TopShelf Blogs

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To Write or Not to Write. Is That a Question?

I've been having thoughts about my existential relationship with writing TG fiction. Yes, I feel blocked of late, unable to progress on the projects I have on deck. Illness, depression, what have you intermittently plague me. It's even disturbed my normal sleep pattern. Now, these are signs of problems that extend further than my writing. I'm aware of that. But, still I ponder the need to write. Not that I would stop writing for my own sake. I guess I would continue to drabble about to amuse myself as I've done off and on for most of my adult life.

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Today's ladies get together

You may have noticed I do not post the upcoming events like I used to, last week's meeting was pretty interesting we had no less than 5 popular authors who write for BCTS. This weeks is pretty interesting just the regular members. I will keep having these meetings every week until something bad happens to me. If you are interested you have but to ask and I will send you a PM via BCTS. Stay healthy stay happy and maybe I will we will get to meet someday.

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Can Someone Explain ?

How did I get here? I am not Gay, never was. YET somehow I am a post operative MtF woman and enjoy living that way. At 75 years old, there will never be intercourse, of that I am completely sure. Lots of those who I know figure I am Gay. I was married to a woman until 2005 for 38 years. She was as messed up as me perhaps, very unaffectionate. We rescued each other from terrible abuse. I worked very hard to heal from its effects. She refused to acknowledge that it ever happened.

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Just when you thought it was safe

Well, the better half and I hunkered down and buried ourselves and came through the plague just fine. Then things started to slowly open in stages while we remained the same. School started back again, not sure what precautions in effect, while the kids I raised and their kids got fairly back to normal. I know I never saw them take masks with them, etc. We still took all the precautions and got some strange looks for wearing masks when the govt said we didn't need to. A couple of weeks ago one of the school age kids was diagnosed with covid, then another older kid.



Just to let everybody know I'm doing fine since March I've started dialysis and I've had a double bypass surgery.
The Veterans Administration has upgraded me from 100% P&T to SMC -S. Aka 100% for kidneys and 100% for my heart. With a bunch of other rating 0% to 40%.

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Amadeus Irena

I am trying to finish "Amadeus Irena" by Shawna on Kindle. I have to say that it is expertly written and a hard read. I am vulnerable to significant depressive episodes but still muddling through it. I hope to finish this week end. After that I am going to try to find some Sci Fi for teens.



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Update: Thank You!

Hey everyone. This is an update and quick thank you (to be updated in the morning.).

As of right now we have met our immediate needs and that combine with a loan from a friend of BC will go a long way to some of us getting some needed sleep.

We aren’t 100% out of danger but we will likely be ok and have a better idea of what the immediate dilutive for BC looks like.


There have been an awful lot of begging letters going out of late, and the most recent ones, I have to say, are solely my fault.


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For those who >can<, but have not yet ...

This is only for those who >can<, but have not yet contributed.
Please think about what BCTS is worth to you.

When I sign into BCTS, the back of my mind whispers "checking up on friends".

Happy sniffles from well over half the stories that I/you read? (Me)

Will these ratty old shoes hold out till Social Security Pay Day? (Me)

A lot of us here have been reading for years or decades. (Me, only years.) And some have been writing for years to a decade-plus.

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The Best Place on the Internet

BCTS is probably the most important constant in my life.

Some might consider that hyperbole... but in so many ways, it's 100 percent true.

Without the community this site has provided, the outlet for both creativity and pain, the *outreach* it has allowed me... I wouldn't be here today.

Without the wonderful people here, who are so incredibly generous in so many ways, and the love and support they have given me, that I have done my best to return in kind, but know I can never truly match... I wouldn't be here today.

Without Erin.

Without Angie.

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A Shout Out for Ridgewick

Today I have posted the story “The News”, or it could be the “The News from Ridgewick” which I wrote at the urging of Tracy Lane. In this story I was the reporter trying to get my head around “The Ridgewick Phenomenon”, with a view to picking up on other stories exploring the consequences of Toxically Induced Sexual Morphism (see Transfiction Wiki – link is on your screen above - second line second from the left).

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The Assault - Thank you

Thank you to all those that read and gave kudos to my latest short story "The Assault".

I was a little nervous when I posted it, as it is about a potential rapist getting some degree of comeuppance. I know these things happen and did not want to trigger any unfortunate memories.

