TopShelf Blogs

A word from our sponsor:


Making Females Wear Dresses is Criminal

Bru, my pet, this is right down your alley. Yer up darling!
Court: Making Girls Wear Skirts To Private School Is ‘Harmful’
The ruling asserted that Charter Day School, “has imposed the skirts requirement with the express purpose of telegraphing to children that girls are ‘fragile,’



When I look at In Memoriam I see a list of many people I interacted with. . .some extensively.

I’m struck by the knowledge that many of these people died quite suddenly. Most had very little warning.

I’m 74. According to the insurance tables, I have about twelve years to go. But. . ..

My eyes then glance to other parts of the front page. Money issues are a constant for Big Closet.


What a mother!

My mother is going away with her friend for a weeks holiday. I went around her house to drop some magazines for them.

My mother called me into her bedroom and showed me she had sorted out some clothes for me. There was underwear including a nice new black slip, women don't seem to wear those these days. She told me I could wear it in bed as a nightgown. She also gave me few tops, a handbag and a woman's coat.

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The firms that fund anti-LGBTQ+ politicians while waving rainbow flag

Apparently we need to vote more with our feet with regards to these companies. Don't expect me anytime soon as a customer for one of these and I will ask my environment to do the same.

See for instance:

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Funny Business At Amazon

Lots of excitement in my life just now. I've been cautiously thinking about how I might De-transition, and what good that would do? It might cause a lot of harm by making my housing situation and income uncertain. I rather enjoy not having to deal with men as a man. I don't want to lose that. My Breasts aren't that large, but I do not wish to try to pee standing up, even with my little camping funnel.

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Help! I'm stuck as my best friend's little sister! now on Amazon

I've posted a new graphic novel on Amazon with a 'summer' theme.

When Ross Montgomery decides to visit his friend Kimberly's house to go swimming, Kim's mother, who happens to be a mad scientist, has other plans. What she wants is a little sister for Kim! Can Ross escape in time?


Hello World - 1

Hello World!

a.n. ominous LR.jpg

I'm new to writing here, but not new to writing.... if that makes a whole heck of a lot of sense.

I've always loved this area, but I've mainly been lurking here since I was 17 or so a few years ago. However a great friend and artist of mine finally pushed me off my tiny hiney to get my stuff out there into the real world.

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Who Said

Who said, " Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about."?

And, why did she say it?

I can't say that I'm a big Ru Paul fan. But the other day I was looking on FOX for the right's reaction to the Jan 6 Investigation and saw a clip of Nancy Pelosi. The anchor stopped saying inflation, inflation, inflation, inflation, inflation, inflation just long enough to suggest that the Pelosi clip would make a powerful campaign commercial. . .for the right.

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Amazon Categories

What is up with Amazon? Why can't they get my books into the right category?
I posted something on the FM message board today by way of a gripe and it forced me to look at the last 7 of the 13 books published by Doppler Press on Amazon and none of those are classed as Transgender Fiction!
Here is what I posted over there:

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writing prompt

Here is a little writing prompt for anybody who wants it:

I walked up to the door, and knocked. A young man answered, and he asked, "Can I help you."

I replied "I'm here to kill you."

There was a pause, and then the young man opened the door, saying "Well, you better come in, then."

There you go, folks, have fun!

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Bit of a scare

Yesterday, in the early afternoon I started experiencing some things: trembling hands, upset stomach, racing heart. I went to urgent care finally and they sent me to the hospital ER.

Diagnosis for the moment is paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. I now have prescriptions to treat this and orders that I should see a cardiologist soonest.

I didn't get to bed till after two last night and I'm tired, but this may explain the rising number of times I've just been too tired to do much lately.

But I'm home and I mostly feel fine.

Love you all.


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I started sneaking birth control pills around the late 90s since I was too stupid to realize that an abusive wife was likely the root of my bad self image. I should have had a divorce instead. It would have been much easier to simply be a crossdresser, and straight. Even Post op, I have not had vaginal intercourse, and it is not likely that I will. Cor, I could have bought a nice car for what I spent.



Accidental Romance by Melanie Brown on Kindle - text corrected and re-published

Well, it will be re-pubbed soon. Kindle sometimes takes a day or two.


