Well, it's been awhile, but I'm back. What a year. Two major surgeries in my immediate family, a storm blowing half a huge walnut tree onto the house... sigh. Family is doing well now, all healthy, tree removed from proximity to house and is now two piles of brush and limbs. The good news there is it's walnut, as I mentioned. So I can at least get something for the work I'm putting in getting it hacked up and all that.
I have a brand new story going now - Maiden by Decree, and already have eight full chapters done and have started on chapter nine. Would you believe the thing is just getting started with that? Sheesh. It's more lighthearted than most of the things I've done over the past few years, so if you like a mix of sword and sorcery type stories mixed with my own rather strange brand of humor, please make sure and read the story as it comes out. I'm having fun with it, if that tells you anything.
And now I've run out of things to say here. Imagine that, a writer running out of words...
Later all.
Link on StarDust
Maiden by Decree by Maggie Finson
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Well you know what they say.
'A woman, a dog or a walnut tree - the more you beat them the better they be' I can only think you hammered that old tree a bit harder than you thought :0) You'd best be careful with the dog ... and the woman, come to that. Things can only get better.
I'll get me coat on the way out to read your new story.