Jem...Chapter 94

Jem…Chapter 94

by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2013 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

Jem…Chapter 94

Chapter 94


Author's Note: Picture used with permission from *lavonia on deviantart.

Chapter 92

I take Rayne by her fingers and lead her into our room and I sort of push her gently towards the bed and I go and get a pair of fresh panties to slip on and then smile at her as I roll on a little deodorant and apply a little lotion and then take the bottle over to her and slip onto the edge of the bed.

I’m bare chested and I’m a bit self conscious in a way with out my bra and falsies and she’s just so…creamy pale in a gothy but good way DD’s of a seventeen year old girl. I’m impressed and in lustful awe and intimidated all at the same time.

And there’s some times when a girl does that long hair falling over her breasts thing that is just as beautiful or more beautiful than any bra or lingerie.

“Here let me rub you down?” I say getting closer.

“Oooh that sounds good.” She smiles and gives me the sultry eyes. “How do you want me?”

“Any way I can but how about you just turn around?”


It’s just baby lotion nothing fancy and I like the plain powder scent it has and I squirt some out and I rub my hands together and I start rubbing her neck and moving to her shoulders and a little more attention right there in the strap lines of where she wears her bra usually.

I wear one too and mine are nowhere as full as hers or likely have the same stresses but I do get why this should feel good. The sigh of approval coming from Rayne says I’m getting the right spots too.

“Hey lay down I can do this better.”

“Okay, this…this is nice.”

“Kind of the point we had a gig but you worked all day too.”

Rayne lies down and takes one of the pillows too so she doesn’t do the boob squish thing. I smile and slip over her back and actually straddle her and sit on her butt which is full and soft and yet kind of firm too and smile.

I hear her smile in her voice. “You’re so light y’know?”

“Well yeah I guess, and you’re surprisingly comfy y’know.”

“Comfy’s good?”

“Yeah really good.”

I add some more lotion to my hands and I start slowly up her spine with a slick push/rubbing stroke up into the base of her spine then sort of pull back and slide my hands down the same way.

Back and forth and pushing in with the pads of my fingers. I’ve never really given a massage before but I kind of know what’ll hurt and what should feel okay and where Rayne carries her stress…well like body stuff stress at least.

I spread my hands out and just slip my fingers back and forth kneading gently into that spot under the bra’s cross strap just a few inches down into the higher part of the small of her back until I actually get down there into the tailbone area. I massage there for awhile then back up into the just under that bra cross strap spot and rub there some and then I lean forward again and send my fingers sliding back up all the way to her neck where I spend a little time rubbing too.

Shower-rinse-repeat and repeat.

Okay I’m actually getting sort of into it and lost there for awhile just touching her. I mean when was the last time someone really, really deliberately reached out and touched someone?

Not sex but just touching to bring like comfort, to just I don’t know make things better?

Me maybe before mom died and she would touch my face and forehead when I was sick.

I’ll admit too that I haven’t taken the time to do it either before really, not like this.

“This okay?”

“Mmmmm…god yes, this is amazing Angel.”

“Well good since it’s my first massage.”

“Mine too. Summer…she’d have never have thought of just something like this.”

“I just wanted to…I want to be closer to you Rayne and not just sex…and not just the talk either but you give great talk and you’re an amazing lover but I want touch too…”

She sighs a long one but it’s a good sounding one. “I never would have thought of it either Angel. I swear this is just one of those things that keep stunning me about you.”

“Stunning you?”

Rayne nods into the bed. “Mmm…yeah, just when I think that I know you and have this handle on us and how great you are you end up either saying or doing something that makes me skip a beat inside.”

“Skip a beat huh? Then maybe it’s a good thing that I’m good at playing counter point then?”

She’s nodding again and she’s quiet for a little bit. “Angel…?”


“Keep playing for me….”


I reach over to my night table and shut off my lamp then I slide my hands up her back one more time but and slip them underneath her and around her and I bury my face into the nape of her neck. And I hold her tight to me and I roll us onto our sides and just sort of hold her close as I can to me.

I can feel the little shiver through her as I do like something unwinding and I kiss her neck. And I schooch us over further into the bed and I pull the covers up over us. Adjust a few pillows and I snuggle us close together.

“Nighters Rainbow.”

“G’nite Angel.”

I actually fell asleep pretty easily really it just felt good in a sort of a different way than some of the other times. With the fighting and playing and then getting back together and her coming to get me and that whole gesture she made out front of dad’s place…the gig, coming home, the bath, our lovemaking and the talking…getting stuff out there and yeah there’s more but it’s a really big start I think.

There’s only so long we can just “Be Good” we’re people and just because we’ve been afraid of stuff happening and being said and things not turning out perfect everyday and all fairy tale every day…

It doesn’t mean what we’re feeling isn’t good or that it’s not real it’s kind of opposite that I think.

Good or bad I want to feel, to live my life with Rayne.

I so get dad.

I get why he’d just give anything to just even fight with mom again.

These are actually pretty good thoughts as I drift off to sleep with Rayne.

…………………………………….We shift positions in the middle of the night after she went to the bathroom and came back. I wasn’t really awake but enough that I could sigh and smile in bed when Rayne was slipping her arms around me and holding me.

A definite happy sigh thing even that late.

Being held is good.

Being held and having a very warm girlfriend is really good. Okay now that I’m being really me I can admit to a whole bunch of stuff and one of those is I’m skinny, it’s likely really from my whole PAIS thing but I’m skinny and as a guy you don’t really complain about stuff like being chilly half the time.

Rayne is awesomely snuggley and warm.

Warm enough I didn’t notice her leaving bed in the morning as she got up for work until I heard Kimmie on the drums doing this drum solo….okay it takes me a few minutes to get the tune in my head right and it’s the theme song for that show Hawaii-Five-O.

Do you know how hard it is not to hum along with that when it’s being played out and she’s really killer with it on the drums sort of able to make drum styled substitutions for some of the other instruments that were used.

Rayne comes in dressed for her day at Wally-world and she has a mug of coffee and she leans over and kisses me and I kiss her back and it turns into that kissing that you do with someone that turns into smiles during the kiss.

I get this heady yes, oh yes sort of rush too from the scent of her. Shower scent and make-up and her perfume and everything else all together making her just smell really sexy and even toned down and stuff like she does for work she’s pretty awesome looking.

“Morning.” She says with a smile and slides the mug onto my hands as I sit up in bed.

“Morning, you should have woke me up when you got up.”

“You were sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you.”

“I could be helping out getting ready and stuff.”

“I can make toast Angel, besides you…(Kiss)…were…(Kiss)… too beautiful to wake up like that.” And she finishes it with another kiss.

It’s not the hormones not yet, but the kissing is making me giddy.

I wonder when I’ll feel something?

But the stuff she’s saying now and the whole water and steam thing…yes oh yes I’m still very yay over that.

I smile as we break our kisses and I sit and sip at my coffee a few times before setting it aside and get up.