I can't sleep tonight and I just saw it has reached 100 kudos in just over 24 hours. I have never had that happen that quickly before. I'm not sure how it will go down on the other sites I post on. I suspect some will just delete it.

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Using An Editor

A long time ago, someone offered to edit my stories, and I was grateful. They are deceased now. The results were not good in my estimation. I don't remember if that story, or chapter ever got published. Since then I have gone over what I have written sometimes a half dozen times before I published it. Sometimes stories just go comatose on my Hard Drive because I can't get it right.

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Dammed if I do, dammed if I don't

I am an addict.

I am addicted to imagination.

Fantasy, science fiction, comics, almost anything would do as long as it allowed me to not deal with the real world.

Nowadays I get my fix mostly online, including the ability to create a fake version of me so I never had to face my real self.

The result is I am an overgrown child, completely unable to handle the adult world.

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Pete's Vagina -15- Holding

I managed to escape without going back through the boys’ locker room; the coaches’ corridor has its own entrance and exit. Megan was waiting for me looking crisp and cute in her denim capris and a tied top, Elly May Clampett-style.

I had to grin at her, and when I held my arm up, she snuggled under it. We kissed, just a peck because we were still on school grounds, but it felt nice. It was as it had been for a moment, but then she asked, “You haven’t forgotten, have you?”

“Huh?” My stomach dropped.


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Hatbox in a serious financial bind

We're in a serious financial bind right now. Part of it may be a bank error which might be cleared up by Monday. In the meantime, we have bills and very little money to pay them with.

Please, if you can help, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Erin, Piper, Cat, Amy, Jamie and the elves.

Use this link to send us a gift:
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My postings for the rest of the year

and into next...

Just a short note to give readers a heads up about what is to come for the remainder of the year and for early 2023.

First up is a 2-parter called 'Surprise'. A bit of fantasy coming true.
Then there is a 17-part story called 'A Quest for Justice'.
This is a political thriller set in the current day USA.
That should take until the end of December to finish posting.
My backlog then is still rather fluid but there is around 6 months of work in the can, and another 6 months of postings in my WIP folder nearing completion.

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Over the past couple weeks I think the last remnants of the post-covid brain fog has finally lifted, and I've even been able to start exercising again. Hooray! As a result Book 5 of the saga is pushing ahead and as of a few minutes ago the draft for Part 3 was completed. This puts the word count at just under 60k and halfway to the suspected finish line.

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More thoughts on depicting characters in illustrating stories.

When I painted that, I was thinking YA or PG stories with an emphasis on realistic portrayals of the characters. In 'End of the World' and, I suppose 'Dystopian Novels' I had figured that that female characters (and also the male characters fighting in the resistance) would be wearing cast-off clothing and gear salvaged from the enemy. I thought that clothing them in revealing clothing would not be in their nature.

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If you're interested in the Sega CD's library and want to take a swim, don't buy the Genesis Mini 2.

A few months ago Sega announced that another mini-PNP console would be released, the "Mega Drive Mini 2". It looked to be released only in Japan then a month ago they also announced the release of the Genesis Mni 2.


Is there something wrong with Being Invisible on Amazon?

Big Question - I just received a PM from someone who purchased Being Invisible and they report that the book acted 'wonky' ( a technical term). The person said that the font changed from their preset 11 point to 7 without warning.

If you have purchased the book, or are reading it on your Kindle, please help me out and look.

Let me know if the problem is on my end.

Thank you kind people,


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Trans Hate Crimes

In the UK, the Transgender Community is the most targeted group in LGBT+ community as a whole.

Apparently, In 2020/2021, 2,630 Hate Crimes against transgender people were recorded by the Police. Although it is thought that 88% of transgender people did not report hate crimes.

I can understand it being unreported. If you try to live a quite life, everything will be dragged out for all to see.

Is this true? Does this still happen to trans people?

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Ladies GTG

The weekend is upon us and I will be having the Sunday zoom meeting per schedule. This meeting is for trans women only. Feel free to invite others, if you have an invite. It is international. Past attendees have been from Great Britain as well as Germany.
Britain 10:00PM
Germany 11:00PM

If you are interested in joining send me a PM via big closet. And I will send you an invite.

