Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.


Ok, I've seen this story pop up on the main page pretty often with new chapters and I've honestly been avoiding it because of said amount of chapters. I've been able to do so since I first found this site maybe two years ago. Last night I caught up with all the stories I'm currently reading and decided to go ahead and try the first couple of EAFOAB. Ummm, WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG? Dang it, I've been missing out. I know I'm going to be a bit sad when I get caught up but I do know I'll be enjoying the time getting there.

Ok, I just had to get that out :)


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Okay, so I screwed up

Yep I did it royally. To make a long story short I was having difficult writing a sequel to Assassin. I got about twenty thousand words into the thing and I just couldn't write anymore, so in my brilliance I decided to write a fluff piece just to relax my brain. I grew lazy and started reading books like crazy, Vince Flynn, Lisa Gardner, Michael Connelly and many more. My kindle bill was off the charts, did I mention Tanya Allan, yep I bought a bunch of hers and Karin Bishop and Lee Childs, I've read every Jack Reacher novel written.

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Health is poor

I am a diabetic by chemical exposure, I've had problems maintaining a normal blood sugar. My weight fluxuates from normal to obese. I am on insulin, blood pressure medication and do not have a working thyroid. I asked for help due to my weight problem and out of control blood sugar levels. My blood pressures have bee abnormally low the past few days and now I am afraid to eat because I do not want my blood sugars to be high and abnormal. Tomorrow 3/12/2013 I see the PA for my diabetic check up and the eating disorders psychologist to discuss my eating habits.

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Shameless self-advertising

Well, my work is being pushed out to the public, but to be honest, I would rather be writing. Stolen Innocence is now available in paperback, which came with its own set of lessons. The primary lesson was just understanding how big that project was. After it was up on Kindle, and looking at what some of the other authors here have done, I decided to check out CreateSpace and look into making SI available in print form as well. Reading through their “how to” section seemed pretty straight forward, so I figured, why not?

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Three Cheers for Erin, Piper, Sephy, Cat,

and ALL the rest who work SO hard to make and keep Top Shelf not only the BEST TG fiction site on the web, but such a wonderful place to meet and chat! You all work SO hard for us, and I wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate all you do. We sit out here like a bunch of junkies, waiting, nay praying for our next fix, and you all never disappoint. Whatever you have to do to keep our internet fix coming, you go right ahead and do. There's no need to apologize to us. We will wait however long it takes.



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Angel Finale Sneak Peak Clarification

Just to be clear, It was my plan to post the sneak peak of the finale here for the generous family I have grown to live here at Big Closet. I appreciate those who reached out to me to express their concern regarding many people's reluctance to have a presence on FB. My intent was to post here and on FB with my note at the bottom of my last episode being more targeted to other sites. It was not my intention to exclude my family here and I am deeply honored to know just how much my writing means to you.

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On International Women’s Day

Found the start of an interesting "commentary" over on Feminist Ire. Somebody wished a happy International Women's Day to all, pointedly including marginalized groups such as Trans* women. And it's off to the races.

Happy International Women's Day to all here on BC! :-)

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bruising myself at work

came home from work yesterday with a loonie-size bruise on my belly, and no idea how it got there. Today its spread, and looks rather nasty. One of these days, I'm going to poke a hole right through me, and not realize it until I look at the floor and wonder where all the red stuff came from ....

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1 Year Anniversary

Wow, I cant believe its been one year since I joined and started to work on The Other side of the Forest. A great big warm thanks to everyone who has read my stories, left me a Comment or a Kudos. I'm pleased to know that you have enjoyed my little scribblings and I hope that you will continue to do so with the new ones as well. Thanks again for reading.

buá­ochas a ghabhá¡il leat cairde


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Broken link/page

For the last few days I've occasionally have received the Broken page/link message while hitting the HOME button at the bottom of the page. It's not always, but it is annoying. I'm not sure if this is indicative of another problem or just more of the same old one.

All of you have my deepest appreciation for all the hard work you do keeping this oasis for us open.

Big hugs

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The Taylor Project - Recent Slowdown

I just wanted to let my readers know that I've had to back down from my twice a week posting pace for two reasons. First, I've had to put in a lot more hours at work the past few weeks and it is cutting into my writing time. Second, I've made some changes to my first draft of Taylor's confrontation with her father (part 16) and the family meeting (part 17). I think the result that I posted is better overall than my original draft and I'm really pleased with how it turned out.