“You don’t have to get up y’know.”

“No…I know that but I want to plus I want to get a jump on the day.”

“You do too much.”

“No…I’m a woman. I get things done.”

We share a grin and we kiss again….she does that tongue kissing thing again and I lean and melt into it and she breaks it. “Well it is one of the things I really do love about you though.”

“That I do stuff?”

“Yes actually, that you do and you want to.”

“Okay good it’s all part of my medical condition.”

“Being trans lets you get stuff done?”

“No…but being a PAIS girl does, me shuffling around and being busy and doing things so has to have some sort of nesting thing right?”

She smiles and shrugs. “I think that’s more of a Powers thing.”

“Could be but I still want to get some stuff done today before we get together this afternoon for rehearsal.”

I get up and I go and get my breast forms and do the ritual in getting the on and then a bra and I slip a pair of sweats on and my Ti-cats jersey and grab my coffee and head downstairs with Rayne and we get into the kitchen and I start grabbing things as both Brooklyn and Kimmie are doing their thing to get ready and I whip together some french toast and scrambled eggs and pour out the juices and then we’re all having breakfast together again and it’s fast and sort of rushed and it’s not at the same time and we talk about music sets for tonight and arrangements and stuff and a bit about me and Rayne moving in together, like in the same room and it’s nods from both of the girls about Rayne not being comfortable enough to really sleep in there and stuff.

Though Brooklyn cracks. “We ought to get a priest in and have the room exorcised.”

There’s a few snerks at that and Kim’s nodding. “No seriously it wouldn’t hurt to burn some sage in there.”

At my blank stare she smiles. “It helps ward away evil spirits and stuff.”

“Oh…okay?” I nod. Maybe I’ll look that up later.

The girls get as ready as they usually do and I head out to the van with Rayne and we do another few long kisses as she starts to get in and head off to work and I wave everyone off and I head back inside and I turn some music on from one of the computers plugged into the sound system and I listen to some tunes as I do the dishes from breakfast in the kitchen and make up a batch of bread dough and set it to proof/rise and I get another coffee and I go and sit out on the front stoop and just take some time.

There’s stuff I want to do today and I’m making some lists already and stuff and it’s just somehow a whole lot better if I take the time now to just watch stuff go by in the morning.

Honestly just watch and not think…traffic and sunshine and even just the birds doing they’re thing.

Just try it sometime and space out on just nothing for the space of a good cup of coffee…hey even if you’re like me and thinking all the time. Then just think about the coffee.

Seriously it does help.

I head into the kitchen and portion out some of the bread some for just bread and pan those and some for rolls. I have a muffin tin so I use that and then I do up another chunk that I roll out and I dig some things out. Leftover jarred spaghetti sauce, some fresh mushrooms that I dice up, some pepperoni from the last time we made pizza and some dried basil and oregano along with a drizzle of olive oil and parmesan and some pepper.

Sort of some improvised pizza rolls just to have something different in the house. I go from that to filling our water bottles and the juice bottles and getting those in to get frozen for the gig tonight.

Okay next I call our account manager to set up an appointment on his machine hopefully for today and I call our printer too to see when the rest of our order might be ready and then well it’s still early so I have to wait until people are actually open and stuff so I go through the house getting all the stuff for our laundry and the linens and start doing a load of wash.

Once the wash is on I grab the swiffer and dust and you dust before you wash and I wash the walls down again with water and some of that eco-safe tea-tree oil cleaner and I’m not doing the whole drudge thing but I like the thought of my place, our place being as far removed from when Summer was here as possible. And you can do a decent a quick job of it with a good sized sponge and a shammy to pick up the moisture after you wash.

Actually I get very wax on and wax off mood wise doing it and once I’m done that the first of the bread stuff can go in and while I’m in the kitchen I make up a large bunch of white sugar cookie dough and another with peanut butter and a batch with molasses.

I leave then to sit and season, basically letting the dough rest and the flour to relax I don’t want a tough cookie.

And no they’re not all for us here. Dad loves a molasses cookie with coffee or a cup of tea. Actually the only time that I’ve seen him drink tea is with a molasses cookie.

I do the windows and the blinds…it peeves me when they don’t do the blinds and I take down all the curtains and add them to the wash pile. And after about ten minutes of looking in the likely spots we only actually have those curtains. I’ll ask dad since we have more home at the house than we’ll ever use and…hmmm yeah I’ll try that too.

I think I’m going to make us some curtains. It can’t be too hard and some rock and roll styled curtains might look pretty cool.

But next is the vacuuming and sweeping and then switching out the bread and the laundry and then another coffee and I scrub the floors.

The trick is to multi-task, the oven and the washer do well all on their own with the oven timer set. I swear more people burn things because they don’t actually use their ovens right.

Well…anyways I’m outside listening to the tunes while having another coffee and I took the clothes that are done with me and I’m folding clothes while the floors are drying.

And I take my time doing it too it’s sunny out and not too cold and the laundry and the coffee’s hot. I relax into doing this stuff I like doing housework I don’t mind it and maybe even there’s a little more of me being into it since I’m me now.

But mom kept a good house and after she had died I tried to keep things as close to that as I could. Dad did too but with the job that he does and the hours that he’d put in it was sometimes just hard doing all of that and helping out in the office and school.

It’s one of those things I think will always be me.

And there’s this point where I’m actually leaning with my back to the fresh clothes and that smell and the outside and the coffee. Yeah it’s just kind of nice.

I head back inside and switch out the baking and get the last laundry switched out before the linens and curtains go in and I use the bathroom and end up cleaning them both too. I and we do them everyday but twenty minutes of extra TLC really makes a difference. And I check stuff too like things that we’re out of or going to run out of and will need.

By the time I’m done all the housework but the baking I’m quite happy with things and the house looks and smells great so I get my stuff and my notepads and I work at my lists and jot down some of the ideas I have and I look stuff up on the computer.

Some of the information I get, I copy and paste and send off to my handler in the RCMP with an inquiry if they would pay for the GED course I want to take for here in town.

I get more of the cookies in and going and I bundle some of the others up that are cooled. A dozen and a half in three rows of six and I wrap then in paper towel and then put them into a plastic container that the girls had that fake whipped cream in.

Mom kept those just because of this; you can put things in there for people and not have to worry about getting the containers back or buying those disposable ones.

I do up several containers of cookies and labels and masking tape labels. I do the sugar cookie dough the last because those you can do the most with.

I do my lemon and orange glazed ones. Just the grated zest mixed into the cookie and the glaze is just the juice mixed with some powdered sugar. I do an Earle Grey tea flavored one and it’ll get some lemon glaze too and I do a chai tea one and all both of those need is a tea bag in a about a cup of water and microwave it until it’s super strong and use the tea to flavor the cookie.

Another really good use of sugar cookie dough is jam cookies.

I do just the same thing ad mom did and that’s make a divot in the middle and just before they’re done add in a spoonful of jam.

