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An "infantalist"? Meet Stanley, the adult baby

Recalling a few of the stories on big closet lately, I was struck by this news story.

By Melissa Dahl

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More breaking news!

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Hi everyone.

I'm pleased to announce an Ebook version of the latest Gaby release available here - .

In the course of the coming weeks i will endeavour to get all of the previous Gaby books as well as all the other Scaramouch releases converted to ebooks so there will be no excuse in not reading my wares anywhere!


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job interview tomorrow

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Well, I have a job interview tomorrow. Wish me luck Meanwhile, my mom almost let things slip out with my daughter. She bought me a Dorothy outfit, and came back just as I was feeding my daughter. She then pulled it out and asked me to try it on while my daughter wondered why she had bought me a skirt. Fortunately, my daughter has very short attention span, so probably not much chance she will be telling her mom. Maybe its time I came clean, but I would rather be working in case she makes me fight to see my girl.

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my mom almost let things slip with my daughter

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Well, my mom almost let things slip out with my daughter. She bought me a Dorothy outfit, and came back just as I was feeding my daughter. She then pulled it out and asked me to try it on while my daughter wondered why she had bought me a skirt. Fortunately, my daughter has very short attention span, so probably not much chance she will be telling her mom. Maybe its time I came clean, but I would rather be working in case she makes me fight to see my girl.

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How Others See Us

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We were visiting friends last week, and were having an Easter feast outdoors in the mild weather. I happened to be with several of the wives, including my own, and we were discussing movies, past oscar winners and others. Several nice movies were mentioned, and Notting Hill came up. We mentioned The King's Speech, and I mentioned that I like Colin Firth in Love Actually.. One of the ladies said, "You keep mentioning chic flicks. You're a girl inside, aren't you?" I said I guess so, and my wife said yes, while nodding in agreement.

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Guardian: 'Homophobic attacks increase in London'

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While we feel life is becoming more tolerant - could we be labouring under a misapprehension. West London seems to be having an upsurge of attacks on gay men.

Why people can't live in peace, I'll never understand.


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My muse's story

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Well, my muse refuses to give a lot of details about what she's been up to - just some hints about snogging some girl named Pippa at a wedding .... But, now that she has recovered from a hangover, she is pouring ideas into my head at a furious pace. Its too bad my daughter doesn't type, maybe I could offload some of my workload .....

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I have asked Erin to unpub,

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two of my unfinished stories. Let The Punishment Fit The Crime, and The Reluctant Biker Babe, as well as an abortive and completely useless contest to finish Let The Punishment Fit The Crime.

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My muse came back

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Well, my muse came back. Minus a shoe, ripped hose, her dress covered in stains from I don't even want to know what, but she's back. I've got two stories burning right now, my first and probably only entry into the "years worth of challenges", and a new Phoenix story. I wonder which one will get done first?

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Hi all.

Recently, I've been asked more than once about how I go about creating my characters. I have the file in my HD, but thought it would just be easier to put it here so anyone who likes can see it rather than sending it to every individual who asks. Do feel free to argue points, suggest changes, additions, whatever.

But this is the way I go about creating characters.

Now, without further histrionics, here is my own character template.


Character Template.

Labels (no, not T* & friends!)

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As a counterpoint to the discussion over T* related labels, I thought it might be interesting to have a more light-hearted discussion of the various other labels we may apply to ourselves (i.e. not related to gender, sexuality or political affiliation) to describe certain aspects of who we are and what we do.

For example, as I'm more knowledgeable than average about computers, and actively enjoy using them, I consider myself a "Geek" (although according to some definitions, I'm actually closer to "Nerd").

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Gaby Book 8 - first part published

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Hi everyone

If you go to you can now obtain the first 10 chapter part of the new Gaby book, Changes.

Rather than keep you waiting until all 40 chapters are finished which might not be until late summer i thought i'd release it in smaller lumps, i think you'll like this new stuff!

Prices are  £5.99 for the dead tree version and  £3.99 for the download.

Book 8 cover


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sitting here with tears in my eyes

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I'm sitting here, with tears in my eyes, and shaking so hard its hard to type. Wave upon wave of self-hate is hitting me, and I'm not sure I can swim. I am battered on all sides with self-doubt, one moment fearing that I could be a woman someday, and then a worse moment when I wonder if my sister-in-law is right that I am just .... rejecting my male identity.