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Not really new, but definitely improved... :)

Sharper image! :D I changed the file type to fix the blurring problem, which was preventing... ...certain details from showing up properly. :)
Sharper sword! :D Certainly a more BADASS sword. :) It's now two-handed, hence the long handle. =)
Bigger Chibi Avatar! :D Allows for more detail. :)

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Fighting depression

Thanks to a story by Bailey Summers, I've been thinking about my dad. As most of you know, He committed suicide when I was 5 years old. They call it "depression" but somehow, it just doesnt seem to cover this total inability to see himself as a person of worth. He lived his last few years as if all the blessings in his life were stolen property that would be taken from him as soon as he was caught with them ....

I know this struggle in myself far too well. Too many days have started or ended with me feeling like I was getting an "F" in life .....

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Its getting harder and harder.

The demons came last night. Its been awhile since I've had a really bad nightmare. I don't get much sleep and wake up three to four times a night. I am a light sleeper and it usually takes me about 30 minutes to get back to sleep. And maybe its my paranoia or a defense against the nightmares I don't know.

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Where I am

I feel very unworthy, very unloved, and very ugly today. Perhaps I need to realize that I will never gain acceptance and at best can only hope to be tolerated. Maybe I should give up on the goal of being honest with the world and with myself since it has been brought to my attention that I will never pass. The 1 thing that I don't want to be is seen as a joke or carnival sideshow.

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Now I'm getting this Fey stuff!

So, all these Fey, daemon, sucubbus stories are very new to me but I have found a series that begins to pull it all into focus. "Lost Girl" available on Net Flix is really entertaining and I can just see a T version of it appearing on BCTS. Personally, Kinzi would be the likely candidate for unwanted transformation. The unwanted part is to cure reader guilt, and she turns into a dynamite looking chick, enough perhaps for the one handed readers.

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Okay,I understand that everybody is working very hard to make things all spiffy on here, and I do appreciate it. But I just want to scream when I spend a fair amount of time composing a comment, only to get a "Site Offline" message, I just want to scream! I can't even hit the back button on my browser anymore, Firefox apparently wants to refresh the page or something because I am stuck in an endless loop of "site offline" pages. I've ranted to Firefox about the problems but not gotten a peep in reply.

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started the process for my name change

Well, I finally got off the pot, as it were and got the forms so I can get my birth certificate, which is the first step in getting a legal name change. It had felt like such a permanent and serious step, it took me this long to rev up enough courage to go for it ....

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Happy Birthday Kristine Roland...


While our online collaborations may be playful, our friendship is just that and so much more. An inspiration and encouragement to me from the moment we 'met' here. Please join with me in wishing happy birthday to one of the truest friends and sisters anyone could ever know. Many happy returns of the day, dear one. I love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday!

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Just came home from church

just came home from church. Not only a nice service on hungering for God, but a communion service, and they also gave me a healing oil and a prayer. I also got a chance to have a nice long chat with the minister's partner, and she's really cool. Finally, I have a church I can call home ....

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Has something changed?

Did anything change recently with the Topshelf software? I've been using firefox browser, with the down-them-all add-on to batch-download the new posts daily, so I could read them on my phone. The site was down on the 2nd March when I visited, and then when it came back, down-them-all no longer works. Does anyone else read the same way? Have you hit the same problem?


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reverse wedding

have you guys ever hear of a a reverse wedding? If I remember right, it was something that would take place the day before an actual wedding. They would take a married couple, have the girl put on a wedding tux and the guy a wedding dress, and do a usually funny version of the wedding ceremony.

anybody else hear of this idea?


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What story on here can't you stop until you're finished?

I've just finished my fourth go round with Randalynn's "No Obligation" I get sucked into it almost immediately and have to keep reading it until I'm finished. There are some others like that, but this is one I keep going back to and just love it.

Got me wondering what stories others have to read until they finish, no matter how many times they've read it before?



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In search of . . .

Looking for a story I read a few years back. A successful well-off bachelor has his life (and body) stolen from him by renegade witch with a grudge against men. Her coven rallies to help the new witch get back what was stolen monetarily as well as getting some revenge on the "new" him. Think I read it here but not sure.

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A story got stuck

and I'd like some help deciding what I should try to focus on until the other story gets free. I'm going to try to work on another story while this one germinates some more. If nothing else, even the discussion of what's in my queue may jar the current story free. Opinions welcome. Bear in mind, this isn't a democracy, so while I will listen to suggestions, I'll make the decision on my own.

Anyway, here's a preview of what's in the queue. What tickles your fancy about a next story priority?

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What a difference a year makes.

At about this time 365 days ago I created a profile here. I had been lurking for years and had even been around when old big closet existed. I found solace in the wonderful stories and works here and felt I finally had the do something about it. I registered and kudoed everything I read.

