sale.

Like really on sale and I… there’s part of me making up for the stuff I missed out on even if I didn’t know it and there’s this part of me that sort of feels that Jason’s life was my life but my life like on pause or something.

And I’m not saying shopping fills this void but me actually having stuff that’s mine and by that I mean Angel’s is kind of a nice thing to have.

Seriously I can only barely get though how some other much longer term trans people dealt or like deal.

We get our things and we did still pretty much fill the van and we head off for a few more stops.

Freebird Jams down on the east side of town isn’t that far from us and it’s the actual music store here in town in my opinion. It sells and repairs instrument and all the instrument related stuff without having to get things through the place in the mall up on the hill.

That’s the place that sells all the new stuff and all the flashy instruments and it’s okay and modern but it just feels.

Freebird Jam’s has all these things that you’d expect to see and never expect to see like parts for things and reconditioned instruments and there’s all sorts of vintage stuff there too plus there’s this side room with records and cassettes and even 8-tracks that you can buy and some of them for cheap.

I’m mostly pricing things and get some things that’s like pics and there’s a vintage mic set that I get and a few pedals and I stock up on some strings.

The guy there looks at us and then he looks at me and there’s this smile on his face. “Well ain’t this a little bit of awesome. Jem here in my shop.”

I blush a little. “Yes sir I heard that it was pretty awesome and it is.”

He grins broadly and he’s kind of sort of man-cute with the whole semi-guy-gut and beard and the long hair and he’s wearing shades and a bowling shirt so he has this sort of Big Lembowski’s The Dude look going on.

He stands and offers me his hand across the counter and I shake hands with him and he’s a player too with lots of guitar callouses.

“Name’s Murray.”

“I’m Angel and this is Molly and Carmen they’re in the band.”

“What do they play?”

“Molly’s our tech expert and Carmen’s costume and design.”

He looks at them and then offers to shake. “Cool nice to see a band that’s doing full on band stuff these days.”

I shrug. “It’s the only way to do it really, I mean if you want to have control of performance content and media content and everything else. There’s a lot more work doing it for yourself but there’s a lot more wanting to do the work when it’s all your own.”

I look at the girls. “Or like our own with things like the band.”

They sort of smile and they sort of blush too and Murray’s nodding. “Too true man, working for the man like sucks.”

I smile some more because he wasn’t saying man in that kind of ironic way he was literally one of those guys from that generation.

I set the stuff up on the counter and he starts writing it up like on a sales book or I think it’s called a receipt book with the carbon paper and everything and I like that. I mean I’d have no idea how to do that but it’s still pretty cool.

Sort of really old school and organic feeling maybe.

“So like anything else?”

“I was thinking that maybe Starlight could get an account here for our things? I’d like to actually have a place we can just come to when we need something or to have it serviced and stuff.”

Murray grins. “Cool, like no problem.”

He gets out another receipt book and he writes down on it Jem in big black marker. “Done.”

I blink. “Okay…cool, hey are you guys online?”

“Yeah well sort of my nephew like has a bunch of bookkeeping stuff here for us and we have like a website thing I think. You wanna talk to him he’s in the back? YO! Jamie!”

I wince and yet smile because it just sort of fits and some guys comes out with this cute hair that has all these curls on top but he has the side and back cut like super short and he’s got really thick glasses on and he’s wearing an old t-shirt from the band Devo and fatigue pants and he looks about twenty of so and he sees us and he stops.

“Holy shit you’re Angel from SLB.”

Murray actually says. “Dude…watch your ligus dingus there fungus amongst us.”

Carmen looks at Molly. “Did he just call us mushrooms?”

We laugh a little at that and Jamie blushes and Molly snerks. “Like Queen in French.”

Carmen gives her a funny look. “What?”

Molly says. « Nous Sommes les Champignons. »

And again the look of… “What?”

I’m giggling because that is like a really, really old joke. I finish and look at Carmen. “Queen did We are the Champions and Champignon’s is mushroom in French so it’s like hearing people singing we are the mushrooms.”