Dad, Mike, Uncle Mitch, Billy and Davey, Rick and the guys at the hardware store, The comic shop, Lucky’s and Jake at The Amsterdam and Jimmy who I’ll be calling on soon and some for my accounts guy at the bank and Mr. Walker.

If I’m making for some I should make for all of them and it’s not like I’m going to do this all the time but I want to do this for them. I want to be that girl that does the girl next door neighbourly thing.

I might come off sounding like a huge geek but I think doing stuff like that is cool.

Is being that much of a girl at heart cool?

But it keeps me busy until our accounts manager calls me and says that he can take me in for an appointment at 1:30 this afternoon and once I have that handled I call the O.C.B. here in town. That’s Ontario Computer and Business it’s sort of like Compu-College down town but this place offers business classes along with the computer things.

“Hello Ontario Computer and Business how can I help you this morning?”

“Hello, this is Angel Benton of Starlight Entertainment and Music and I was looking to inquire about hiring a student to design a website for our band Starlight Butterfly?”

I hear a catch in her breath. “I will put you through to Mr. Thompson in student placement Ms. Benton.”

“Thank you very much.”

“Ms. Benton I’ll transfer you now please and I enjoyed your show last weekend at The Amsterdam.”

“Thank you very much it’s really appreciated.”

I get transferred over and Mr. Thompson and I talk for awhile and I get an appointment for eleven to come to the school and to look over some student portfolios. He did say that he had a list of places that would do what we want but I said that we’d prefer a student since it’s a placement for the school and its real experience for the student as well to get future work.

I call Jimmy and get him to come and pick me up and I go and get cleaned up and shower, lotion redo my breast forms and I go with my better bra and arrange some cleavage and I slip into my off cream colored dress and thigh socks and my pink sneakers and I add some bangles and a nice necklace…mom’s fake pearl string really goes with it and do my hair but add my white knit cap since it’s chilly and I get my cardigan that goes with the outfit and wow.

I look pretty.

Like rocker pink haired girl maybe with this mix of geekette with the sneakers and a strong hint of sexy? Am I sexy with the dress and the thigh socks? I like the effect with the pearls too.

I take a few minutes to take it all it and even spin twice.

It feels so right I could actually cry y’know?

I take a breath and get my beach bag, I so get why we buy these things it’s like a cute super purse.

The treats and food goes into the beach bag and I have my big purse with my papers and notes and extras along with my sketches and the laptop that I’ve been using all morning and I bag up Jimmy’s stuff separately since I’m giving it to him right away and I make sure everything is done and off and I’m just locking up when Jimmy pulls up with the taxi-van and he get’s out and gets my door.

“Hi Jimmy, thank you!” I smile and give him a light hug and kiss to his cheek and he gets red and there’s that sweet old guy smile there.

“It’s always a good day when I get to see you Angel.”

“Me too Jimmy, It means I get to spoil you.” I pass him his care package with a loaf of bread and some rolls and cookies.

The smile there with him looking at it and then smelling it is just so incredibly worth it.

“Oh Angel you didn’t have to.”

“Yes I did, you don’t have a lady baking for you yet do you?”

“No, no I don’t and there’s just something so special about it being all fresh and homemade, y’don’t even get that from a bakery.”

I smile and slip into the seat and he makes sure I’m all in before closing my door and I smile for him because that’s what girls did when a guy treated them right in his day and I like Jimmy he’s sweet and a lot more respectful than men a lot younger than he is.

He get’s in. “I really, really do appreciate you taking care of an old widower like me Angel.”

“It’s no problem Jimmy do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?”

“Oh thank you for asking honey but I’m heading to Brampton to see my great niece and her folks with her being close and all and back from her first year in university.”

“Well, I’ll leave the offer open alright?”

“Alright and I’m honored so where do you need to go this morning?’

“Can I get you to take me to the business school downtown I have a meeting this morning.”


I smile again as we pull out and drive and he’s playing Johnny Cash on his van stereo and it’s a nice drive and even nicer when he drops me off and gets my door. I take out a ten.

“No, no your money’s not good with me Angel. I’ll drive you whenever you need me to.”

I kiss him again on the cheek. “Well cabs don’t run on water so how about I prepay you for a cab ride for the next senior you pick up.”

He smiles at me. “That, that I will do and you’re a sweet girl to think of others like that.”

“Hey pay it forward works but so does paying it back.”

“Pay it back?”

I smile at him and start inside. “A senior’s check doesn’t go very far Jimmy I know that and where would we be without all the stuff the older generation’s done.”

He smiles and gets in his van. “You’re a sweet girl Angel, no one thinks about stuff that way much anymore.”

I smile and blush a bit before heading inside and I give some student a smile as one was there and he opens the door for me and I say “Thank you.”

He blushes and offers a clumsy smile and okay it’s kind of fun too I like feeling pretty like that and I can hear him inhaling because I smell like my perfume and stuff and my beach bag even with the baked goods in tubs is still giving off that smell.

It’s kind of a yay thing for me.

I almost wish I was wearing heels for the added effect but my pink sneakers are cute and they are even better than that they’re comfortable.

I smile at the receptionist when I get at the office.

“Excuse me? I’m Angel Benton I have an appointment with Mr. Thompson?”

“Oh Miss Jem, I uhm…I’ll let him know that you’re here.”

Okay…I smile and take a seat and cross my legs trying to be lady like and she instantly is staring at me and it’s that kind of stare…I’m so not used to that kind of attention really. I mean guys look but guys are guys and it’s flattering sometimes too but I’m still getting used to girls looking at me that way.

But then again SLB is kinda a lesbian band meets girls band and a lot of our audience is lesbian girls.

I’m just not used to the attention out of the clubs.

I’m there about fifteen minutes and trying to kill time reading a few women’s magazines. Okay I’m all for girls and being a girl but some of these things are just irritating. There’s the formats that are designed by people with ADHD all colors all over the place and all these advertisements for just well…garbage. I know some of this stuff’s really pretty and all of that but it’s bombardment after bombardment and the articles…okay I’m not going to harp on lesbian culture but you’d think that we’re mainstream enough to warrant something in these magazines and where are the average girls, where are the heavier girls?

Yick…and they stink too with the perfume ads.

I stopped reading after a few flip throughs and my eye lands on Omni and that, that I can enjoy. I’m actually glad that I was reading it because I’m getting a look when this fortyish man is there suddenly.

“Miss Benton, I’m Mr. Thompson I’m ready to see you now.”

I get up and smooth things as gracefully as I can and set the magazine down and get my bags. “Thank you for fitting me in today Mr. Thompson I know that this is extremely short notice.”

He nods and I know that he doesn’t get a lot of walk ins looking to hire but it’s still just good form nonetheless. A bit of respect never hurt anyone and helps me usually.

Okay he does the after you sort of gesture towards his office and I nod, little smile and say “Thank you” pleasantly. It’s kind of nice getting the mannerly treatment and he even opens the door to his office.