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Love The Voice

A great many drag performers go for the grotesque. Jinkx Monsoon (a.k.a. Jerrick Hoffer) seems to go for the ironic. I'm pretty well impressed with the presentation (makeup, wig, outfits, etc.), but it's the voice that's most impressive.

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I'm not sure why this upset me so

Had a conversation with a friend the other day, and she mentioned how I looked when I am having a flashback - my face gets flushed, tears form in my eyes, and I get this "I'm not home" look. For some reason, finding this out shook me, I dont exactly know why ....

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Summer with Em

Sorry my last chapter was a bit hurried. I needed to show I took notice of readers who wanted more so it was just a quick catch up. I try to keep a standard that I set by 1 kudos per 10 readers for the first 500 who open my stories. But I still write around true life when I can since there are better writers for fantasy.
Glad I could respond and so more to come.

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Kindle Release

One year and ten weeks ago, the first thing that I had written, that I allowed anyone to read, was posted on this site. It was a poorly written short story full of punctuation, spelling and grammar errors that made reading it very difficult. Apparently, there was something in that story that caught the interest of a few people, as the offers for help and guidance started coming in from people that I had never met, and didn’t know.

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Kindle Buffet Comics and Graphics novels

Today's Kindle Buffet ends page 3 with 10 Comics and Graphics Novel books. It looks as if they are samplers and commentary, no9t so much actual stories, but I wanted to let people here know about them while there is still time to get them for $0.00.

Looking more closely, at least one of them has some actual comics.

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Is it just me or do some blogs disappear before their time from the 'newstuff' page. You know, the page you get when you click 'more' under the recent blogs on the front page so you can look at older ones than the newest seven? Are people deleting their own blogs or do they get shuffled off before their time some how? I have noticed this happening to a number of different blogs in the past. Is it just me? am I going crazy?

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Olympia Universe

Olympia Universe

So my plan is to eventually turn Olympia into something of a universe around Greek Gods myths, legends, and mythological creatures. I will add more detail to this as I go along. In general though you need to stick close to Greek myths or have the story be based off Greek myths in some way.


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Real life imitates fiction

Last week's New Scientist had a special issue on "The Self", and one of the subjects it tackles is the way the mind human scopes out the extent of our own bodies. They cite an experiment in which the subject's own hand is obscured, and an artificial hand placed in front of them. When the two hands are simultaneously stroked, the sub-conscious mind decides that the visible, artificial hand is part of its own body. Even though the subject consciously knows the hand is false, s/he experiences stress if the artificial hand is threatened.

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Revision History

I was rather disturbed to discover recently that all past revisions to any story are available for any logged-in reader to view. I suppose there might be some value in being able to see my own history, but I find it disturbing that others can also go through it. Even the best of us make mistakes at some time, and personally, I would rather such mistakes did not remain on public record. What is even more disturbing is that, like me, other authors may not be aware that such records remain publically on view.

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considering making a will

I've been thinking about making a will. I have a pretty good idea what I want - my furniture should go to good will, my books to the local library, my clothes to the pride center to be given to any trans person who needs a wardrobe, my pictures and papers and any money I have go to my daughter, and my stories go to my best friend Kylie, except the ones i made with Jaci, she should have those.

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Earlier today i was listening to some music, and i got to thinking. When i was a kid my childhood Idol was Madonna. Now obviously as a young boy there was no way in hell i'd ever admit to that! So i declared Kenny Rodgers as my hero (though i thought Dolly Parton and the Judd's were more to my liking).

In the last few years another woman has climbed to the top, but people began to compare her to my Idol Madonna! Needless to say NO ONE compares to Madonna... right? So on the spot i made up my mind to hate her (like any fool would).

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David Saga

So, this is not the end, but this is the end of this part. I've just realized, well today while I was writing, that this really is one long novel. It is in separate parts, true, but this all goes to a single long story. There is one interlude currently (Club) and will likely be another before I begin Dee is for David which is then next part.

That being said, I really have NO idea how long this story is going to be.

I can tell you all, that Dee is for David, part three in the story picks up two years after the events of My Name is David.

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an update

Well I'm back to writing again. I'm taking it really slow, only a few hundred words at a time. Since my writers block morphed into a since of distaste anytime I tried to write I am trying to supplant this emotion by stopping my writing before I get to the point of feeling too frustrated. Hopefully this will help to get rid of the negative emotions by only feeling the pleasure of writing. I plan to keep adding more to my daily word count until I am back to where I was before.

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