That gets some laughter from everyone and Jamie’s staring at me and it’s not just staring but checking me out too when I’m not looking in other areas and it’s really strange having that stuff happen.

I mean I get along with guys and there was sort of the stuff with Mike and then there’s Jake who I dunno he kinda sort of liked me but that’s sort of like maybe a different thing but yeah this is different. Jamie’s checking me out like in a guy way and that’s something I’m not used to. Or I’m not like used to it up close.

I take a breath and that makes him check out my chest and that’s…and he looks away and he blushes.

Okay blushing is good since it kind of makes it feel less like I’m getting sort of guy stared at in the wrong kind of way.

He looks at me. “Sorry it’s just you’re actually just really pretty and you’re kind of awesome too.”

Okay that has me blushing. “Thanks… but I’m just me and I’m a lot less awesome the more that you get to know me.”

Carmen’s like. “Nope, not really Ange you actually get like more impressive and stuff.”

Molly nods and she looks at Jamie. “Nope, that’s right she does and I think you’re doomed.”

Now I’m seriously blushing. “You guys stop.”

They’re smiling and Jamie and I am blushing both and I look at him. “I was wondering if you guys here had a web page?”

Jamie nods. “Yeah it’s fairly basic but we do why?”

I smile and I start going over the whole idea of the site and how we’re connecting all of the places that we play at and the other services that we us and that others can see and find and how we’ll do a small commercial and have it linked specifically to them.

Murray asks. “A commercial like what?”

I shrug and look around. “For here I’d totally do a song and have it like a video that they can only see when they click onto the link for Freebird Jams link on our site.”

“Seriously you’d do that for us? Like how much?”


Jamie looks at me. “So it’s what?”

I shrug. “You have a link to us for our page and stuff like that and then we just kind of hope it gives us hits on both and maybe us getting more business from it.”

Murray looks at me. “So like when?”

I smile and look around. “Now? Molly can film it and we can do a whole thing with like the set-up of the video and you can play with me if you want and that’ll like be really cool with like people seeing you’re like a musician too.”

“Cool yeah we can so do that.”

I look around. “Okay we’ll start outside to feature the shop and then we’ll do you greeting me and then you showing us around and stuff and then we’ll do a setup of the gear and then a song.”

It actually sort of like happens like that our shot as a candid video like for our Youtube semi-reality bites that we do for the fans but this time me talking and telling the girls about the place and how much I’ve heard about the place and that it’s the oldest music store and place to get instruments and waaaay more importantly repairs.

Murray greets me with a big happy. “Jem! Okay it’s like totes making my day to see SLB showing up here.”

“Well I heard it said more than once that Freebird Jam’s is one of the best places around like music wise.”

Murray grins. “Like completely , we carry all sort of instruments and parts and stuff plus like some cool new stuff but like classic new and we got like a lot of other stuff too.”

“Care to show me and the girls around? We’re definitely thinking of getting an account here for SLB.”

We film that and Murray’s actually losing himself in some of the stuff he’s showing us including things that I never seen like his legal sheet sized leaflet posters and it’s a serious collection in a file cabinet of the bands and stuff that had been here in town over the years and then there’s like autographs and stuff that he has on the walls like pictures of people that played her or bought things here and Robbie Robertson has been here and Stevie Nicks along with Fleetwood Mac and then there’s Randi Bachman in a photo in here and we’re getting shots of that and other bands I don’t know and wow… Iggy Pop was here too like from what Murray says was him getting out from the Detroit gigs.

And then we get to redoing the scene of us getting an account there and our things and Murray looks at us and me. “You wouldn’t like do us the honor of a little jam session here huh?”

“Sure actually that’s be an honor really so what do you want to do.”

He beckons me over and he puts in a cassette into his stereo’s tape deck and passes me some headphones and I’m actually nodding and dancing to the song in like not rehearsed at all and I’m smiling and I pull them down so they’re around my neck. “I can do this, heck this is kind of great.”

