Jem...Chapter 93

Jem…Chapter 93

by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2013 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.

Jem…Chapter 93

Chapter 93


Author's Note: Picture used with permission from *lavonia on deviantart.

Chapter 93


I was waiting for him to show…

I was so happy that Rayne and Angel got past what happened.


Honestly with everything with Summer and stuff from home…me and promises are a huge thing. My parents never kept promises. If it advanced what they were doing with work then it was just fair game with me and my sister.

Summer broke huge promises, broke our family.

Angel said she’d be back and she did…she kept her promise.

And we did my song!

And we have so many tunes of our own now!

And Max.

I mean Max….sigh.

I’ve never connected with a guy like I have with him and I’ve never had a guy that I could call before and despite all the stuff going on he takes the time to make things better.

No guy’s ever made me cupcakes before even if they’re leftovers from the ones he made for his little girl.

Max…he was man enough to make his little girl cupcakes with rainbow chips and frosting and sprinkles with hello kitty…the work he does just for her and the stuff I can imagine he sets aside for her. They don’t make “those guys” very much and I never thought that I’d meet one…or that I would be worth him taking time for.

I didn’t see him there and I was so much on this high, this buzz from me…me actually having a song that I wrote and did the sheet for played, played twice and it’ll be online and…I’m almost in happy overload tears from it.

I never thought that I’d have anything like this in my life…like really really mine that I can point to and say. I did this even if it’s just a goofy fun song…

Then it happens I’m just getting a bottle of OJ from home when I hear.

“Daddy…lookit it’s RoxyMoogle!”

I look over and see Max and I blush just with him there and then his little girl’s there and she’s stomping in that little girl excited way and pointing at me.

Ow…okay you know that feeling you get when you had back when you had a doll for your kid when you were little and you played mommy and things just sort of fit?

Times that by about twenty and that’s what I’m feeling right now.

I seriously could not help but to drop to a knee and wave at her and she runs over to me as soon as Max takes a step towards me and she’s like just buzzing. She reminds me of me a whole lot that way and she gets right over and she hugs me and then she squeals.

“Roxy, Roxy, Roxy, Roxy!!! Then this loud Eeeee!” Of just like pure happy.

“Love it. Love it…” She bubbles.


She yells. “Magic power panties!!!”

I’m trying not to burst out laughing. “You like that huh?”

She bobble head nods. “Uh-huh better evens than Hey-hey.”


Max kneels and smiles. “Soul Sister.”


“Buts nots as good as I wants Candy!” She squeals that song out.

“So did you get some?”

She nods. “Jem threw candy to me and Daddy.”

Daddy…I see him smile at that and there is just something about that. There is something way more than sexy about a guy that gets looked at like that by his little girl that just…wow.

Max smiles at both of us. “We’re saving that for later.”

“Good idea it’s more special that way.” I wink at him and her and she gets this huge grin on her face.

He looks at me. “I’m really enjoying the show but we’ll have to go soon.”

I nod. “Way past a little princesses bed time?”

“Very but she wanted to see you play and I’ll have to say you didn’t disappoint.”

I’m blushing. “Thanks Max.”

“You’re welcome. You can pay me back y’know.”

“I can?”

“Can you come over on Saturday before you have a gig?”

“I..I can try…why?”

“Single father date.”

“Uhm…okay sure.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, definitely I’ll just square it with the girls.”

“Good, looking forward to it.”

“Me…me too.”

He moves in and he gives me this big hugs and oh it’s yummy…all hard muscles and strong and then there’s that smell of fresh showered guy and aftershave…I’m getting some magic going in my power panties.

Then he kisses me on the cheek like a nice boy and I think I actually blush and swoon a little and for a second there he’s kind of holding me there more than I’m sitting up under my own power.

God it’d be nice to have a guy I could just lean on and go all melty and relaxed on.

He lets go and I smile at him as he scoops up his little girl and carries her off and she’s waving with both hands.

“Roxy, Roxy, Roxy-Moogle!” She’s yelling as they head off and I can’t help but to wave back and just feel.

God it just feels good in a way that’s scary.

I get a drink and head to the bathroom and back out so I can help Rayne play her little song ditty for Angel…and then there’s the rest of the gig to do.


It’s a nice way to end the gig getting kissed and danced with and the curtain doesn’t mean much or even stay there that long because we pull it back and then it’s the people still there like the fans wanting to talk to us and more.

A good deal more since Mike’s actually busy now taking money for tee-shirts. And the other stuff that we brought and they are all going fast.

Okay there’s a part of me letting out a sigh of relief with the band stuff selling good and it’s sort of this feeling of the credit card money we spent on this getting a lot less heavier on my mind.