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crossdressing conventions


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No, I don't mean a convention where everybody cross-dresses (although that sounds like fun...) I mean that in movies where a male character dresses as a woman, it seems like there are certain conventions that must be followed. The first is the set-up, where the reason for the disguise is explained. Usually, the situation is pretty far-fetched, to say the least. Then there is the actual dressing-up, which is usually done as fast as possible. The character seems to be able to find clothes that fit, learns how to do make-up, and how to walk and talk like a woman in record time.

The Royal Wedding Night

The wedding night of British royalty is steeped in as much tradition as the public ceremony.

It is the custom for the bride, when she is finally undressed and ready for the nuptial bed, to say to her new husband;

"Sir, I offer you my honour."

He replies;

"Madam, I honour your offer."

Then he's on 'er and off 'er all night.

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Should the word transgender really be used as an identity?

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I am one of a growing number that are unhappy with the use of the word transgender. For me it isn't really about a dislike for other marginalized groups it is instead about a sense of identity. The word is supposed to be an umbrella term that covers diverse groups but in its current usage I think really does all groups involved harm. I think it loses it message and pushes others out that the word was originally meant to include like crossdressers. Speaking of those marginalized groups where are they in the supposedly large LGBT and Transgender groups?

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I Mighte Be Related To Kate!

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Eh what with all this talk of family crests and such, it prompted me to explore mine a bit. If the "Sun" can invent outraveous lies then I ought also.
So I went looking on the Internet for the "Boucher" place of origin and family crest. Gads, we actually have one! It looks like they were part of the Norman invasion around 1066.

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I should be celebrating,

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my name change became legal, finally, yesterday. Instead of celebration, what I feel is somewhat empty. My family really could care less about this, and most of my friends are gone... either moved far away, or passed away. Frankly, I've never felt quite so alone as I do right now.

So I'm now, officially, legally, Catherine Linda Michel. Hooray for me.... I guess.


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Avoiding the Royal Wedding

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Well, I managed to avoid most of the coverage of the Royal wedding. My reasons for this were not because of any Republican sentiments I may carry, but more raw emotions. I couldn't have born seeing that beautiful bride and that exquisite gown without being almost lost to envy. I have a wonderful girlfriend, but its hard to imagine that I will ever be a bride. But, I have to be grateful for what I do have, don't I?

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Anyone know what happened to Connie Alexander

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It's been a few weeks since the last installment of Catwalk Confidence, the terrific tale of Alex's adventures. It's marvelously written and I'm having withdrawal pains. I hope nothing has happened to Connie.

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Li'lWorlds - A Social AgePlay MMO

Hi Everyone!

Well, things have been busy around here lately with me writing my story Aurora, and making improvements to LG Tales, but there is one project that I mentioned a couple years back, but haven't been talking about much lately (except a few), and I thought it was a good time to go about it.

Retcon Lexicon. Where is it?

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A few days or weeks ago, someone posted what was called A Retcon Lexicon. I had to do a re-stert of my computer this morning and when it rebooted, my link to the Lexicon was gone. Can anyone help me find it again?


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Spare a Thought

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The devastation in northern Alabama seems to have affected our member Stanman who has not been onsite since early Thursday morning. Let us hope that it is just disruption of internet or electricity and that Stan is okay. There may be other BC members who are having connectivity problems in this extreme weather, remember them also.

Hugs to all,

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royal wedding

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yes she is cute but please eat some food in the next 60 days please
I guess he is handsome not my type but maybe with one of mummies dresses hehe I'm burnt out over wedding 2011 way too much money ... here we go how about a quickie in a VEGAS chappel !!!! OK OK some of the hats are cool . I got a bunch of dvd's and a few books just in case but 4 am now way Betty not me hope they make it.... true love rules

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first time going to the ladies room


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Well, armed with a letter from the gender specialist, I went to the ladies room at a local mall. No muss, no fuss, just did my business, and came to the sink to wash my hands. there were other ladies around, but I paid them no mind, and they seemed to do the same. I then walked out, feeling like I passed a major hurdle. Anybody remember their first time in a public restroom?

going to a group interview as dorothy

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Well, today there was a hiring fair for a health care company, and I went as Dorothy. We had a group interview, which was kinda different, but cool. The company looks great, and it looks like they would have no problem with me coming to work for them as Dorothy. The best moment was each of us was asked who they would hire, and one of the other people picked me. Wish me luck that they hire me.

