Don't worry

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Don't worry, nothing to be excited about. I am as surprised as anyone, perhaps more. I had a huge attack of very painful Lymphoma over the weekend that almost drove me to the Doctor. Saturday, I went to the Barber and got a buzz cut. I don't even recognize myself now. I'm wearing Cargo Pants and a man's T shirt.

The only way I can go out as a woman is to wear a Hijab. If I go out as a man, I'll have to wear a baseball hat. I have one but it says 'Khadijah', so no on that. I'm not consciously upset because I am Native American Two Spirit. Not sure what is going to happen when I attend a Pow Wow in June.

Not suicidal at all. The Veterans Hospital tends to overreact, and the other Hospital near me might too. If I can work it out, I might see a counselor but I am not taking psych drugs.

Color me confused. I hope that I don't get kicked out of my Sunday group.



You worry all of us

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