I was out all day and watching funeral type stuff half the evening!
It sure has been a strange week! On Thursday i took myself out for a ride, my newsflash post the other day mentioned a stop at the King's home, Highgrove, what i didn't tell you was that i ended up clocking over 120km.
Friday was another pleasant day so i took myself for a bit of a walk then later joined Aunty Bev to watch the senior Royals vigil in Westminster Hall. Watching the crowds file past the coffin is almost hypnotic, a few minutes quickly tirned to over an hour.
I usually ride on Saturdays but to be honest i wasn't feeling great with a sore back so other than a walk to post a card to #1 grandson on the occasion of him starting school on Tuesday, i found myself watching more mourners in London as well as the junior Royal's vigil before preparing Schnitzel Cordon Bleu with Spaetzel for the pair of us, very German!
And so to today, feeling a lot better, i set off for a bike ride out into Wiltshire. It was a bit cooler than of late and i was glad of an early opportunity to grab a cuppa. After that i looped through Lacock where the Queen Consort, Camilla has her family home (its complicated), before making a loop around Malmesbury before heading nack to Brunel City. Total up 958m, total distance 126km - when did riding that far become so matter of fact?
This evening, and the real reason for this late post, we returned to the TV to take part in the first national minute of silence ahead of the funeral tomorrow.
Of course, we'll be watching the mornings proceedings, we might not be there on the ground but by watching it somehow feels that we are included (and of course we get to see everything in real time.). Representatives of pretty much every nation on earth have been at a Buckingham Palace reception this evening, they will of course be in Westminster Cathedral for the public service tomorrow, the occasion easily trumps any other event in history in terms of representation of nations.

'You will never be forgotten'
So, being Sunday you get a chapter from Book 24, Fame, And Relax covers the end of the Austrian trip, there's a twist at the end!
Things will be getting back to sort of normal after tomorrow, watch out for a more timely post on Wesnesday but for now,
Madeline Annafrid
You're amazing!
I just wanted to say how much I admire you. Not only have you written some of the best tg fiction I've seen, but you manage to have such a full, active life! Thank you for sharing so much of your talent in your stories, and your experiences in your blogs. :)