TopShelf Blogs

A word from our sponsor:


Doctor Bart van de Ven

I am deeply saddened to say that I have been advised that Doctor Bart van de Ven, an internationally recognised maxillofacial surgeon specialising in facial feminisation surgery has very recently and suddenly passed away. Whilst many people may not be familiar with Doctor Bart, he was well known here in Europe and had set up the 2pass clinic in the Netherlands.

His website and business is still currently running (

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Hope for Texan trans youth & their families... From the top branches

For hope for the Texan families affected by the current BS

The Authorities & or of The Top medical & psycholigical boards, Family & child protective Boards, Strong Civil rights defenders & the Federal governmenet right from the head of said government (their president biden) is nipping this is the Ass lol

Since reading this, my anxiety for them is going down finally.

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an anniversary is approaching for me

Next month will mark five years at Big Closet for me. I came here dragging an idea for the Wildcats and that's where the story began.

I owe the readers here a lot for the kind words, constructive criticism, and support I've received over all those days.

That's why I gave my book Taylor to Big Closet so the procedes could go directly to help keeping this wonderful place afloat.

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Results Delay

We have a relative staying over for 2 days and its way too hectic for me here to be able to finish grading the last 40% of the works until they leave Thursday morning. I need peace and quiet to analyze while reading. So please allow me until Saturday the 5th to post and pay out morning Eastern time.

Thank you. And I do apologize for the inconvenience. I certainly wasn't expecting this.




Are UK TERF's the TERFiest?

I was going to write a story with TERF character in it. Doing some research I found an article that seems to say that the UK has a more TERF leaning version of Feminism.

TBH I had never heard the expression before I joined this site. I'm not going to do the story now. Vile ideology. I'm glad that I'm just seen as an oppressor now. (Presnting as male most of the time) You ladies have given me insights to many things.I didn't know how hate-filled some of these scum bags were.

The article is from 2019, but what it says is horrible.

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Blast from the old painting of mine.

I was just sitting around looking at some photos of some of my old artwork and came across this one. It was done back in May 2005, when I could still hold a paintbrush. It's oil on canvas (25" x 20) and (as far as I know) is residing in a home in eastern Colorado. I titled it, The Meaning of Life, and the "secret" of the painting is the lettering highlighted in yellow inside the equation.


The Meaning of Life.jpg

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Books Now Available on Kindle

I've been asked by a number of readers when I'm going to publish my books to Amazon. I've had reasons for holding out, but decided to go ahead and do it this weekend. I'm not publishing to the Kindle Unlimited format simply because it would mean pulling down all of my works from free sites like this one - something I don't have a desire to do.

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two bits of good news to share

I have two bits of good news to share.

1st bit of good news, I found the email of the lady who ran the local writing group, we had a good trade in emails, and I feel like I have rediscovered a friend I had lost.

2nd bit of good news, I used my new CPAP machine for the first time last night, and I only had 6.6 apnea incidents per hour. in my original sleep study I was getting 130 incidents/hour, and on my old machine I was still getting 35-40.

so yay!

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Unexpected death of my brother

My brother died unexpectedly at the weekend. He hadn't been ill, he was only 55.
He lives (lived) on his own, but he has a large network of friends and one of them alerted me on Monday that they couldn't get in touch with him. I hadn't heard from him since Saturday afternoon. I got a key to his house and I found his body.

I've been so busy dealing with contacting friends, family, work and various organisations that I haven't really had time to think about how I feel. Which has helped, in a way. It's given me time to get used to the idea before I've had time to react.



This week's zoom meeting

Wendy Jean is having a video Zoom meeting this Sunday at 4:00PM Dallas time. While it is OK to invite others, this meeting is for T women only. There is no agenda as such , just a chance to meet new people who have something in common. Basically I have started this because being in a wheelchair I don't get out much. It is my way of going out and meeting new people. If you are interested in attending just leave me a note on BCTS and I will wend an invite with the details.


I lost a friend this week

My friend and co-writer Marina Kelly suffered a major stroke this past weekend. She has been in a coma and only semi-awake since then. Her daughter reports that she squeezes her hand when she tells her to, but she is not breathing on her own and she needs a gastric feeding tube. We are hoping that she wakes up, but things are touch and go right now. I don't think that we will be able to collaborate on any more stories. Because she lives 800 miles away, I will probably never hear from her again.