“So Miss Benton just exactly what were you thinking of for your website? It might help me decide on the best students to fill your needs that way.”

I look at him and take out my notes and even sketches. “May I?”

He nods and moves a few things on his desk and I move my chair over closer to his desk.

“We need a multi-media platform, something to connect to our Twitter, Facebook and all the other media accounts plus being able to host it’s own video feeds as well as work with I-tunes and several methods of online payment as well as I’d like to work out several donation spots on the page.”

“I see…and what’s this?”

“Oh, I want this if we can do it. Sometimes when you buy songs or videos on I-tunes they come to odd price numbers so I wanted an option where you can round your purchase through the site to the next dollar or so up to say ten dollars on a purchase on our site and have the extra money go to a charity option or and event option.”

“Event option?”

“Starting funds towards new videos and to special events say like a Christmas special show. We add the names of those who donated to a productions list as a credit.”

“Interesting and this?”

“I want links to various businesses here in town we’re associated with and have it work out that people can see those things or places and maybe even get discounts? I’ll have to talk to these people first but I’m thinking that we could draw music lovers here to town for live shows and have say a bit of a coupon incentive to come here to Harpers Point and stay the weekend enjoying live bands and eating at our restaurants and staying at our hotels and motels.”

“That’s a lot Miss Benton and the last one will take you some doing.”

“That I’m prepared for in fact I have a few meetings today to get that idea out there.”

“Honestly it’s a good idea; we could use something for the town other than what we have to draw people in.”

“Honestly I’ve always thought so too sir, we have the lake and some nice little spots for venues and if we could bring in things like new bands or encourage the garage bands here in town we could have something here.”

We end up talking and talking as we flush out ideas and even some of the things for the chamber of commerce for the town and he talks to a few colleges in the office while I’m looking through some of the portfolio works of some of the students and I see her.

Molly…and just from the stuff she’s done she’s definitely the girl that gave the flash drive to Jessy to help us out.

I choose her.

Mr. Thompson nods. “She’s very much your bands speed Miss Benton and she’s pretty talented too. I was actually worried that her way of presenting herself would hinder her job prospects but this could be a good thing for her.”

“I think we might know each other through an associate and if she’s the same young lady then I know she has video experience. Would she be available to talk to today?”

“I’ll check.” He get’s on his phone but he’s texting her. It must be an industry skill because he’s faster at it than I am. “She is and she’s on her way down. This will be really good too as she’s graduating this years and her having a job is a very good mark on her career.”

I nod and smile. “It’s why I want to work with your school sir. There always that experience catch twenty two when you get out of school and if I have a business need that can be filled while helping out then it’s really just a win, win.”

He smiles at me. “You have a remarkably well put together view of things young lady.”

“Thank you sir. I take my responsibilities as manager of the band and co-founder of Starlight Entertainment and Music very seriously.”

“Well you’re doing fine.”

“I think I would do better sir honestly if the school would by some ad space in our banner and we can link it to your school with the fact that one of your students designed our homepage.”

I smile at him and he shakes my hand. “Done, I was actually talking about that with the head of the school while you were talking and we perused your other pages and your hits and followers are definitely worth getting in on the ground floor of.”

I shake his hand back. “I really appreciate that and can I quote you on that with other people?”


“An educator from a business college’s endorsement will give us a lot of consideration with the people that I want to talk to about them getting on board.”

“I’ll have something drafted up while you have you’re interview.”

He nods at his door and there’s this girl there with dark brown hair and dark framed glasses like Rayne wears and she’s more punk than goth with purple and red and pink in her bangs and a lot, a lot of piercings and tattoos. Like Rayne she’s got lots of curves and while a lot shorter than Rayne she has these really, really big boobs.

“Miss Benton this is Miss Lee.”

“Pleased to meet you Miss Lee.” I stand and offer her my hand.

She takes it a lot awkwardly and I give her hand a gentle shake. “I’m…I’m a fan.” she says.

“Always a good thing.”

“You’re so much better than Summer.”

“A long term fan, I take it you know Jessy?”

She blushes in that knowing Jessy way. “Yes, you got the drive? I saw someone had uploaded it in the comments and stuff on your pages.”

“That’d be Mike.”

“Brooklyn’s guy?”

“That’s the one, you have been following us.”

She blushes again. “Raven’s really talented.”

“Definitely, I’m very lucky.”

?….okay, I think I just defended my turf? It’s so obvious that she’s into Rayne. I mean she followed the band while Summer was in it and now….

She turns beet red.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t.”

I put my hand on her shoulder. “It’s cool, she’s worth marveling over I do all the time.” I smile at her. “But….I’m looking for a website designer and you’re my first pick.”

“Me?” She squeaks.

“If you’re up to it?”


“Okay let’s talk.”

We settle in and we go over things again while Mr. Thompson takes the time to go out and do some other things and we get things started by Molly registering SLB as a domain name and Starlight Entertainment and Music as one as well and sending things in to the appropriate provincial and other music industry stuff we’re a part of and there’s way much more to do.

“Molly, I have some other appointments and one is for a lunch with one of our supporters would you care to join me?”

“What? Really…I look.”

“You look fine, we’re a band.”

“I…Uhm…okay, can I get my things?”

“Sure.” She leaves but I get up too and get the door for her. Hey I can use my Jase learned gentlemanly manners as Angel too.

I use the time to re-organize my notes and call The Pine Tree.

“Pine Tree Café, how can I help you?”

“Trisha? It’s Angel Benton would Mr. Walker be available?”

“I’ll ask Angel, be just a tick honey.”

It’s pretty good that I’m getting that familiar with the staff I’m able to recognize voices.

“Hello Angel, I usually don’t here from you during the day. Is there a problem with the show?”

“Oh no, we’ll be there I’m actually calling to see if you have a table for me and some time. I’m getting the band site together and I’m doing a business lunch if possible.”

“Definitely on both counts. How many?”

“Well I’m expecting at least three of us and hopefully six.”

“Six? We can do six.”

“I’ll be there shortly then Mr. Walker and thank you.”

“No need to thank me Angel I’m very interested.”

I disconnect from him and call my/our printer and our account’s manager and invite both of them as well. He’s already out according to his messages but I get Josie from Graffiti Inc.

“Graffiti Inc. What can I do for you?”


“Angel! How tricks.”

“Good, you got time for lunch?”

“Yeah why what do you need?”

“I’m getting together with our website designer and I want some of your print stuff for the site and maybe to talk some business stuff while we’re there. My treat.”

“Free food sure and a business lunch too, sure I’ve never been to one before.”

“Great I’ll see you at noon at The Pine Tree café then.”

“Sure thing.”

I smile and disconnect with her as Mr. Thompson comes in with an envelope hat he hands to me. “Here you go Miss Benton a letter stating our position in supporting the mission statement that Starlight Entertainment and Music has laid out.”

