I knew nothing about this until today, although I did know about the Afro-American experiments which were disgraceful--this is breathtakingly disgusting, and to think the nation running these experiments fought against Nazis like Dr Mengele.
Nothing like our self righteousness
We are doing it for the greater good, right???
I can see this tied up in our courts till every last one of them has died rather than quickly take responsibility and do the right thing.
Yet we so readily accuse other countries of human rights violations.
The same attitudes.
Bearing in mind I was 'put away, taken, set aside', call it what you will in 1952 and then used as a virtual laboratory rat for transgendered psychiatric research and curative experimentation, I'm firmly of the opinion that the same arrogant and inhumane mindset prevailed in the medical profession in the UK and for that matter all over the world.
I believe it still does. If anybody can find out what happened to Natasha Lewis of Port Talbot, South Wales after she was abducted from her mother's care in Florida in the 1990's I would dearly like to know.
The medical profession is notorious for accepting obssessive, academic, over-achievers into their medical schools because they are paranoid about pass rates based upon the academic first three years at Medical school and a high academic pass rate to justify the necessarily high captial investment to train a doctor.
Sadly, many of these 'over-achievers' are encumbered of a dangerous personality disorder insofar as they tenD to be 'cold fish' with little or no compassion or humanity because they are burdened with a youthfull arrogance based upon their high-school academic achievemnt. That academic arrogance tends to stay with them through their life.
The ones who tortured and tormented me with their 'therapies' between 1952 and 1958 were certainly some of the most unfeeling, and inhumane monsters a child could ever wish not to meet.
As a result of those catastophic formative years I treat all doctors with a cripplingly disabling distrust. I will however let physicians and surgeons near my body because I have to when I am ill, (which is rarely because I keep myself fit an 168 lbs for 5'10"). Apart from the transgender abuse issues in transphobic care homes for the elderly, another reason for my intention to kill myself once I am too frail and disabled to care for myself is so that I will not be the victim of medical abuse in my final years. Furthermore I wouldn't let a f-----g psychiatrist ever get near me again!!!
I keep out of their clutches by never breaking any laws and thus leaving myself vulnerable to enforced psychiatry as might be ordered by judges whom I also distrust.
The Afro American atrocities of the thirties and the Guatamalan experiments described above are just typical examples of doctor's inhumanity to man.
First do no harm?!!! Kiss my arse.
Growing old disgracefully.
An experiment too far.
A very dark chapter in American history.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
A few years after that Stan,
McCarthyism entrenched itself in the 'Good, ol'e American Psyche'. It was dangerous even to have a social conscience in the fifties in America.
When I was a young man sailing between Liverpool and Manchester to Canada, Great Lakes and the Eastern Seaboard of America in the sixties I met dozen's of older seamen who had sailed and fought during the WW2. These men had often had arguments with the paranoid facists who ran American immigration during the fifties. These good'ole 'thought police wanted to know every man's political views.
The term thought police in this context was an oxymoron because these immigration prats were hardly capable of a thought.
One of the men I sailed with had won American medals fighting with the US Marines in the pacific and he used to wave his medal in the face of the immigration clowns and tell them he made a big mistake believeing that America was supposedly a free country. He moved back to Scotland a couple of years after the war because he was dissillusioned with America and McCarthyism.
The British Seamen (who had fought alongside Americans in the Atlantic campaign all through the 2nd WW,) used to say they were communist just to wind the officials up. They knew the next port was in Canade where liberty and justice prevailed and they could go ashore without let or hinderence.
There have been plenty of 'Dark Chapters' in American history one only has to speak to central american from Nicaragua, mexico, Guatamala and Panama to mention but a few.
Yeah, I know we Brits have been guily of plenty of genoicidal atrocities but believe me, America is by no means squeaky clean.
Growing old disgracefully.
Swedish eugenics
Their programme continued until 1975.
There is a silly film called "The Final Countdown", in which an American carrier is thrown back in time to Peart Harbour. All very fluffy, big issues avoided. Then, there is a series of books by John Birmingham, in which a 21st Century NATO(ish) fleet is thrown back to the battle of Midway. Birmingham faces up to a few simple facts that are evaded in the film: democratic Western society at the time was racist, sexist and elitist, at least where 'elite' meant 'rich'
There are, in Mitford English society, 'U' and 'non-U', or upper and lower classes. In 1940s society, there were people (white, male) and the rest. Experiments on people are evil. On the rest, who cares?
In Case of Sonic Attack
I thought THE FINAL COUNTDOWN was about the last days of man on earth, and some weird experiment that would create a superbeing to survive the end, the key to which was being hunted by a groovy pansexual alchemist superspy named Jerry Corneilius with his electromagnetic needle gun, from those Moorccck stories whatever they was.
I don't want to think about the Tuskeegee experiment and all that miserable shit---not today, my guts hurt---or that one with Hugh Grant where Gene Hackman was trying to regrow nerve tissue using those poor winos as test subjects. I wonder if America had been able to nab Mengele if we wouldn't have put him to work for us like we did so many other evil Axis fucks that we should've just shot in the face on principle. Or I would wonder that but I need a break from dwelling on the depths of human barbarism. Just one day. Just one minute...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Indeed, Laika
Your guts hurt,,,'there will be an ache in the pelvic region'
My guts are awful today, but thankfully there is no 'bleeding from orifices'. Not quite. The Moorcock books were tasty, though.
It is ...interesting to note exactly how many places involved in the War to end Tyranny resorted to much the same experimentation.