Please pray for her.

Thank you, Monica.



A few thoughts on Missing Without A Trace

missing without a trace - cover.jpg

I've just finished reading Maeryn Lamonte's excellent short story Georgy Girl and it made me start thinking about my own short little book, Missing Without A Trace. When I wrote my novel, the heroine, Kelly, became me...or rather, the inner me. The Charles I should have been, without the male shell that I'd been forced to construct around myself to fit in with everyone around me as I grew up.

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the level of talent on this site astonishes me

I've been reading some of the other entries for the Valentine's day contest on my writing site, and all I can say is that many of the authors are as good as any major bestseller's author.

I'm just a duffer, but I feel privileged to just be in the company of such talent.

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February 2022 BCTS "Magic of The Heart" Story Contest

I wasn't going to enter this contest. I have a pretty large bone pile of unfinished stories that I've been trying to wade through and see about finishing some of them. I've tried several and not been able to get more than a few hundred words going.

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What gives these arseholes the right to kill?

An article from the Guardian details the murder of a Kurdish transgender woman by her brother, who may well get away with it.

It strikes me as perverse that it's acceptable to murder someone for being themselves but not for someone to live as they feel comfortable. This young woman was doing nothing to hurt anyone, so why kill her? The term honour killing is bizarre, it's a disgraceful killing and the disgrace is for the people who perpetrate and condone such murders. Shame on them.

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BCTS "Magic of The Heart" Story Contest Entry

Decided to sit down today to finally get the idea for the BCTS story contest out of my head and onto a page. In spite of many many breaks to go play with an insistent kitty it somehow got written, and therefore posted. Said kitty brought me a shoestring and a fishie as bribes for attention out of desperation when her ceaseless meows were being ignored (due to music played even louder on the headset). Needless to say, she was rather difficult to say no to.

Anyway, hope folks enjoy. It's called 'The Questing Beast'. :)

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I guess I'm a slow kitty

Wow. I guess I really am a blonde bimbo after all. All those jokes that I've made about dying my hair wild colors being artificial intelligence are true. That or I was distracted by something reaaally shiny at the time. It only took me damn near twelve years but I finally realized something.


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Forced Gender Reassignment True?

There are always urban myths about this subject, and of course thousands of fictional stories. The story of Sporus who was turned into a woman for Nero seems to be an historical fact.

I had know that Thailand did the most operations. What surpried me was that Iran came second. This is not due Iran being a "go to" place for operations. It's due to gay men having to claim to be transexual to avoid prosecution or even execution.


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We buried my mother Wednesday, beside her parents in the family plot in Crab Orchard, Kentucky. That has a nice location on a hill. (Her father was on the cemetery board of directors.)

There were surprisingly many people at the service, here in Frankfort, including the music director and minister from her church. The former led us in singing Mother's favorite hymn. The latter gave a short sermon. Just as Mother wanted.

However, only her descendants and a few cousins made the hour and a half trip to Crab Orchard (where Mother was reared).

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it's amazing

It's amazing, interesting... idk. Strange, anyway, when you realize that something you haven't thought of since you were much younger... something that happened when you were about 5 years old, has had a profound effect on your personality almost 50 years later (48, but who's counting?).

I've discovered that something that was done to me when I was a child has affected me more than I ever thought... leaving some profound trauma in its wake.

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Ladies GTG (Get ToGether)

Wendy Jean is inviting you to a video Zoom meeting. While it is OK to invite others, this meeting is for T women only. There is no agenda as such , just a chance to meet new people who have something in common. Basically I have started this because being in a wheelchair I don't get out much. It is my way of going out and meeting new people. It is every Sunday 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Texas time. Having trouble tracking times? The National Institute of standards has a map that will simplify this. just send me a PM, and i will send you an invitation that has the link included.

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BC Funds and the Hatbox

We came up short last month, so we had to borrow some money. And that needs to be repaid but while we have some of it, we're going to do a few hundred or a thousand in upgrades. Back filling the shortage in January left us behind for February and it's already past the middle of the month.

If you can help us out, it will be greatly appreciated.