I’m not all that schooled in the finer points of business but even I know that there is a great big pit you can fall into with credit and I want to keep us out of it.

I’d be more hands on with the shirts but I’m signing some and talking to the fans and the people here and there’s a lot of shaking hands and hugs and stuff that goes on after a show and Kim’s getting a lot off attention from people that loved the song.

*Don’t Wanna.* Turned out pretty good really but *Magical Power Panties* has real pop potential and to be honest as I’m talking with some of the people and the subject of our songs and how we have different writers with different voices.

There’s a guy John who seems into the music scene as much as his sister who he came to the show with and then there’s Miranda who is kinda like the Thelma girl from Scooby-Doo…shoulder length hair and sweater and those dark framed glasses. And Mack who is blonde and pretty well endowed in the boob department but you talk to her and she’s smart, heck you look at her and she’s smart. And she’s with a cute little pixie looking slip of a girl called Jean and has that look of being in a definite relationship vibe coming off of them.

It’s kind of still a little weird being in a heavy music conversation with a bunch of college students and really I’m still a high schooler even if they don’t seem to notice. Rayne and the girls join me as we’re talking after awhile and we’re talking music and festivals and some of the ones they’ve been to and I order us some coffees from the bar before they do the final clean up and excuse myself to sit at the table next to everyone else with Mr. Walker as we do up the stuff for the night and I do up our tips and sales.

And Mr. Walker lets them stay after close with us and then there’s the leftovers from the night being set out for us all to munch of or some of the staff to take home and I notice that Mike is still running the recording stuff of us with them and at this point I can sort of ignore the camera on us even if it’s not overtly noticeable.

Candid…on our stuff but with the fans and with us doing all the little stuff with the band too like all the clean up and tonight they get to see us just being us talking to a bunch of students and doing the books.

I look at Mack. “It’s cool you all are willing to stay and hang out with us but just so you know we’re still on camera.”

She looks surprised. “We are?”

Mike nods. “It was such a good conversation going on that I figured that it’d be good for our site.”


I look at Rayne and then at Brook and she almost has this kind of oh crap look on her face.

Rayne nods and says. “Mike’s right this is usually something that we kind of try to do is that okay?”

Mack looks at the others and they do this combination of shrugs and nods. It’s the camera phone generation we’re sort of used to being on film.

John’s grinning. “Can we do a shout out?”

“Sure.” Mike and Rayne say together. He’s grinning and he seems to have sort of missed the whole exchange between Brook and Rayne and me. It’s not his fault, he’s a guy and guys don’t pick up on a whole lot of non-verbal girlese.

I grin too before getting back to number crunching. “Though sometimes it does seem semi like we’re doing a reality show as much as the band stuff.”

Jeanie grins. “Saves you from having to do one later on and you don’t have to shell out all that stuff with like production costs.”

Brooklyn nods. “Getting organized is great but honestly even if we get to where we take off career wise it’s so much better than all that corporate stuff.”

Rayne takes a drink of her coffee. “I’d much rather book and control things ourselves I’d hate it if a fan can’t come see one of our shows because everyone between us and the fans want’s a piece of the ticket sales. No way plus I want to be able to not have some asshole in a suit tell us that we can’t play here or there because (She does air-quotes.) Hurt the brand.”

Love her especially when she’s actually being that indie artist thing that you expect from a girl who calls herself Raven.

That does give me an idea though for another thing for the site.

I take out a fresh sheet and jot it down and fold it up and stuff it into my bra. Mr. Walker’s looking at me.

“I had an idea for the band website.”

“Another one?”

“Yep, have it so if you buy one of our songs off of it-tunes it gives you loyalty points or something like that and those you can save up and use towards cheaper concert tickets.”

“You’re doing concerts?”

“Maybe I mean like in time.”

“Oh okay, you might want to look at band goods.”


“If they can get shirts and whatnot cheaper if they buy more music then they will buy more music.”

“Oh that’s really good advice.”

“Thank you just goes to show I’ve been paying attention to you young lady.”

“I know you’ve always been one of our biggest supporters and there’s no way that we can really pay that back.”

“Nonsense, you’re a smart young lady and a decent business woman or you will be with some more training and experience under your belt and such. Besides all of that I’ve never been this consistently busy Angel.”

“Good busy?”

“Very good busy I’m hiring another kitchen and wait staffer each and if things hold there’s enough for a raise at the start of November.”

“Really! That’s exciting, a big raise?”

“Twenty cents…it’s all I can really do but it’s all the staff getting it.”