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Soldier of Missfortune

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It's taken me hours to sort out a suitable picture to go with the caption. Today's part two is a bonus episode - was literally waiting for paint to dry - it's true, honestly. Anyway, don't expect two episodes of stuff every day--this is very much a one off(or should that be two off?).

The plot is working up nicely, so I hope you enjoy. Comments are appreciated.


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Mishap or where have I been for three months

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Those people who enjoy my writing(all 6 or 60 of you) may be wondering what I been up to since I haven't posted anything on Duty Honor Country Family in a while.

Here's a long story turned short or maybe medium

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How Would You Describe Yourself In A Story.

So tonight after I got home from my volunteer job in Cleveland, my roomate had fixed Matzo Ball soup and then we sat around talkig about the school year and how happy they were that it was almost over. All this made me begin to think about my own life and how I would describe it.

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Petition to help transgender woman fight to avoid prejudice

This is a petition to help Dr Rachel Tudor who is being discriminated against by her colleagues because of her transition. The universities manual was rewitten after their action was initiated to make it easier to fire her. Southeastern is in the Bible belt of Oklahoma.

Below is a link to Rachael's blog with more information and a recent award for distinguished scholarship.

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Well, I just came home from the gender specialist, and I got the green light to work toward the real life test. He gave me a "carry letter" so I can use female washrooms, and a prescription for testosterone blockers. Now, if I only can find a job .....

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My prayers that you all are safe in all these major storms

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Hi all, I just wanted to take this moment to say I pray that you all are safe during these major storms rocking across the Midwest, Southwest, the South, Southeast and Eastern seaboard of the US. My heart goes out to Arkansas, where that State has had approx 20 persons killed, and millions and millions of dollars in damage done. Altho we see large storms this time of year; these have been majorily bad in all aspects. Take care and stay safe. Jan

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easter and the great weather

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Hello everyone I hope one and all had a wonderful time the last few days and had fun and a nice visit from the cute bunny no matter bad boy or good girl (hehehe LOL ) also I hope ereyone stays safe and dry ,, as in the last week I got so much rain I found my roof needs to be redone too many leaks and the shingles were at end of live span and with so much ice over the winter I also need new gutters it will be over $20,000 cry cry cry darn I just had drivway redone and now I will have a 30 yard dumpster in it darn I hope it will not crack the new drivway that is over 100 yards long

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France's oldest TS turns out to be a Brit.

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The Daily Wail does it again. Apparently this one wrote a book about herself, so is I suppose fair game. I wouldnt have thought 60 was that old - or is that all about personal perspective - the closer you get the younger it seems?

Comments are the usual unhelpful sort, but there seems to be some effort to ger pronouns right.

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Am I the only one fed up with The "Royal Wedding?

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All the pomp and circumstance is making me violently ill! 30 MILLiON dollars for security and God KNOWS how much for the actual wedding! EVERYWHERE I turn, on TV, in the papers, even on the internet, this thing is wherever I go! Maybe there isn't enough "girl" in me to be able to appreciate the supposed romance and all the preparations, etc, that go into an event like this.

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Moon Harper

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While Duty and Destiny is on hiatus, I'm working up a new story, over on my little writing website. My plan is to post the rough drafts over there, and when finished, I'll publish the final version here for general viewing.

If you're inclined, have a read.


Moon Harper

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I Got A Surprise Phone Call Today

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I got a surprise phone call today from the hiring coordinator for the company I recently did Customer Service training for. The IRS is hiring for positions beginning January 2012. The training starts September of this year. I went through a phone interview and I have been given a conditional letter of hire, pending a background check. I am wondering if those Federal agencies like the IRS would refuse to hire you if they find out what your former status is during the background check?

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Texas May Strip Away Transgender Marriage Rights

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AUSTIN, Texas – Two years after Texas became one of the last states to allow transgendered people to use proof of their sex change to get a marriage license, Republican lawmakers are trying to roll back the clock.