Erin, Piper, Cat, Amy, Liam, Jamie and the elves


Patty or Pat

As many of you who follow my blog know, I'm retired and drive school bus (about 20 hours a week) to combat the boredom of retirement. I'm sure that I've also mentioned that when I drive the bus I dress very butch. My usual fair is androgynous tennis shoes, dark grey jeans, polo shirt and an equally androgynous vest issued by the company with the company name on it. The jeans, BTW, aren't skinny jeans. The only thing feminine about my appearance would be the way I wear my hair; pulled back at the sides and held with a small barrette that is nearly the same color as my hair.

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Muse update

Well, it feels like its been a while since I have given a writing update, here goes:

Chapter 4 of "portal problems" is being written now. hopefully done by the end of the month.

Horror story "when paths cross" and its sequel are also being worked on. not sure how long to go.

Latest story about "Tinker Tailor Soldier Dot" is actually done, but waiting for Amethyst to be able to finish her Pinpoint story before it gets released, and a 5th story has been started.

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February 2022 BCTS "Magic of The Heart" Story Contest

There are a total of 7 prizes: 1 x 1st Place, 2x 2nd Place, and 4 x 3rd Place. The current cash prizes are 1 x $150, 2 x $75, 4 x $25.
The Winner's Announcement is March 3, 2022 along with payouts. I will be issuing the payouts in a timely fashion same day.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 




Every February I take a few of my books and give away copies of the ebook on Amazon.
Right now, Bloomsday, A Window to Your Heart and Cherry Moone are free until the 16th.
On the 17, A Change Will Do You Good, Desert Rose and To Be a Different Someone will be on the free block.

The only thing I ask is if you can leave a review on Amazon (If you choose)

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I might be moving

Well, things could be changing here in a serious way.

I think the time has come for my mom to find a senior's lodge, as her paranoia over Carol is causing problems.

It might take a while, with waiting lists, and COVID being factors.

But the bigger question is what do I do?

Do I try and find a place with a 2 bedroom suite so we can continue to be together?

That would be mom's first preference, and mine too, but it may not be practical, or even possible.

I guess time will tell . . .

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A New Laptop

My Desk Top is an HP Wide Screen all in one that is at least 6 years old. As insurance I am thinking about a new Laptop but I need lots of USB ports and slots. I have several SSD drives plugged in. I think the built in mechanical drive is at least a gig. I have a DVD drive that I used to use a lot but lately YouTube has so much that it seems obsolete. Just looking around, it seems that there are so many tiny laptops with little keyboards. Ick.

I don't do Apple, and I run windows. I am no computer geek. I'm a writer and do not do games so no special video drive needed.


Need an IT professional's input on a story I'm writing.

OK, I'm writing a story in which an IT troubleshooter needs to locate an unknown virus and irradicate it without destroying the data.

The fictional device has a 1 gig solid state C drive and a Terabyte drive D. I'm presuming that the virus would have compromised something on the boot drive.

C drive is using 79.6 of 97.8 available
D drive is only using 4.75 of 931 available.

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Sad News

We knew this was coming; my Mother was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer back in November. However she didn't want us to tell anyone until after she was gone.

There were multiple ups and downs, but the downs predominated and she slowly grew worse. She died at around 2:40 this afternoon, at age 89.

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New novel: Schooled

Schooled is the story of George, a teacher who spends much of his free time as Jessica, the woman he wishes he could have been. George inadvertently ‘outs’ himself to his head teacher, the fierce Ms Victoria Stanton, but her reaction surprises him: she wants to meet Jessica, and gives every indication that she likes her.

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Time flies

It's amazing how time goes fwoooosh. The older I get, the quicker that arrow zips on past.

And thus I realized today when looking at posting dates that four years ago is when I finally decided to be brave enough to quit being a (long time) lurker and toss the two books I'd written out onto BCTS. Four years! Can hardly believe it. I remember being incredibly nervous about doing so too, having debated with myself for months on end. Though admittedly with each additional installment of the story since those nerves still flare. They shouldn't but, well, yep.

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Sex in stories, If it's there should it be graphic or tasteful ?

**** Thank you all for your comments. It has been very useful to see all your opinions on the subject.****

When I first started writing it was on Fictiomania. Stories there often, but not always involve sex.