I open it and read it and its short and to the point but it does briefly paraphrase the idea I have of getting some businesses and venues together in a co-operative fashion and how they here believe it will be good for the community. He and who might be the director of the school have signed it too.

I put it with my notes. “Mr. Thompson, I’m having a business lunch to go over the site with two associates and I would be honored if you’d join us for extra input.”

“I would love to; it’ll also give me a chance to watch you further in action Miss Benton as well as Miss Lee.”

“Well we should be off. I have a table for us waiting at The Pine Tree Café.”

“We can take my car?” He offers.

“That would be delightful, thank you very much. Mr. Thompson.”

He beams a little. “At this point I think Robert would do just as well.”

“As long as you can call me Angel then I would be glad to.”

He escorts me out of the office and I smile, nod just a bit of both and give him another “thank you.” which makes him smile more. I think he shaved? He looks spruced up. We meet Molly out in the foyer and she looks nervous and she starts walking beside me and he opens the outside doors for us.

I do the smile-nod thank you again and Molly looks at me when I stop and he keeps going. “Wow…you are into all that lady like stuff?”

“Sort of, I just like the manners and the gestures and it’s really good for business.”

“Good for business, it’s like nineteen fifties stuff.”

“It is sort of but there’s a lot of men in the business world and I just have my own theory on how to be.”

“Pandering?” She blushes. “Sorry?”

“No you’re right there is some. Look a lot of office women work really hard and hey deal with a lot of stuff. But some are really, really uptight. Me I one; go with respect, use Sir and Ma’am until they say otherwise and that’s a tip of the hat to them being my senior.

Second using the old school manners being a lady instead of a business woman makes the ones that might be the type to think you’re just a girl act differently.”

“How? I mean there’s a lot of butt-holes out there.”

“Yes but getting in their face makes it sort of on you at least with them. They can say all the double standard stuff. If you’re a lady and one that is expecting a gentleman even some pretty iffy guys will behave that way, like gentlemen.”


“Depending on where you’re at sure. It’s kind of social programming. Some places it won’t make a difference but others?”

Mr. Thompson pulls up with his car and gets out and opens the doors of his car for us.

“Sometimes it’s always in them.”


She’s a bit wide eyed as she gets in and he closes her door and I slide into the front passenger seat and he does the same for me. Smile and stuff again. “Thank you Robert; this is a real treat to lunch with a gentleman.”

He’s got a big smile.

I look back at her as he is going around. “There’s nothing wrong with some of the old manners, I enjoy it and the guys do too.”

“But you’re a lesbian?”

“That has nothing to do with being a lady or trying to. Way too many girls are acting like guys or worse these days.”


“Been to The Cat?”

She nods.

“How attractive are the girls that spit like the guys and swear every second word?”

She makes a face. “Yeah…okay…ick.”

I smile and we let Robert drive us over and it’s just a few short minutes by car but it’s still nice and I smile at Molly as she offers a shy smile and a “Thank you Mr. Thompson.” He looks very pleased and it’s heady and sort of fun getting seated by Natalie and called Miss Benton and the menus come out as she’s giving out the specials.

I order some tea. “I think we’ll wait for the rest of our party Natalie.”

We, well I start to talk to them both about ideas for design for the page while we wait a few minutes for Josie to show and she does show with what looks like a dress that she tossed on fairly quickly but made herself look presentable. Mr. Thompson stands and helps seat her and I extend my hand and shake hands and introduce her to Molly and Robert. I just get done there when Mr. Walker joins us and there’s some more hand shakes and introductions before we sit down and order.

I go with a salad they have with mixed greens and squash with yellow beets and pumpkin dressing that comes with spiced walnuts and the others get their orders. The salad is very good. Shaved squash ribbons add a nice touch and the dressing is mostly sweet like a pumpkin puree in it with just a little acid in it and the walnuts are candied but with cinnamon and cardamom it’s very good and the roasted beets are quartered adding some heft to everything.

We eat and I notice Molly and Josie watching me for cues and I use all the table manners I know and it’s something none of us girls are used to but I’m winging it as best I can. The two men are definitely enjoying it and while we are waiting for dessert and coffee we start talking about my idea.

Both Mr. Walker and Mr. Thompson are fairly well versed in it now and we’re talking about that and I add in my ideas of the links to the shops and the schools and us doing little commercials shot for the links and that you can see a small commercial shot with our band in it telling people what they do there and things like that.

Molly’s getting into it once we’re talking technical stuff and Josie said she’s never thought of ad space like this or a commercial for her business.

I add in that we’d be better off with her shop if we had our online orders go through her shop to handle the printed goods we’ll be selling on the site and as a band we’ll just take a piece of the sales to match the shirt costs and she can get the lion’s share of the sales at that point as her shop will be doing most of the work.

Which leads to having her getting a logo space on our things like an artists signature on out things so every thing we sell for the band stuff everyone knows it was made by Graffiti Inc.

I call Rayne to confirm it too by conference call and to set up a band meeting before rehearsals.

The rest is talking about getting some other students that do sort of business video work to help us put together the commercials and shooting some for the school and The Pine Tree Café and them dessert.

A pavlova with lemon curd and shortbread crumble made to be like lemon pie. It was heavenly and we all take our time with that before we’re done and we’re shaking hands and I call for the cheque.

There’s an offer by Robert. “Please Miss Benton allow me to pay for that today.”

“I’m honored Robert but this is a business lunch and I can put this on our card. Besides I did invite you. It would be bad form if I took advantage.” I reach in my purse and take a twenty out and slip it under my coffee cup.

“Well I had an enlightening and lovely lunch we shall have to do this again.”

“I look forward to it Robert.” I even give him a goodbye girl peck on the cheek. He does take out a twenty to match mine and he smiles doing that and maybe some of that eye contact like Jake?

Mr. Walker personally takes the cheque and our credit card and we all shake hands again. The Robert leaves first and Mr. Walker and he do the guy/men thing and are shaking hands again and talking.

Josie takes out a five and adds it to the tips looking at me. “This was nice; I haven’t done something like this before really thanks Angel.”

“You’re welcome Josie, I’m glad we could do this I kind of wanted to get things up and running with as many people on board as I could get.”

“I don’t blame you and that’s a lot of good ideas.”

“I’ve been thinking about how I’d run a band like this since I was little so it’s stuff I know and things it’s just really strange and exciting putting thoughts into practice.”

“You really think this’ll work?”

“Honestly yes. We have lots of local bands and if we make an effort to sort of get organized then we can make Harpers Point a place to come to even if it’s local but we advertise other things and it can get bigger.”


I nod. “Say we get bands to put links up to our page people get to see them and where they play. That’s more reason to come here. SLB is legit with al the credentials we need and that’ll encourage others to do it too. That’ll give us attention from official sources when it comes to festivals, add in the charity links and then the chamber of commerce we can even likely get some play site wise with the provincial tourism offices.”

She and Molly are looking at me.