I grin and we finish working. I’m really starting to like the savory brittle now. It’s a little different than the first stuff I made with toasted almond slices added to the pine nuts but there’s also bits of chopped black olives and peppercorns and with the rosemary…it’s crunchy and savory at the same time.

I set the cash to pay for the things we got from the printers out and that’s paid for…actually at twenty dollars a tee-shirt it’s a steal and I intend to keep them this cheap and the thing is people bought like two sometimes more. A lot of this money came from them getting a debit cash back from the bar or the cashier and buying them with that.

The shirts paid for the other stuff, actually this load paid for the entire order and we still had like twelve dollars left.

Mr. Walker looks at me. “We’ll need some of those, I wouldn’t mind having some on hand to sell as one of the venues and it’d be good if the staff could wear them on the nights that you girls play too.”

I nod. “I can get that for you but I was thinking about this earlier and maybe us going in on a venue shirt for here.”

“A Pine Tree café shirt?”

I nod again. “Why not? Other places do it and we could band logo on there with yours and you could maybe get permission from some of your suppliers to get their logos put on there too.”


“Anyone that you deal with…a little free advertising goes a long way. Like things for the college kids too at the cash like posters.”


“You sell alcohol here get them to send you promotional stuff that you can give out to customers say with over so much of a purchase.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Or charities, once we get the site up I’m intending to have some charity shirts made up that we can sponsor.”

“Good idea and that’s a tax bonus too.”

“I was thinking it too, I’d like to get things all set up and then just coast and play for awhile and make music and perform and make videos.”

“Here’s to all of that.” We actually knock coffee cups lightly and then we share out the tips and everything.

I know, I know that I’ve said this before but it’s really kick ass to watch the kitchen and clean up staff get tips. It worked out to just over thirty three dollars and change each but while that might not be a lot to some wait staff it’s a Tuesday night and if you washed dishes for eight or ten hours getting a tip like that means a lot.

For a family for example that’s like four or five of those big jugs of milk. That’s without touching your pay…that could be really needed gas money.

Which is likely what we’re going to use it for indirectly and we get our cheques too from Mr. Walker and that certainly adds to the whole sense of well being and there’s hugs all around and we all leave together with the college kids and the wait staff and we all head our own ways.

For us that means the convoy stops at our bank and we’re depositing money into the accounts. And even Brooklyn and Kim take some of the tip money and put it into their gains accounts. We have a lot of them between all of us and even as late as it is I still get the passbooks updated on the machine so I know what I’m looking at when I need to look at it.

We gas up and keep the receipts and then we head home.

It’s a few more hours of unloading and setting things back up and then getting unwound and getting de-make-uped and putting the stuff up online which it seems to becoming Mike’s job and I get us all something hot to drink. I’m going with microwaved apple juice with a cinnamon stick in it and Rayne’s having one too and Kim’s actually semi-speed detoxing with green tea and Brooklyn’s just having more orange juice and I sit on the couch and look at Mike.

“You know you are part of the band right?’

He blinks. “Huh?”

“When you said our site, it’s true. The stuff we do you’re a part of it Mike you’re here for every gig and you set up and tear down and do so much of the internet stuff and the videos that really we likely wouldn’t be half as successful without you.”

He’s blushing and Brooklyn slides beside him and slips her arm around his waist. “And you protect us too.”

“C’mon you guys I mean I’m supposed to look out after you all and I’m dating Brooklyn it’s like boyfriend stuff.”

Brooklyn kisses him. “There’s boyfriend stuff and then there’s above and beyond.”

He’s kissing her back and it’s a very sweet kind of sigh thing even if I’m with Rayne because if you know Brooklyn then you know when you can seen that sort of shift in her posture and expression that says that she’s happy.

I ruffle his hair getting up to head to bed. “You’re getting credits as the associate producer and band security big guy.”

There’s a muffled. “Cool do I get paid?”

“You want to get paid? Because you should.”

“No…credit is fine…I actually don’t need the money guys.”

I grin and head upstairs backwards. “Okay…for now though I reserve the right to talk about this again okay.”

He looks like he might have argued with me but Brooklyn moves from kissing his face to his neck and then she has his ear in her teeth. “Ow…Brook! Okay, okay anything you want!”

Brooklyn and I give each other a thumbs up and she lifts her arms and Mike’s pulling her top off and I look over at Rayne. “I think that’s our cue to leave them alone.”

I head upstairs and I’m sort of nervous again.

“Angel?” Rayne asks sort of hesitantly.

“Just nervous.”

“About sleeping with me?”

“Yes actually…I love it I do don’t get me wrong there but with what we just went through and stuff and how fast this has all been coming together it’s sort of scary again.”