Since posting on here I have noticed my more sexual stories get a lot more reads, but a lot less kudos.

The current story I'm writing has got sexual scenes. I have held back on being descriptive though.
Refering to his male member as his hardness etc, rather than to other more sexual words.


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Personal Update

An update on how I am doing after the accident I blogged about last week.

I still have no memory of the fall on ice, or being airlifted to the University of Iowa's neurological intensive care unit. that morning. I don't remember anything of that morning, going to work, falling or anything. The first thing I do remember is waking up Thursday morning, 2 days after I was admitted to their ICU.

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Thanks, Number 100...

Just wanted to thank the reader who supplied my "Another Guy at West Peak" story with kudos number 100 recently. It had been at 99 for at least several months, and since it was a riff on a Bru story that had long since faded from notoriety and most likely from memory, I wasn't really surprised that nothing further was happening.

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allergy results and revelations

Today I went to get tested for allergies, and I tested positive to cat hair, tree pollen, grass, and shrimp - the latter is apparently bad enough they have proscribed an epi pen for me.

But something interesting happened.

When they first gave me my results and the prescription, I noticed it had the wrong name, so I had to go back in and get things straightened out.

But what was interesting was the young woman receptionist apologized repeatedly, and I told her not to sweat it, since I got the corrected information.

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Need help from a Samsung phone guru

I have a Samsung Galaxy J3 smart phone model SM-J337U. Up until recently, I've been able to access the internet while out and about on the phone. However, a while back, I was in Home Depot trying to use their app to locate something in the store and it said I didn't have an internet connection. Then last week same thing happened at Safeway and just today, I was at Best Buy and wanted to do a curbside pickup.

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Sick of Literotica

I finally got sick to death of Literotica today. After Linda got rejected after being submitted three times. If anyone has read it it's a trans/CD love story. Not sure where I will take it. They reject your story and tell you to read the guidelines. You have no idea why.

At first I thought it was the reference to Peter asking his mother why he wasn't a girl. According to Literotica, underage (18) crossdressing is tantamount to child porn. Which is distrubing!

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Amazon a party to criminal copyright infringement?

As a published author on Amazon I find myself troubled that it is so easy for people to blatantly infringe copyright using the Amazon Platform.
As a publisher Amazon has a vested interest in protecting copyright, yet there is almost no way of raising the issue of copyright infringement.
Over on Fictionmania Message Board recent exchange started like this:

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disturbed and saddened

I forwarded an obituary to my brother today as he no longer lives in our home town. His former brother-in-law had died and I thought he might want to send a card. He e-mailed me back that it wouldn't be welcomed. It seems that even in death his family refuses to recognize him. When police contacted people with his last name they got no response except from a another former in-law. I don't blame them for avoiding him in life. He was an addict, a thief and a child abuser. What is disturbing to me is that I know they once loved him.


The world has changed drastically.

The other day a video popped up in my YouTube feed.
The reaction to the video is shocking for older T-Folk.

SpartanElite43 ( Youtuber name ) posted a video admitting her status as a MTF person, 1 year on HRT.
I have not seen ANY negativity about it directed at her.

The world has changed.

edit to add:

Link to the video:


Banning Books in Texas and Other States

"Don't join the book burners... Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

“If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.
" - Benjamin Franklin

“Information is the currency of democracy.” –Thomas Jefferson

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LBG Animals

Same-sex Penguins Hatch Their First Chick at New York Zoo

Same-sex penguin pairs aren't unusual.

A pair of same-sex penguins hatched their first chick at Rosamond Gifford Zoo in New York and the parents are caring for it like pros.
The two male Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) named Elmer and Lima were given an egg to incubate because the egg's biological parents have a history of accidentally breaking them. A chick hatched from the egg on Jan. 1 and is doing just fine with its same-sex parents, who keep the newborn penguin warm and fed. 

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Too busy to post this week

Real life has caught up big time this week and I have an assignment to complete in the next couple of days, I am really busy also my elderly neighbour has also become increasingly needy and confused and I can't abandon her but she really soaks up the time. So sadly, I haven't time to write (except bloody carbon cycle and not carbon fibre, and grassland ecology) and most of that is calculations in gC per m squared per year.

Anyone who thinks the Open University is a soft option is probably too stupid to do a degree with them.

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