I smile. “It’s all a lot of work and huge what ifs but Josie picture the other bands coming to you for their stuff, even something like if we do a town event here that’s all stuff headed your way…good for the town…have a good event people eating here, going bowling and listening to tunes as a band plays there and it can snowball into places to stay and even getting more acts in.”

Molly nods. “Bands talk, and a venue rich and friendly place puts you on their map.”

Josie is grinning. “Man, a big name coming here as a tour spot would be huge.”

I’m smiling. “Exactly, and it’s good for the town.”

Molly looks at me. “You sound like Starlight Butterfly won’t be taking a cut from all of this though?”

“We won’t, we get reputation as being good to work with both in business and as a band and that’s all we want. Just to play and do things our way. I’d love to be able to still do this twenty years from now and have people happy to see us when we show up.”

Josie’s. “Like the stuff here at lunch. I’ve been a fast food and burgers girl for so long I forgot what eating someplace nice is like. Took awhile to remember how to do all that stuff.”

Molly gets red faced again. “I’ve never actually, heck this is the first time I’ve been here during like daylight hours. I’m not from any kind of family that ever did fancy. Ike fancy home was going for Chinese food.”

I look at her. “Did you have a good time though?”

“Yes, I was scared to death and I think I’ll have to earn some of these manners and stuff too…it was kind of nice getting seated and having doors opened for me.”

Josie laughs. “Agreed, some girls your age got all self conscious and missed out on some stuff that‘s actually pretty enjoyable. Angel’s got it right…if they saddled that “Be a lady” stuff on us then we should use it.”

I smile. “On our terms.”

Molly has this small shy smile. “Okay…I so see what Raven see’s in you.”

I bite my lip a little smile and head to the cash to sign and I take out my little care package for Mr. Walker.

“Interesting meal and discussion Angel. What’s this?”

“Homemade cookies for you. I was baking this morning and I made extras. Thank you for finding the time and a table for us.”

“Get yourself that degree and I will be even happier, you’re very, very good at this Angel and the credentials will go a long way.”

“I’m looking at getting my GED first sir, and that’s in the works already.”

“Good. It’s been a long time since getting into business has been fun again Angel. Today, today wasn’t really work.”

“You’re not working if you’re doing what you love right?”

He smiles and shakes my hand and he gives me a peck on my cheek this time. “Exactly. Signing you and Starlight Butterfly has been a very good decision.”

“Good, hopefully it’ll be a lasting one. I will see you this evening?”

“Of course I never miss a show.”

I head out with Molly and Josie and they’re looking at me again.


“You have this way with men y’know that right?”

I blush and shrug. “Not really but I just try and give and get respect.”

Molly shakes her head. “I know girls that would lose their shit seeing you act like that with men, they’d say you were kowtowing to them and letting them use the stereotype against you.”

Josie laughs. “Except they are have been like so smitten with her half the time and the other half respects her enough to shake her hand and look her in the eyes.”

Molly nods. “I know, and that’s not the kind of guy reactions I’m used to.”

I shake both of their hands. “That’s the point. Nothing is just one way. There’s tons of great guys out there just kind of wanting the chance to be seen as great guys.”

She sort of nods and shrugs. “I guess…”

“Great girls and women too Molly. It’s why I wanted to work with you.”

She blushes again.

“Josie, we’ll need whatever you can get of the rest of our order too as fast as you can and re-order the shirts and posters all over again too. We sold a whole bunch and are looking at tonight and this weekend as well as another gig too but I’ll contact you with some stuff on that too okay?”

“Sure, the rest is actually done so I can come here early and drop them off?”

“That’d be awesome.” I hug her and she heads to her car and I look at Molly. “Okay now our next appointments.”


“You might as well stay with me since its all part of the site’s working and stuff.”

“Oh, okay.”

We walk to the bank and are there early by about five minutes for the appointment with our accounts manager and after introductions we get down to the banking stuff for the online accounts and how much it’ll cost to run the site and how much we should ask for ad spaces and commercial clips.

He’s very business and focused and he doesn’t really do the guy manners thing as much as gets right to it.

Honestly that’s mostly him and Molly talking and breaking that all down and I have a rough idea of the costs though for out ad space and more for the videos and I’m jotting down some more thoughts on the video clip commercials for these things and stuff while we’re doing that.

And we talk about my idea and getting it rolled around with the town and the chamber of commerce and he gets a copy of my letter from the school and he says he’ll talk to people about getting support at least drummed up.

I say that we can donate page space/time since ads online rotate? But anyway it’ll be free ad space and links to the chamber of commerce site and the town’s as well. We can write it off but it’ll be a good deed towards the powers that be and adds to our legitimacy.

Then I get her and Mike on payroll.

There’s more than enough with sales from our I-tunes stuff and our just for the band donations.

Okay…well not more than enough but we get the payroll account started and set up and Molly is looking at me again. “Me?”

“Yes you.”

“But I’m getting money to do this through the school.”

“That’s through them, and the site design you’re here with me doing more so you should be paid for it.”


“It’s going to be a lot of work and we really sort of need an IT person Molly we’ve just been winging it plus someone to do some of the office stuff too when I’m not doing it.”

“You’re…you’re offering me a job?”

“Yeah, it’s just sort of small potatoes stuff now but what do you say?”


I text the girls to confirm it too and get a definite yes from all of them.

Actually they’re really excited finding out it’s flash drive Molly.

Next thing is getting her and Mike on our company insurance and filing the paperwork and stuff with that and then the last things I want to do is shift money over and pay two month’s rent on the house.

We’re rent good until the new year.

That feels kind of awesome.

Next will be filling the oil tank before winter hits.

Molly and I leave after a shake of hands and I give him his package of cookies and he looks pleasantly surprised. He actually opens it and smells them. I like the smile men get on their faces when they get something like this, you can almost see the little boy in them.

“Well you’ve been a huge help and you’ve really gone above and beyond for us.”

“It’s a pleasure Angel, and watching things grow is pretty amazing too.”

“It’s a pleasure for me too knowing that there’s guys a girl can really count on too.”

I give him a small smile and peck on the cheek too.

Molly smiled a little at him and shook his hand too. “It was a pleasure here too sir, I learned a lot here today.”

He was a very happy guy after that.

And while he didn’t open the door or seat us coming in he walks us outside and opens the doors for us all the way out of the bank and I call Jimmy for a ride.

She’s looking at me. “Okay…He, he sort of looked past the piercings and tattoos just now…I think.”

“Respect gets you respect.”


I look over at her. “I know, I want respect too but honestly our generation…way too many people ask for it before they’re earned it. We’re the new ones, the young ones we don’t get that starting out no matter what pop-culture and the media says. You act like that and they’ll see you as whiny and pretty much being a punk. It costs nothing really to give some respect…it’s not kissing ass.”

It’s something I got from Dad.

“You’re really not a feminist are you?”

“I am but there’s a lot of ways to get through to people.”