Rayne nods and she stops to lean on one of the little hall tables we have. “I get that too, I’m a little freaked out too I did what I did but it’s kind of this other thing too.”

“Other thing?”

“Do I need to be with you?”

“Okay…….that doesn’t sound good.”

“No…No Angel it’s not that…it’s the fact that I’m just getting over a relationship and the first one I do get into I’m in your bed and practically moving myself in with you. I never thought that I was that kind of girl…one of those needy girls.”

I step over and I kiss her. “You’re not; you’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for.”

She wraps her arms around me and she kisses me back. “I’m getting better and that’s in a really large part to you Angel.” She kisses me again…it feels so good to be held like this and getting kissed. “I…I wasn’t like this when I met Summer…I was…” She’s trying to find the words.

I lip graze her chin and along her jaw a little before kissing her again and breaking it. “You were Raven, before Summer you were Raven and you’re just getting that back.”

She nods and she reaches up and cups my face. “Yes, actually exactly that. God Angel…had I met you sooner…you get me.”

I really like the way that it feels with her hand cupping my face feels…and she’s taller than me and she’s so…she’s just so…and with the whole ego guy thing out of the way it just…Melty.

It’s all melty yayness as she kisses me deeply.

Oh god there really is no way to really describe it other than that. My breath halts and my pulse quickens and I feel tingly and flushed all over as she’s doing that and I can’t think about anything else other that I’m being kissed, I’m being kissed and it’s this feeling happy and wanted…but I guess wanted in the right context like as a girl wanted so it’s kind of like this whole real me thing that I’m getting kissed under.

And all of that is mixing with me just being the girly me that I am and it’s just so good and right that my brain isn’t thinking but it sure is feeling.

We break the kiss and I’m in that whoa sort of breathy stunned thing and I’m looking into her sexy amazing eyes.

Bite my lower lip. “I know what we were just sort of talking about the reasons why we shouldn’t kinda maybe not sleep with each other tonight but I really, really want to not do that tonight after that kiss.”

She nuzzles me and nods at the same time. “Me neither….honestly Angel I hate sleeping in my room…even with the bed replaced...”

“Oh….” Well…okay that actually makes sense.

“Are we ready for that though? Us together in the same bed full time?”

“I don’t know but I’d rather be sleeping with you Angel if we’re actually sleeping together.”

I look at her and she’s looking back at me with these open and thoughtful eyes which actually goes really sexy-well with her long lashes and her hair completely natural. I actually lean my weight back and let her arms hold me up which is nice.

I take a few minutes to think it over and she’s just tilting her head like she’s going to ask me a question. “Come to bed, we’ll do the moving thing tomorrow.”

“Moving thing?”

“Yeah we move into the same bedroom.”

“Angel are you sure?”

“Nope, but we have a couch and two friends one of us can bunk with if things get crazy again but you’re right…we’re more than the fact that we’re lovers. I want our bed to be more than just where we make love at I want it to be our bed.”

I tip toe a little and lean into her until she hits the wall with her back, I press my chest into hers and she exhales a little in a good way through her nose. I really can’t wait until I’m really feeling her breasts on my own. My turn, I kiss her this time I reach behind me and I undo her hands from around me and lace my fingers in with hers.

I break the kiss and turn our bodies and I walk backwards to the bathroom. “We make our room our room and we turn you old room into the office for Starlight Entertainment.”

“We need an office?”

I smile and nod. “We need an office, I want to keep things straight and be able to do things too in a space that’s made for it.”

“Made for it?”

“Yeah, if I’m in there and there is a vibe for the office like an office I’ll be better able to concentrate on stuff.”


“We are actual professional musicians Rayne at the very least we can have all that stuff up on the walls.”

“Okay…actually that sounds pretty good, it’s so not like Summer maybe it might exorcise some of the stuff in there.”

I lead us into the bathroom and start running a bath. I add some bath crystals to it just nice smelling salts because yeah you get sore after a gig and I find that they help. Then Rayne’s got some tea lights out from under the sink and starts making it a candle light bath and she slips out and comes back with her I=pod and speakers and sets it up and starts to play some music.

Oh *Possession* By Sarah McLachlan….

The acoustics are just sort of intense in here with the door closes and then the candlelight and the steam from the bath as we start to undress each other and dance…sexy dancing too…sort of slow, sort of like at a club but not and touching and kissing and as much as I know I’m nowhere were I want to be it’s not mattering as Rayne looks and smiles and tastes and touches and kisses all that bitter self conscious pain inside away and she makes me feel so beautiful.