We get set up with a set of speakers and two vintage mics and then Murray with this really old and sweet acoustic and he’s playing and I’m sort of singing into the mic and Carmen has a tambourine as our drum. I’m sort of dancing in front of the mic with my arms out but my elbows in and doing that step but sway to side to side from the seventies and eighties thing that is like one of the most basic sort of girl dancing bits for like anything and I sing it like this singer did with strong clear notes and long lingering end lines mixed with rush-fast clipped end ones.

And we’re doing *Queen of Hearts* By Juice Newton.

“And I’m waiting on the twelve-oh-five.”
“Hoping that it’ll take me a little.”
“Further down the line….”

“You’re just heartache in disguise….”
“Won’t you keep my heart from breaking…”
“If even if it’s for a very short time.”

Then it’s suddenly Murray singing with me as we duet the Chorus.

“Playing with the queen of hearts!”
“Knowing it ain’t really smart!”
“Joker ain’t the only fool….”
“Who’ll do anything for you.!”
“Layin out another lie….I…”
“Thinking about a life of crime…”
“That’s what I’ll have to do….”
“To keep me away from you.”

“You know it makes you mad…”
“Why is everybody telling everybody…
“What you have done…”

“I know it makes you sad.”
“But when they’re handing out the heartaches…”
“You know you have to get you some…”

“Playing with the queen of hearts!”
“Knowing it ain’t really smart!”
“Joker ain’t the only fool….”
“Who’ll do anything for you.!”
“Layin out another lie….I…”
“Thinking about a life of crime…”
“That’s what I’ll have to do….”
“To keep me away from you.”

And then we’re into the instrument part of this and it’s me dancing a little and I’m picking up an electric we have there and it’s electric and an acoustic sound too as I play with Murray and Carmen’s actually doing really well with the tambourine.

“I know you’ve had a few…”
“But you hide your heart beneath the covers…”
“And tell ‘em they’re the only one.”

“And Others….”
“They know just what I’m going through!”
“And it’s hard to be a lover.
“When you say you’re only in it for fun.”

“Playing with the queen of hearts!”
“Knowing it ain’t really smart!”
“Joker ain’t the only fool….”
“Who’ll do anything for you..!”
“Layin out another lie….I…”
“Thinking about a life of crime…”
“That’s what I’ll have to do….”
“To keep me away from you.”

And this time we stop the guitar and its tambourine and its vocals only as we do another shot of the chorus.

“Playing with the queen of hearts!”
“Knowing it ain’t really smart!”
“Joker ain’t the only fool….”
“Who’ll do anything for you..!”
“Layin out another lie….I…”
“Thinking about a life of crime…”
“That’s what I’ll have to do….”
“To keep me away from you.”

Then me with the electric guitar small riff. And “Playing with the queen of hearts.”
Riff and. “Playing with the queen of hearts.”
Riff and. “Playing with the queen of hearts………..”

We actually end the video with all of us laughing and clapping together and taking a really impromptu bow at the camera.

Molly did the whole video with the camera on her tablet and she’s got this really great hand to it and there’s just this sort of really decent quality video but it’s also really rough-cut too like some of the best ways.

We watch it twice and Molly smiles. “That’s a great song really and when we get home and I should actually have most of this up soon really.”

I look at her. “How soon?”

She smiles at me. “If I stay home from the gig tonight then I can get enough done I can have it done by morning.”

I hug her and she’s blushing and we actually shake hands with Murray and Jamie and we get our things and we head out to the van and Jimmy and I gently wake him up from the nap he was taking while waiting for us and as he’s driving us all home I think he had the right idea as I’m yawning all the way home.

Jimmy waves off the offer to pay him. “No way not after all the good you’ve done and be doing for those girls in the shelter an others Angel like I said.”

I give him a huge hug. “You’re aces Jimmy, aces.”

We head inside and I look at the clock and I head upstairs and I might be able to do a couple hours of a powernap before the girls are home and it’s supper and rehearsal.

“I’m going to crash okay? Wake me when Rayne gets in.”

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