She furoughs her brows. “Yeah, okay I’m kind of seeing that…”

Jimmy shows up and of course he does the older man real gentleman thing for both of us and he gets in. “So ladies where to?”

“I might need you the rest of the afternoon Jimmy is that alright?”

“Absolutely Angel, any time you need me.”

“Thank you we really appreciate it. I think Ace’s comics will be our first stop Jimmy please.”

He starts to drive and he’s playing some country and which I don’t really mind well I’m not a huge fan of it but some of the musical talent is great when you actually listen to some of the licks that they can play.

We get out at Ace’s comics and I head inside and wave to the guys who look as surprised as the last time to see me in here and I slip over to the counter once he’s done ringing up a sale.

“Angel! Great to see you.”

“Hey Ace.” I smile at him and I smile at the jar that’s still there in my defense and I put a five in there. “I’m sorry we never got back to you about the gig that you wanted us to do.”

Yes I know that’s not his name but honestly it’s cute and works for him and…and I’m totally blanking on his name!

“Oh…oh yeah honestly I got busy too but are you still interested?”

“Well I was thinking of it and it’d honestly be nice to do and it’d be cool honestly for my inner geekette.”

“So when were you thinking that it’s be good for you girls to do that?”

“When are you having your next to do gaming wise?”

“Well we have them all the time but I’d like to have in after Thanksgiving.”

“Next Thursday?”

“Well I’d like to have the guys here on the weekends and stuff because paydays are like Thursdays and Fridays.”

“Makes sense and if we give then some time to get stuff together they can buy more and the tips will be better.”

“That’s true?”

“Sunday? We’re playing Friday and Saturdays at The Amsterdam but we don’t have a gig on Sundays usually it’s one of our chill days.”

“You sure?”

“Let me check okay?” I take my phone out to text and I motion Molly to come over. “Ace this is Molly, Molly this is Ace he runs the shop here.”

They shake hands.

“Molly can you walk Ace through our idea for our website please and some of the ideas we have?”

I text Rayne and the girls and fill them in on what’s going on and everything and the website and the meeting and the gig and hiring Molly as our IT girl and stuff and fill them in it’s I think a testament to my female brain that I can keep up a four way texting conversation going and not get lost.

It’s something that’s true actually, women all talking at once or what it seems like is normal for us as we from stuff I’ve read are better at keeping track of multiple conversation threads all at the same time.

No wonder there’s so many women online chatting compared to guys it seems.

But they’re all for everything that I’m doing and planning on doing actually Brooklyn posted “Boggled” several times.

And Kimmie “Squeed” several times too and some of them in all-caps.

I sign off with them and send several kisses and stuff to Rayne before I head back to the counter where Molly is showing Ace some of the stuff we’ve been coming up with.

I just slip up and listen and adding in my own two cents about the commercials and the links and stuff as well telling him about Graffiti Inc. and stuff there and how we could all support each other with stuff like shirts and posters as well as with advertising for each other in a each one covering things for the other kind of way.

“Sounds good but like what do you mean?”

“Well say like right now?” I take a couple of packs of Magic cards. “I’ll buy these booster sets and you can put them up this weekend for a Starlight Butterfly sponsored tournament Prize. Or we can come in sometime and we could play in one as like guest players?”

“That, that might actually work too. You’d do that?”

“I would, it’s another thing that I’d have to run past the others but I’d play.”

“You know how?”

“A little I don’t have a deck though.”

Molly grins. “I do, I have a lot of cards we could fix you up with a killer deck Angel.”

I grin at Ace. “There you go two female players at least and we could even try for more when we go and do this.”

He grins back. “Girls are good for business and personally I’d love to actually get some of the female gamer crowd in here from town and around.”

Molly nods. “I know a couple of girls that might come too.”

I look at Ace. “Hey if we could get enough interest we could have a girl’s gaming night some night just for girls and we could maybe get them into coming here more once they’re familiar with the place.”

I look at Molly who nods. “The thing is I know a lot of girls won’t come to a shop because sometimes the guys are kind of geek lore condescending or they’re like ogling us and stuff. I mean it’s not that way all the time but I’ve run into it sometimes especially with gaming groups.”

Ace nods. “I could swing that and honestly if the interest is there for a ladies night here I’ll do it.”

I pass him his container of cookies. “Okay so we’ll come and play and advertise and spread the word for next Sunday and we’ll look into a future girls night here and see if there’s an interest on our pages and we can refer them to your stores Facebook page and we can see if there will be enough interest for it?”

We shake hands and he opens the container. “Cookies? You made me cookies?”

“Well I was baking for our house and I though that with my appointments today that it’s be a nice gesture.”

He beams at me. “It was a really, really nice thing I haven’t had homemade cookies since my mom died.”

Okay owies.

“Well then these won’t be the last of them either.”


“Yes really, I happen to like baking. And comics and big smiles too.”

He turns red and blushes. “Still…thank you a lot Angel…this is very cool.” Ace come’s around the counter and he gives me a very self conscious hug which I return and Molly’s staring at me again and I peck his cheek. “I’ll see you next Sunday.”

“I can’t wait.”

I leave with Molly and we’re walking over to where Jimmy’s parked and Molly says. “Did you know about his mother?”

“No, I really just did these up like I said as a friendly gesture.”

“It’s…I don’t get you no offense Angel. Like one minute you’re all weird and friendly to guys and men and letting them be all…guy and mannerly with you and stuff and then you come up with something like a all girls gaming night which is kinda like right up the whole feminist kind of supporting thing.”

“It’s simple I like being treated like a girl with the manners and stuff and like being an equal. I see nothing wrong with being both. You can be a lesbian and a feminist and still be friendly to and with guys it’s not like treason or something.”

“But you are a lesbian.”

“Yes and a feminist too.”


“Real feminism to me is being equal and not afraid to still be a girl Molly, it’s not being less than equal doing any of that.”


“Molly do you have any guy friends?”

“Uhm…not really, not straight ones.”

“Did you?”


“Did you know guys from when you were younger that you were friends with?”

“Yeah some.”

“And you don’t hang out with them anymore?”

“No…not really I’m a lesbian…and they’re guys.”

“So they tried stuff?”

“No…it’s just they…”

“They were being assholes?”

“Some not all of them.”

“So why’d you stop hanging out with the ones that were okay and didn’t try anything?”

“………………I….Well, I was trying to fit in with the girls and stuff in the scene.”

I look at her. “So they got dropped because your new friends weren’t comfortable around them?”

“No…we just stopped hanging out and…” She looks at me. “I really messed up huh?”

“To me yeah…my sexuality and my gender doesn’t really matter with friends. Friends are just friends.”

She sort of purses her lips thinking.

“Yeah…but y’know there’s a whole bunch of girls that really hate guys because there is a really large asshole contingent here in town.”