Advocates for the transgendered say a proposal to bar transgendered people from getting married smacks of discrimination and would put their legally granted marriages in danger of being nullified if challenged in court.

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the true little me.

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Curtsy everyone.

The true little me is a sweet little girl of 4 trying to poke out in the big real world. I have been to a number of adult little girl camps. Where i have meat a couple of writers on here aka Piper and cat. I look after a sweet writer calle allie elle.

As you are aware in real life unforntally i am a 33 year old male (soon to be 34) but i just love to be a sweet little girl.

I have loads of pictures of me on my flickr page but i think the perfect one for easter time would be this one

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Conference Cancelled

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According to the transgender blog in The Guardian, trans-activists caused a conference to be cancelled because they felt it was unrepresentative and that two of the speakers were either anti or unsympathetic to 'the cause'.

I'm not sure what I feel, other than it seems to prove that modern technology can effect change and that the opinions of minorities can be made louder than they otherwise might, especially in the past.

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GLBT Youth Home

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I have recently been hearing radio ads for a charity event to benefit a residential group home specifically for GLBT youths that is run by a local charity. In the ad they mention that this is one of three such facilities in the US.

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back from church as Dorothy

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Well, I'm back from church, and it was wonderful. They had a choir from Germany was was simply angelic. After the service, I went for coffee with a couple of guys from the welcoming group, and it was pretty good. Makes me wish I could do this every Sunday instead of having to go to my ex's church in male mode. Ah, well.

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OMG I think he was flirting with me.

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I went grocery shopping last Friday mostly en femme. That is to say, I was wearing women's clothes but made no attempt to pass. I had no makeup on. My hair was pulled back with a barrette and my shoes were obviously women's with nude knee-hi's and my jacket was a bit bright for a man's. The top I was wearing was definitely feminine, but my jacket was closed to near the top.

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The Working Girl Blog #61: Happy Easter

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Hameshiach qam!
Be'emet qam!

Happy Easter!

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 3.0

Just a Short Hello, and a Happy Easter.

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:

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So there I was, minding my own business when "Blam"

So there I was, minding my own business back in March, when "Blam" out of the blue I got hit by several back to back severe episodes of Menieres. If you don't know what Menieres is, I will try to explain it. Frist let me say, the Doctors all state the following: "Don't know what causes it", "Don't know how to cure it", "Just know it is progressive." The progressive part is that a person with Menieres eventually goes DEAF in the affected ear.

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Dr. Phil meets Light and Shadows storyline

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I was doing some research for my story and in one part I use the phrase 'bitch in heat'. While looking to see if the phrase makes sense in the story, I came accross this:

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I have a few days off

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I have some holiday over the Easter period and although I have list of chores as long as my arm I'm hoping to do some extra writing as well. I'd rather like to move Snafu on towards a conclusion, although that will require more than one episode, but I might manage the next one.

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Can you believe it? I just cut my nose shaving this morning. Far more psychological pain than physical pain of course.
Stupid facial hair, and stupid testosterone that makes it so. :P
Not that there's anything new about my thinking this way, but this served as a ...reminder. :|

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Trigger Warning: I thought you all should know about this.

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Okay, this is something that I don't want to post, but I am because awareness needs to be raised.

There is this video:
There's a LOT of comments on it too.

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Still Writng, Still Alive :-)

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Just a quick note for Becoming Robin and/or Boys Don't Cry fans, I'm still writing, and I'm still okay. :-) There's a lot happening in my life, none of it I'm really at liberty to discuss right now because some of it is business-related, and the rest of it is very very personal, and I respect the other person involved's privacy too much to say anything in public like this. ;-)

What I CAN say is that if all goes well, in the next six months:

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The State Of Tennessee Has Stooped To A New Level Of Stupid

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I read an article that talks about how the Tennessee State Senate has passed a law making it illegal to say the words Gay or Homosexual or discuss any related issues in the classrooms of Tennessee schools. Just when you thought people couldn't be any dumber, this just adds another layer of stupid. They already get made fun of for other things, but now they will really get it big time. I guess the birthplace of the KKK wants to ensure a new generation of bigots continues for years to come. Unreal! This is the 21st century, not the dark ages! It's time these people figure that out!

