More Health Update

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Okay, so here's what's going on.

I have Torticollis that snaps my head to the left, wrenching my neck and back, severe muscle spasms in my left shoulder that cause it to come right and my depression symptoms are on the rise. I have a hard time focusing on anything, etc... The VA is sending me to a Movement Disorder clinic whenever they get around to it, so who knows when that will occur.

I am trying to write, but it is hard to keep my focus on anything for any length of time. That and typing is fun with spasms. I wanted to update you all, so you were aware of what is going down with me. I'm trying to fight the good fight but its rough going. Still, it could be infinitely worse, so I do count what blessings I have.

Take care everyone and I will get back to 300 Rains when I can focus on the story for longer than a few moments at a time.


Have you tried voice recognition software?

I suffer from back damage and had a bad bout of sciatica a few years ago. I was laid up in bed, with limited movement - a recipe for getting bored out of your skull.

My employer provided me with a copy of Dragon "Simply speaking" (now renamed "Naturally Speaking") voice recognition software. It's not perfect, and I had to ask a secretary to do a careful read-through, but I managed to create several useful reports while I was laid-up.

If the physical problems are likely to persist, then using your voice to control your PC and to communicate with the world may be a partial solution. It's worth thinking about Dragon or similar software.



Since my mild stroke I have been using Dragon to input information. Most of the time I enter text in word processor or notepad then copy and paste to internet.

More Health Update

Praying for you.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

I really love 300 Rains!

But it is MUCH more important that you get control over these problems. The story can wait! Please, concentrate on your health! I'd much rather see you feel better. Then, when you feel better, hopefully, you can continue the story. I hope that the Docs can help you to recover.


Tortoise colic!

Angharad's picture

Wow - bad luck; however, one treatment is with botox, so if you ask 'em nicely, they may do a few wrinkles as well.

Get well soon, wry neck ain't nice.

Angharad :)


I already get botox for

I already get botox for migraines. So no wrinkles for me and far fewer migraines.


We are the change that will save the world.


We are the change that will save the world.

take care of yourself, hon

we'll be okay (barely, I am anxious for more of 300 rains). Take care of yourself first, and know you prayed for.



Hope they go against form

Frank's picture

And get you the treatment you need SOONER than LATER

We'll be waiting for your story when you are well enough to continue telling it :)

YOU come first!!




Best Wishes

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

I hope that they can get you the treatment you need as quickly as possible. In the meantime, take care of yourself.

In terms of 300 Rains, good stories remain good stories regardless of the frequency of posting.


"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere." - Carl Sagan

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."