“Oh I know, Adam Marshal is one of them and his entourage as well. And it’s more than likely the other generations of that family and their rich entitled friends were assholes too. And then a lot of that attitude has rubbed off on others that think women are shit.

Brooklyn’s family is a perfect case in point there. Molly the world has a lot of stuff wrong with it but I’m not going to just judge all guys by it. Or all girls considering what Summer had done to Rayne and the girls.”

She’s nodding. “I…I might have to maybe see about looking some old friends up then…it’s not like I’m really popular with the lesbian crowd.”


“Well…I mean I know people and have friends but it’s like the pretty shiny wore off. Especially since I went back to school.”

“Oh…you had party friends. Well they come in both genders too so that’s just part of growing up I think.”

“Uhm Angel…aren’t you younger than me?”

“Likely but…I’ve been through some stuff…I kind of had to grow up fast.”

“Oh…sorry I didn’t mean to pry.”

I smile at her as Jimmy opens the doors for us. “Hey it’s cool, everyone has a story and everyone is fighting their own battle.”

Molly nods and gets in thanking Jimmy but she’s gone kind of quiet and definitely seems to be thinking of her own battle. I thank Jimmy and we head off to Lucky’s.

It’s kind of a repeat there too…We go in and we talk to Charlie and explain things about the band website and the links and the stuff and the commercials and he’s all for it since he’s still running the little one we made from before on the site for the bar/bowling alley. He give Molly the contact information of the guy that did his web page and stuff so they can talk and stuff and while they’re talking I see some posters up and I see that Summer’s playing here this weekend.

Well on Saturday night.

“Kisses and Thorns?”

“Yeah, they’re available and they have a bit of a new sound and stuff so I’m giving then Saturday nights.”

I nod. “But after what happened before?”

“Well Starlight Butterfly is playing other places on the weekends and Tuesday and Wednesday nights Angel.”

“Well what about Thursday nights?”

“You’d come in and play?”

“I’ll run it past the others, but honestly I liked playing here.”

“I’d be game for it.”

“I’ll ask them then.”

He hugs me and I hug him back. “I’m in even if you girls decide not to play here so sign me up for this site and get me some ad space and stuff too.”

“Thanks Charlie that’ll be great.”

“You girls should come over and hang out and bowl sometime it was nice having you all around.”

“That’d be nice it’d be cool to learn how to bowl.”

“Good get Raven to teach you when they used to play here Angel she had a really good arm.”

“Really? I didn’t know that about her.”

He shows us out and he smiles. “Hey Angel?”

“Yeah Charlie?”

“Thanks for the cookies.”

“You’re welcome.” I give him a big smile and a little wave as we slide in the cabby-van and Jimmy takes us to The Amsterdam.

Molly’s shaking her head and typing away on her laptop as we’re driving.


“Does everyone like you?” She’s looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I chuckle. “No, not everyone there’s a lot of people that don’t.”


“Summer for one.”

“Yeah, well Skummer can go suck on a thornbush.”

Okay I shouldn’t have but that made me giggle.

“Well you asked and there’s some of the waitresses here that don’t like me that much either.”


“Our tip box and our tip policy.”


“We have a tip box.”

“Okay that I know I’ve tipped into it.”

“Well, we have a policy that we will pool our tips but if we do we do it with the other staff at wherever we play at.”

“Okay so?”

“Including the kitchen staff and the coat check and everyone.”

“Oh…and they got less?”

“No they threatened to pretty much quit unless they could opt out.”

“So they made less and were pissed?”

“No, they made more but it was pretty obvious after that what they thought of everyone else they worked with.”

Jimmy nods. “Yer a right bunch of nice girls some people in the kitchens never see a dime past their wages and with money tight these days it’s a really good thing it is that you’re doing.”

Molly nods. “I washed dishes at the kitchen for the HoJo’s up by the highway and I never seen anything from the front of house for any of us. That would’ve been nice actually.”

I nod. “Sometimes the right thing to do is also the smart thing to do.”

“How’s that?”

“Word of mouth. I know that there’s people that talk about that and that there are some people that’ll go and see us because we’re at least trying stuff like that. I’d go and see a band doing stuff for like a good cause or just with a good reputation like that.”

She’s nodding and we get to The Amsterdam and it’s locked up pretty tight and closed. I knock a few times but the place doesn’t open until six in the evening usually so I take a piece of note paper and I slip a mote in the door for Jake to call me about some business and I leave the container of cookies on the stoop.

I get back into the van and look at Jimmy and then Molly. “You want a drive home or do you want to come to our place and stuff and see us rehearse?”

“I can see you girls do that another time right?”

I nod. “Sure.”

“Well then maybe I should get home and work some and then get showered and changed if I’m going to meet you back up at The Pine Tree Café right?”

“Okay where to?”

Molly says an address and I have no idea where it is and we end up on the far east side of town out towards the old mall and while it’s not like a bad neighborhood it’s one of the older ones that shifted away from this being the busy area of town when they put in the twinned highway through up by the Highline Mall.

Actually it’s not too much unlike where we live really only she’s east side north and we’re east side south and but it’s still a big distance between her place and ours really like five plus miles.

She waves us bye and thanks Jimmy for the drive and he looks at me and I smile. “I think I’m just about done Jimmy just one more stop and it’ll be a quick one.”

He drives me home and we stop in and drop off some “just because” cookies for Rick and his dad along with a loaf of bread just because. They were really good to us before and they run the Home-Hardware store down near our house and Rick’s dad is there but Rick’s wife intercepts the delivery and hugs me and thanks me very much.

I beg off staying to chat and stuff saying I need to get supper ready and things for rehearsal tonight. Which does light that…oh yeah… look in her eyes and I think that they might swing by tonight.

Every body in the crowd is good for us.

Jimmy drives me home and I see Rayne’s van there she’s home pretty early actually…I thank Jimmy and offer to pay him and he refuses again and I give him a hug and another kiss on the cheek rather than insult his charity this time.

“You’re a class act Jimmy, I’ll see you soon.”

“You’re a really sweet girl Angel I’m glad to drive you around any time.”

“I will pay you back for all this kindness Jimmy.”

“You already do girl, that baking is a godsend.”

“Well I’m glad, but be prepared to get a call next time I make my cousin’s cinnamon rolls.”

“Oh that would be…I haven’t had those in a long time…You make those and I’m come a running.”

I smile and lean into the van and give him another kiss on the cheek. “Done, now if you’ll excuse me I think I’ll see just what my better half is doing home so early for?”

He pulls off and I head inside and I can smell something really good.


“In the kitchen!”

I smile and head over and slip through the door and she’s…

Bent over basting a roast chicken in the oven and she’s in this new black apron and a lacy black bra and panties and those black garter hose with the seams and pumps.


She straightens up and it’s just…

“It’s done, and I can turn off the oven and Brooklyn and Kim won’t be home for another hour so…”

I drop my beach bag and big purse to the floor gently and I shrug myself out of both my cardigan and my dress.

“I better kiss the cook then.”

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