I’m just sort of getting that that kind of feeling means a lot to me, not in a vain way but in just that me way…I mean what girl doesn’t want to feel special and pretty and loved?

We slip into the hot water together and I wince and kiss with her as she’s doing the same with me and it’s just so good.

Kissing and touching and not just completely sexually either have you even taken a bath with your S.O. and just used your hands to cup and sort of pour these soothing trails of hot water down each others body? It’s so tender, and it feels good, just like having someone run a soft washcloth over your body tenderly.

Rayne looks at me and she has this look on her face as she leans back and she’s just staring…


“You’re beautiful.”

“Rayne…” I’m blushing and I shrug instead of getting into the whole no I’m not thing because she’s actually making me feel that way.

“No…Angel I’m serious…right now, the way you look, the way you’re sitting like so sexy cute girl semi-curled on a couch…all of this.” She looks at me really deeply and there’s this smile there. “I wish I could paint this or something.”

“Paint what?”

“You…Angel. You wear steam and water and candlelight like most girls wear lingerie.”

“Oh…” Stunned…yep, no one has ever said anything like that to me before…it is so one of those take my breath away moments.

Tears yes.

Oh yeah they just kind of form and spill out and actually drip into the bathwater and Rayne moves and she reaches out and pulls me close and I move with it to straddle hr and press together in this long slow and deep intense french kissing thing.

We’re just getting started and fingers moving more in shivery ways and *Head over Feet* By Alanis Morisette starts playing as we get deeper and deeper into each other and that song…it just feels like us.

I had no choice but to hear you
You stated your case time and again
I thought about it

You treat me like I'm a princess
I'm not used to liking that
You ask how my day was

You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault

Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole
You're so much braver than I gave you credit for
That's not lip service

You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault

You are the bearer of unconditional things
You held your breath and the door for me
Thanks for your patience

You're the best listener that I've ever met
You're my best friend
Best friend with benefits
What took me so long

I've never felt this healthy before
I've never wanted something rational
I am aware now
I am aware now

You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault …..

We kind of go with the music…there’s that edge and upbeat tempo to the song that lends to passionate kisses…hands cupping breasts and gripping but not squeezing. Mine on her heavy fullness…so wanting the taste of her skin. Her’s on mine pushing up the flesk there to these tiny peaks….I’m so sensitive there an I guess that’s from my condition. I guess I have a tiny head start there. Hard gasps and fingers touching and probing, tickling and caressing sinking into her and her’s wrapping around me…

Yes I’m hard…it doesn’t hurt this time. I guess detangled and some rest set things to rights. It does feel weird, alien, strange but not…I mean I was born with it but it just…it seems kind of foreign to me.

I gasp, blush and looked up at the ceiling and tried not to cry.

“Angel, Angel it’s okay…”

“No…not really….it, this…it’s not me…it really isn’t.”

“You do know how SRS works right? Down there…”

“Yes…It’s just…”

“Let my stroke your clitty okay woman?”

She kisses me and does that Rayne tongue melty kissing thing and she’s not really stroking as much as her hand is at my hood and god…she’s doing this wrapped around rubbing thing with her fingers…almost like…strumming? stroking and just there…

When her tongue gives me another swirl and her free hand cups my right breast and pushes it into being and her thumb plays over the nipple I get there…oh goddess oe whatever I get there.

I’m hanging onto her and panting but my hand is down, down, down returning the favor. I’m my slender four fingers deep and my thumb is folded in tight and it’s pressed right now like another bump for her to take.

She’s pressed tight to me and I love the feeling of her breasts on my as she death-grip hugging me but she moves, rides and rides hard…let no one tell you that we don’t…well… (Blush)…fuck as lesbians.

Yes it’s love making but it’s more than that and then she goes through this push hard against me and seizes up and then she does these mewling sounds and these kagel flexes inside and then we’re spent and holding each other.

“I love you Rayne, I do and even as fast as we’re going and as much as we’re still doubting I still want to try.”

“So do I Angel, I…I never talked like this with Summer…we were never good at being upfront with each other…we never really talked.”

“Not like us?” I ask smiling and look up from her shoulder to those eyes.

“No…nothing’s like us Angel.”

“Good.” I kiss her and shiver some as the water’s getting cooler. “Take me to bed Rayne.”

She nuzzles my face and slips her arms around me and lifts me out of the tub like she’s my knight and sets my on the edge of the sink while she gets a few towels and starts to dry me off and I start doing the same to her as we’re slowly kissing during the process.

We tuck the towels and take each others hands and we bow the candles out together before we slip through the house to my room.

No…our room now I guess.

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