Aidra's blog

Mockreet Pocket Guide

Okay, so here's the breakdown of The Mockreet. I can't believe I have to type this out, but here we go:

Timeline 1(Faedrye): Lyra appears in the body of Micah Lavoric, she lives in Auglire with her sister Sheena Rossi. She's been abducted due to Calliope's idiocy and now Sheena is searching for her. Lyra is now hiding amongst a group of would-be revolutionaries led by Quinn Mallory in their fight against both the High Landy and a smuggler named Old Jaf.


Mockreet 36 - Yes, it makes no sense for now

For those who were confused about The Mockreet Chapter 36 - yes, it makes very little sense right now. Truth is, it's not going to mean anything until the last third of the story, but as I'm winding down, it sort of had to go somewhere. I promise you, when you've done as much acid as I have, it makes more sense.

Speaking of which...

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Hi everyone. I've been stoned out of my mind for the last week and someone just reminded me that I hadn't updated The Mockreet lately. Um. I posted a new chapter and tomorrow I'll post another since this one is so short. There's like...a lot written but to be fair the last few days I've been trying to locate the front door of my house with very little success. Anyway.

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Blog Entry 2

Its 14:54, Thursday. I have work today and as much as I dread going in, it keeps me from binge eating. I've cut my calorie intake down to 800 a day and I can see the results. All the results. My waist is slimmer, I feel lighter, but I also see the dark circles forming under my eyes. I sometimes wonder how much more my body can take and how much is going to be 'enough'. Will I stop when I reach my goal weight, or will I keep going until they have to hospitalize me? No, I'll stop, but the most important thing now is not letting anyone in my life know about the burgeoning health issues.


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Blog Entry 10/6/22

Look, I don't know why I'm posting this. I swore I'd never post anything here again but where else am I going to put this shit. I can't talk to the people around me, I don't even tell my therapist the whole truth, but no one knows me here. No one cares and honestly, no one's going to read this. I just need to get it out there.


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Public Apology

I've had a few days to cool down from an outburst that should never have happened. It wasn't justified in the least, because while I might have my personal opinions about BCTS, it ultimately comes down to the fact that it's well run, has great staff, and I couldn't do it myself without expending a lot of money. I started this new account because I believed I had outgrown 'Audrissa', I thought that I was better, and I believed that I could write a story without it consuming my emotions and sending me into a downward spiral.


Mocrheet Chapter 30 is upa

I have great hnews. I'm not sure if it's been a week since tha last posting, but I have written Mockreet Chapter 30 and p osted it. I just want to say that I love each and every one of you, you're all amazing and some of you are even good writers. Enjoy the chapter while I go enjoy the r est of my night! :D :D <3


Early Morning Thoughts

It's 5:24 on a Monday morning and I'm just sitting here at my desk waiting for day shift to relieve me. This hospital is fucking dreadful and the desk beside me is covered in vomit that EVS still hasn't cleaned up. So anyway, I've made some progress on the Mockreet, two more chapters have been written in between dealing with patients, and I have therapy on Friday. Now that I'm on a once a week schedule I've started reading more, finally getting back into my Brandon Sanderson novels and hopefully in between I'll come up with more creative chapters for the Mockreet.


My Writing Process

So the deal with my writing, generally is that I'm very, very good at it. Unfortunately the price of that is that I start to slowly channel the characters and their emotions in order to get them on paper. I've already got a rather...lot going on in my head, and this is a form of maladaptive daydreaming. That being said, in this lucid moment I'm going to ask you to ignore any bullshit I post between now and the last 72 chapters of The Mockreet. I will try to refrain from posting bullshit, and fourth wall breaks and I will give you a good story.


Introspective BS

I've been on the internet since we had a turbo button and Telnet was a neat way to play chess. Suffice it to say I've seen a lot of shit. A lot of the weirdest shit I've witnessed has come from BCTS, when I noticed that there was a huge demographic of people who like to inbox me horrible things whenever I made a narrative decision that resulted in a character becoming hurt. That being said, when my story disappeared I had to believe one of two things.


Moving The Mockreet

Hey Everyone!

I know at least five of you have been enjoying my story The Mockreet, but I logged in today to find that the latest chapter's text has been entirely deleted and I'm unable to re-add the text. It looks as if the mods have taken away my ability entirely so...I'm going to remove all of my chapters here and move over to Scribblehub. The story is keeping the same name. I appreciate your understanding, or not. Either way.

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The Mockreet - Wrapping up Part 2

Hey Everyone! Whew, it's been a crazy two weeks since I started writing The Mockreet, hasn't it? If you were wondering, yes, I have been writing as I post, and it takes about four hours to write each chapter. In fact, there are four chapters written that I haven't posted yet. Reason is that this last chapter is one that I envisioned from the beginning and it's very important to me; I want everyone to have a chance to see it before it's moved off the front page.

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Slowing Down on The Mockreet

Hey everyone! So far I've been posting a chapter of The Mockreet every day (at the expense of my own personal reading time), but as we near the end of Part 2, I'll be slowing down and we may only see a chapter once per week. Why? Well, at this point in the story it is becoming more and more complicated as we start to uncover Lyra's origin and the nature of the Stormveil. The coming chapters cannot be rushed, and they cannot be as simplistic as the previous chapters. We are about 1/4 of the way through the story and Lyra's story is about to become a whole lot more complicated.


Aidra's Ramblings 9/21

Hey guys, I want to apologize for having a slight breakdown and also for the chapters coming so slowly. This particular story is hard to write because it involves a lot of dysphoria, even though the cast of characters isn't transphobic. I guess I forgot that some events, like Lyra's mental break meant a lot to me, but won't mean much to other people. In any case, I appreciate the comments and the encouragement, I'll try to write chapters faster :)

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