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Being Invisible: Hiding In Plain Sight !Now On Amazon!

invisiblecoverdone3 (2).jpeg

After a traumatic bullying incident at Wilson High School, Ethan retreats to his bedroom and never wants to go out again. But, after a year of hiding and homeschooling, he just wishes for a change.

“If I was invisible. no one could see me. I wouldn’t be laughed at or teased. I could go where I want and be free!”


Being Invisible

It's done! I've finally published Invisible, the story you've been reading here. But, the title has been changed to Being Invisible because my editor suggested that there are too many works titled Invisible.

That's the good news. The bad news is that I will be taking it down according to Amazon's rules. They say it can take up to seventy-two hours to publish, so it goes away soon. I hope you got a chance to finish it here.

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Legacy of the Anari

I just finished re-reading "Legacy of the Anari" by Ashley Blayze. I have no idea how I found the story after a dozen years. In my opinion, the story is as good as many of the other SCI FI greats, and yes, it contained Gender Change but without some of the tiresome tropes that most TG tales contain.

Sadly, the Author seems to have done this one off, and disappeared. I do hope that she has gone onto better things and had great success doing them.


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Just an update for folks (I'm still around!)

Heya folks!

So, just wanted to let anyone who might be curious know I'm still around.

I haven't posted anything in a while... but that doesn't mean I haven't been working on stuff!

Believe it or not, I've got several stories in the works, a book on the way through Doppler when I come up in rotation, and I'm working on a few projects with a rather illustrious partner that y'all will eventually see the fruits of too!

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Trans Kids

There has been some debate about when to allow kids to transition. On the one hand, forcing a trans kid to watch in horror as their bodies go through an unwanted puberty is downright cruel. On the other hand, there seems to be a lot of people who really regret their transition.

Some prescribe puberty blockers. How safe are they?

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It was yonks ago

Many years ago, perhaps even in the 90's, I read a story that could have been Medieval, in which a female (Witch, wizard ?) controlled time by cranking a reel to reel tape back and forth from a tower, splicing and editing it as necessary. It could have been on BCTS but also could have been on another site. It was a good story.


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Florida medical board moves to block gender affirming treatments for minors

Florida medical board moves to block gender affirming treatments for minors
The board also voted to require adults seeking such care to wait 24 hours before going forward with any medical procedures.


08/05/2022 07:00 PM EDT


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Great news for Anime lovers today....Right Stuf bought by Crunchyroll(Sony). sarcasm

Obviously you can tell by the title I am NOT happy about this and for multiple reasons. As someone who prefers buying physical for the superior presentation of the product and the fact that Funimation(owned by Sony) is severely OVERCHARGING to draw people to buy the digital product especially when they cut deep sales on Xbox Live(and likely other places). A product that is questionable that you have ANY right to ownership now given how Sony will be removing Studio Canal digital titles from people's purchased library.

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What do you think of the term Sissy ?

Where I grew up it was used to insult boys "don't be a sissy, stop crying, etc." I have never called anyone a sissy, but I have used it in my stories. This was mainly due to being asked to write about the subject. What I thought of as an insult, I realized some crave to be called and act like "sissies".

The way I see it is, that someone wanting to look, dress, and act in a hyperfeminine way, but not actually want to be perceived as a woman. Possibly a lot of humiliation is involved.

My "sissy" stories do ok on FM, and do well on Literotica. Not so well on here.

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We Could Really Use Some Help Out At Transfiction Wiki

Hi guys, Tracy here again. As mentioned above, we could really use some help out at Transfiction Wiki at the moment. We were almost shut down last month due to inactivity, so if you have a free minute to post an article (or an image, or even just a comment), that would go a long way to keeping the project running.

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It's that time of the year for the county fair

Sorry For the delay in the next chapters of Elven Question and Black Sword. It is that time of the year again. The county recently. The last week has been not stop work with the 4H kids. The boys just finished showing their draft horses this afternoon. The girls showed off their work with the horses they've trained for police work. I haven't had much time for writing. Tomorrow the boys will be pitting their draft horses against tractors in a pulling contest. (*evil giggle* My money is on our boys for the win)


Life Is Sad At Times

I had been friends with someone here for many years and she helped me through times when I was Suicidal. We used to PM and use SKYPE a lot. I even drove hundreds of miles to visit a couple times. Then she decided to get married and suddenly it was just off and completely so. When I asked questions, suddenly another member here felt obligated to be mean and blunt with me, treating me as if I am a idiot. She even asked if she needed to spell it out for me? Then another member with no knowledge of the situation from across the pond was similarly acting like a YOB.