If you've already bought this book, Kindle should allow you to update your copy with the new text.

If you haven't bought it yet, now's your chance! Uh, well, wait till tomorrow morning probably is best. There were only a few typos we fixed, so if you are okay with that go ahead. :)


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Mind and Body - Book 13 at last!

Here it is, book 13!
This time a collection of stories based on body change or mind manipulation to throw the subject into gender disarray.
This book includes several that has not been published on open sites before, including "Genetic Reconstruction", "Surrogate" and "Vengeance" which I am sure will excite readers.
I have already told Doppler there may be another collection along these lines, possibly next year.
Here is the link

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There must be a story in this!

I noticed this in the "Did you know" section of the Wikipedia home page this morning. (It has now disappeared. Typical. I had to look in the archives.)

...that during a renovation of 4 Park Avenue workers found a sealed room with women's clothes and shoes that was not in the building's blueprints?

This is asking for a story to be written but I have no time to do it. Any takers out there?

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Dad's Style

For anybody who read this story straight after it was posted, I am sorry that the images did not come out. Please open it again.
I attached a pdf file in desperation, but I am grateful that with Rose's help, it is now up as I intended, with images in the text that inspired and really make this story.

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Well more freedom than I have had since I fell and fractured my skull back in January. As of my doctor's visit today, my vision is back to normal and I am allowed to drive once again.

You cannot imagine how imprisoned I have felt over the past months. While I do live in the country, I am not that far out, but it is a four mile trip to the grocery store. Forcing me to depend on others to taxi me back and forth for almost everything I needed has been frustrating.

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Running late

Hey everyone,

As much as I was hoping to have the new Apocalypse Dawn chapter posted yesterday or even today it doesn't look like that's gonna happen. Between being busy and just having a spectacularly shitty week in general I probably won't have AD posted until tomorrow and I Wish until Thursday. Hopefully my appointment downtown tomorrow won't take too long and I can get stuff finished and posted at a decent hour.

*big hugs*



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Okay, so yesterday we got the keys to the new place, and discovered a few problems.

The first gut-punch came when we found out the $175 parking fee doesn't give us a dedicated spot in the parkade, and the only time non-residents are not allowed to park in there is overnight.

This means its entirely possible we will come home from getting groceries or whatever, and not be able to find a place to park.

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Ignore List

Yet again, I have BCAdmin flagged as being on my Ignore list. Other times Kindle does. I've gone over my ignore list time and time again, and they are still showing up as ignored. One time I even deleted my Ignore list line by line, and it still didn't help.



Progress, albeit slow

With the whole discussion regarding unfinished works, I felt that perhaps a status update for book 5 of the Heaven's Light Saga should be put up for anyone curious. It's been a wacky year so far between more work changes and things with family (such as my mom being in and out of the hospital five times since Christmas), so the book hasn't made as much progress as I'd hoped. However Part 1 is almost drafted, needing just one fae party scene (whee!) to finish it out, and the framework for the rest of the major beats through to the ending are mostly figured out.

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Unexpected feedback from a story

I posted "Just being me." on a few other sites. The story is about a trans woman that waits until later in life to start transitioning and meets a man who accepts her for what and who she is.

I got two private messages today about the story. These were readers from Literotica.

One said

" I read several of your stories and wish I could find happiness as well. I'm still stuck in my life of discretion and confusion in some ways. I want someone to love me. I can definitely relate to her, in your story."

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Considering all things.

It is now a week since I had the stroke and all things considered, I have been quite lucky, it could have been much worse. Thank you for the well wishes and concerns about my health, I do appreciate them. Whizz and I will do our best to continue to clutter up the site for a long time yet and I will try and post something this week. I hope you are all well.

Best wishes to all,


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Writing Update

I'm still busy working on Don't Forget The Glitter but at the same time, I really want to finish up A Summer Tail. Its one of those stories that's really been nagging at me for awhile now. I've tried continuing it a few times over the past couple of years but I kept getting stumped trying to figure out how to continue the story from where I left off. I finally came to the realization that I just didn't like the end of Ch.10, so I'm going to delete the ending, rewrite it and continue to write the story from there.