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One Of My GG Friends Is Writing A Paper

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on how Transgendered people are portrayed in the media. Her name is Amy. I have been helping her by citing a few examples. She turned in a rough draft to her professor yesterday and she is supposed to get that back by Tuesday to rewrite it for the final version due on Thursday. I talked to her about how newspapers cover hate crime reports against the Trans community based on where they are in the country. Could anyone give me a few more examples to use just in case she needs more refined material?

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New Universe open to TG/TS writers

John Scalzi is a well known sci-fi author who is published by TOR/Forge books.
I have some of them via my niece Anna who used to be Piers Anthony's editor
when she worked there. Ok, so here's what's going on. He tweeted a comment that
no one is doing any fan fiction of his books.

I sent him a note that I thought some of his books would go very well as
Transgendered Fiction and have received permission for me to tell you that his
world is open. The story and Universe I was thinking about was from his book
"Old Man's War" and the sequels. You have to be old to join the war, and you

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Information and pleading

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Just an FYI for you all, I have been quite sick the last two weeks and haven't done any writing more than a few paragraphs at a shot the whole time, so once I post Sunday's episode of 300 Rains I will probably take another break like I did in November, more for recuperating than anything else. I am sorry for this disruption to the release schedule but it was unavoidable. If I can't write or really edit it becomes difficult to keep supplying you with the adventures of Melanie in the Academic Jungle. Give me some time and I will catch up with things.

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call for an interview monday

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Well, I just got a phone call for an interview on Monday. Now, though, I have a moral dilemma. Do I mention my trans status and risk not getting hired? Or do I lie, and have to live with that?

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Bobbitt Mk. II?

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I don't normally post two blog articles in succession, but BBC News is carrying the story of a rather unusual orchiectomy...

A mother of four accused of biting off her boyfriend's testicles has denied grievous bodily harm. Maria Topp, 43, allegedly attacked Martin Douglas at his Newcastle flat at 0400 GMT on 18 February. He required emergency hospital treatment for his injuries.

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Outrage as Malaysia sends 'effeminate' boys to anti-gay camp

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Courtesy of today's Independent:

The Malaysian authorities are at the centre of an increasingly heated row after it emerged that 66 Muslim boys identified by teachers as "effeminate" had been dispatched to a special camp to discourage them from becoming gay.

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Falling . . .


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If anyone has a chance to check out my new story, Falling, I'd love some feedback on a plot device.

I'm still trying to decide the manner in which the main character, Nick, switches bodies with the girl who was falling. I've considered the Great Shift, or some other kind of cosmic intervention that places the soul of a person that wants to live in the body of a person that does not.

This story is loosely based on a news story I heard about a 16-year-old girl who jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge.

Mister Nibs and Mouse: Premature end

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Mister Nibs and Mouse

copyright 2011 Faeriemage

Sometimes the most ordinary people are extraordinary. Sometimes they aren't even people at all. And sometimes the author simply screws up completely.

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Odd Impressions

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Sometimes, I get these odd impressions that defy logic and reality. Like sometimes i get an impression of having breasts that is almost real enough to make me cry. But today, I had an impression that went the other way. It was a very masculine impression, of having a sword and shield, and protecting a female from a monster. Make what you will of that.

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A Good Cry

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I've loved Eva Cassidy's music for a long time and have read about her sad story. I recently learned of a special segment that ABC Nightline did on her in the early 2000's and remembered to look for it tonight on YouTube. It's a very good cry:

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No comments

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Sorry I haven't been commenting much. I've been enchanted by SaraUK's wonderful series "You Have It All Wrong". It's such a great story that I haven't been reading the new stuff very much!
Sara, if you're out there, please write more! I'm so taken with your story!


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crazy English


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Every once in a while, I'm struck by how crazy the spelling rules are for English. The example that brought this to my mind was dealing with the letter "y" when it is at the end of a word. Sometimes, if a word ends with a "y", sometimes when you add a suffix like "ed", the letter is replaced with an "I". For example "Try - Tried." But it doesn't always happen. Like the word "enjoy". put it in the past tense, and its "enjoyed", not "enjoied." Like I said, the rules for spelling in English can be crazy.
