I was doing some housekeeping on my file/media server when I came across a copy of a few long-deleted blog entries from 2012. This one from 2012-07-24 should be self-explanatory:
Anyone who knows me is aware that I seldom stop talking, but one little envelope in the mail managed to do just that.
The envelope was marked "Private & Confidential". I just knew it had to be the psychiatrist's report so opened it with some trepidation, especially given the experience I had 'enjoyed' in the company of the newly-qualified shrink two weeks ago.
I was struck dumb by a few simple words:
"I have assessed Mr ....... and I can confirm that he meets the criteria for diagnosis of a Gender Dysphoria & Transexualism. He is requesting a referral to the Gender Identity Clinic for further assessment and treatment and I would like to support his request"
It was signed by the very same shrink who had told me the exact opposite.
So, despite the atrocious grammar, that's stage one cleared. At some point in the future I should get an appointment at the Charing Cross GIC in London.
So 10 years back I was feeling as if a weight had been lifted from me? Today I know just how wrong I was (at the time) but at least things are finally beginning to move forward.
My GP and the NHS have one email address & phone number for me but when I submitted the referral document to the Gender Identity Clinic I put down my Shiraz accounts as my preferred means of contact. A few weeks later I did receive an email from the GIC addressed to Shiraz, which confirmed I was now registered there. The email asked for confirmation of contact information - the boring admin stuff - but it does mean I'm in the queue.
I'm not certain how long it will be before the next contact but I've decided to make a personal change in the new year which will mean some changes in official records. More on that when it happens.