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The Great Unfinished Novel

An online friend wrote me: “I'd like to share a response I received from another FM authoress, who has the nasty habit of posting multi chapter stories, and leaving them unfinished. I've rebuked her for this habit in reviews before, and this is the first time that she has responded.”

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This weeks womans get together

Here we are another Friday and it is time for me to set up send out the invitations for this Sunday. At 4:00 PM Texas time I will be sponsoring yet another zoom meeting for trans women only. You need not present as a woman to be invited just understanding the need is enough. This will be the last meeting for this month. To get an invitation you have but to ask, just PM me.


plane crash in Wauwatosa

news article on it.
Small cessna airplane crashed Thursday May 26 2022 only the pilot on board. The 18 y/o survived in critical condition the crash of what is currently believed to be his first solo flight.

This just jumped out at me from old member John from Wauwatosa's name.

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Nitro Pills

How many of you take nitroglycerin pills? How many carry your prescription with you? If my experience is any indicator, you'd better start.

I went out to eat yesterday, secure in the knowledge that I had my Nitro Pills with me, in case of angina.

Later on I happened to notice they were no longer in my purse, so I started backtracking. Knowing they were in a shiny aluminum case made me sure they would be spotted.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


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Rick Gervais trans jokes

I watched Ricky Gervias latest standup on Netflix last night. He made a few jokes about women, wealth, fat people and trans.

There are some people upset about this. If you have seen any of his Golden Globs award hosting stuff. You know his jokes can cause offence. A lot of comedy works like this. Is this offensive?

“I love the new women. The new ones we’ve been seeing lately. The ones with beards and cocks. They’re as good as gold, I love ’em. No, it’s the old-fashioned ones, they go,

"Oh, they want to use our toilets.’


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What? Why?

So we are just getting the horrific details about another school shooting, this one in an elementary school in Ulvade, Texas.

So far, 14 elementary students and 1 teacher are confirmed dead, but the suggestion is that count may increase.

The shooter, an 18 yr old high school student that attended Ulvade High School is also dead, apparently shot by law enforcement.

First, just to shut some people up, THIS is why we have police.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


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one of my more frustrating habits showed up yesterday

yesterday, I had one of my more frustrating habits show up.

I have a rash on my stomach that goes down to between my legs, and it was hurting me so bad I actually broke down and cried.

Then, and this is the frustrating part, I apologized for crying.

That's a habit I would truly like to break.

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Strange developement after coming out to my mother

I am away on business tonight. It offers me an opportunity to be Leeanna. Normally I would get a quick bite to eat, shower, remove whatever excess hair I have, then dress and makeup. I don't get many chances to be "me" , so usually do it everytime I stay away.

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Using My Body

I watch YouTube a lot and just about the only female on it that does not run around in a bikini a lot is Itchy Boots. Many of the women on YouTube wear the skimpiest bikinis and appear to like it a lot. Due to their wider Pelvis women can generally tolerate thong type bikinis very well, while a man would die in pain.

I'm roughly in the size range of a woman with respectable natural breasts and being post op, there is no tackle down below. If I shaved very well and made a trip to a makeup artist, then wore something sexy, I wonder if I would get away with it? Perhaps too risky?

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Hatbox Near Empty - Please Help

Ten days left in May, and we're still trying to raise money for April. I've been covering some bills from my own accounts. We have currently less than $200 total in all company accounts.

Mid-month bills are due. Money from advertisers and other sources will come in at the end of the month but we need to get there.

Please, if you can help, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Erin, Piper, Cat, Amy, Jamie and the elves.


I figured out something from my youth today

Okay for some reason, this morning I was thinking about how when I was a kid I had a very specific routine when it came to being dressed.
It occurred to me the routine was what would be approprate for wearing some more feminine clothing - underwear, socks, then bottoms and then top being reasonable if you replace the socks with pantyhose.

It seems that I was pretending to dress more feminine as a way to cope with my dysphoria, which would make sense.

not sure what figuring that out now gets me, but knowledge is power, I guess.

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Weekly zoom meeting this Sunday

Here we are another Friday and it is time for me to set up send out the invitations for this Sunday. At 4:00 PM Texas time I will be sponsoring yet another zoom meeting for trans women only. You need not present as a woman to be invited just understanding the need is enough. To get an invitation you have but to ask , just PM me.


Said Goodbye to Bonzi tonight.

He was struggling with the lymphoma he had in the gut and I thought I needed to do something, so I took him to the vet and an hour later I buried him in the garden, so I brought him home.

I shall miss him dreadfully, I'd had him for nearly 17 years but it was awful to watch the cancer eatng him away.

So rest in peace little fellow, you know I loved you.


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I'm in a bad place right now,

I just got over being sick, and I'm sick again. Not Covid, thank God, but I am absolutely miserable - fever just short of 102, coughing, congested and lung just don't feel right. Hurt from head to toe. The big problem, though, is it triggers me since I was deathly ill for most of my childhood, I would get sick and then when I got over that one, I would get sick again days later. What would really upset me is I would cry, which helped me deal with it as it was a good release for all my troubles.


Triggered By The Past.

I saw my non VA Counselor for the last time today, I think. I feel good about it. Later I started to watch some episodes of "Stranger Things", and in one Miley Bobby Brown ( of Enola Holmes too.) is thrown into a Psychological Detention cell. That completely destroyed my happy thought. I was confined in one of those at the VA several times, once strapped down. In retrospect that was a huge over reaction on their part and caused by their evil Psych. drugs. Earlier I had been reading an old MRI report that says I have a cyst in the lower right frontal lobe. No symptoms to point to.


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The F Word

I posted my story "Immune Response" on Fictionmania yesterday.
I received a bunch of reviews / comments.
This one pleased me:
"Reviewed by Kirafair on 05/16/2022
"In case anyone is curious and since Maryanne put in a nice description at the beginning, an immune response to your own body components is an autoimmune type response and not technically an allergy. There could be some overlap in the observable aspects of the immune reaction that can lead to using the terms interchangeably

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Interesting Video about gender development.

I came across this on youtube.

The Experiment: Are you sure you don't gender-stereotype children in the toys you choose for them?

Men, (apparently) have better spacial awareness than women. I know my spouse and my mother are useless when it comes to knowing where we are, and directions etc. My mother drives and has got lost a few times. Women are better at emotional related issues and empathy etc.

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Update to Arctic Fox Pursuit of the Dream, Chapter 3.15

So I updated the chapter in question, here on BCTS.

I just realized, however, that the evidence in question wasn't discussed. At least not out loud. Bill and Sylvia had copied everything they had found and presumably highlighted certain sections.

Interestingly, one of the two in the office revealed something unexpected to me while I was writing the update, forcing me to update the next chapter as well. Sigh. This is what I get for letting my characters have a certain amount of autonomy, I suppose.

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Ladies GTG this Sunday

Wendy Marsden is inviting you to a Zoom meeting this Sunday May 15, 2022 @ 4:00 PM Texas time. As always this for Trans woman only. You need not present as female to attend, but no one will care if you don't. If you have an invitation please feel free to share it with other T women.To get an invitation you have but to ask , just PM me.



I'm curious to gather input on the question 'what makes a successful Patreon' in terms of TG content? I've started one, and it's slowly gathering patrons, but I see others with hundreds and frankly could really use the income. I'm willing to broaden my TG horizons but I wondered:


Surprise Acceptance

Not to offend atheists', I don't care about your beliefs. Those who know me think I am nominally Christian, but in reality my beliefs are radically more wide than that and I am more Muslim than anything. I don't normally bring that up, but in this case the surprise I just received may make a difference. I always thought that Saudi Arabia was the center of Sunni Islam, but according to several sources, its Egypt. There 2 years of counselling, and if Doctors agree, Sexual Reassignment surgery may be performed, both ways.

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Fashion Advice

Are there any materials or patterns or solid colors that are considered to be exclusively casual?|

What is the difference between casual, club wear and lounge wear?
What is the difference between between dress and formal?
What is the difference between between business and business casual?



So, I use the Brave browser when I only want to check for what's new on BC in a quicker fashion (there is a lot higher lag when one is logged in unfortunately) which seems to do a pretty good job of blocking tracking by websites.

Now I am getting this whole recapcha thing which I dislike since I am providing a free service to google to train their AI in image recognition. It also defeats the purpose of my desire to check quickly.

Is BC being that inundated with bots that this is really necessary?

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