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England won the 2022 European cup

Yesterday, England won the 2022 women's European cup.

What made it sweeter was it was against Germany. In England's footballing history (Soccer for those in the USA), Germany always end England's dream of winning anything. Often in a penalty shoot-out. The men's team lost to Italy in the final on penalties last year.

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Awesome Action

So, Watched Thor Love & Thunder this weekend. And I truly enjoyed it, regardless of reviews both good and bad.

But there was just One scene that as a creative person was just awesome.

It was like 'Stranger Things' was doing battle with the 'Justice League' during the middle of one of those old iPhone/iPod/Macintosh commercials (the ones where everything is shadow/silhouette except for the headphone cable). Very very well done and fun. I can't wait to try to put it to proper prose for reference for my books! (Not the exact scene. Just the style)

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Do the Majority of Texans Hate Us?

I’ve been to Texas many times. Other than the men trying to convince each other who’s got the biggest penis -- they seem to be quite normal.

So why all the hateful trans laws?

The other night I was watching CNN. They aired a report that seemed to answer that question. The report slipped into CNN jingoism but contained a lot of information that led to sound conclusions.

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strange call from Sharon last night

Something strange happened last night.

just as Mom and I were headed for bed, we got a call from Sharon. When Sharon is angry, her accent and speed of speech make her hard to understand, but from what I could gather, she had a "feeling from God" about some kind of evil coming into the house, and went to check on Sam, who was playing with her cell phone

Sharon asked to see what she was doing, and Sam refused, and Sharon lost it, and she had called us to take Sam for the night because Sharon couldn't have "a dark spirit" around.

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This Sundays trans ladies get together.

Well it's Friday again and for some of us it is the Time for the ladies get together, this Sunday at 4:00 PM Texas time we will be having yet another get together. Last week was pretty good we had two well known authors from Britain and a German attendee and of course me.
Topic: Ladies GTG
Time: Jul 31, 2022 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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The Addictive Hum of the Teeming Sycophants

“Do you miss working?”

It’s been four months since I sold my last business. During that time, my blood pressure has dropped from an average of 130/85 to 110/65. My weight has also dropped fifteen pounds -- with little change in eating or exercise. I have hope that I’ll soon fit into the dresses in storage bins marked an accusatory “too small.” As if it was somehow their fault that my waist had disappeared over the years, causing them to become too tight.

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Let's help our Dorothy Colleen win a contest

Dorothy has entered her story into a contest here:

Let's help her out 'for a win'. The prizes are worth winning.

Please give her story a read. Then click a Like and write a review. Many reviews are only few sentences. Mine was 'really long', at not quite a screen-full.

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A little advice

Something I would like to ask. The only real novel length work I have written is The Surgeon's Lodger.

I am in the process of re-writing it and tidying it up. Should I cut the sex scenes and just make a reference to making love, but not include detail?

It is a trans romance. When I wrote it, a year ago, I still had the idea that everything I wrote had to have sex in it. I though people wouldn't read it otherwise.

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Hatbox In the hole again - please help

We're down to less than $300 in company accounts with some bills coming up.

And I personally am down to about $150 with my bills ahead of me.

Piper has $1100 in expense to keep her vehicles running which may hit on Thursday if a plan is not in place.

In a few days we start getting money coming in from our regular places but we are in a tight corner here.

Please, if you can help, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Erin, Piper, Cat, Amy, Jamie and the elves.

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Hey everyone,

I was hoping to get back into a regular posting schedule by now. even if it was bi-weekly instead of weekly. That plan kinda went tits up with the new job keeping me so damn busy and catching a terrible cold twice in the last month . My immune system sucks, and while I have people making sure I'm taking care of myself and taking vitamins, I can't wait until I can get my medical stuff for Ontario sorted so I can see a doctor about my hormones and anxiety meds. Work has kind of been stressing me out and pushing my anxiety so it might be contributing to things.


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if life would stop beating me up, that would be great

well, yesterday we managed to get the window on my car fixed, walking away 500$ poorer in the process.

Only to have that fix last less than 24 hours, thanks to my mom.

We were told to not put down the window for 24 hours when we picked up the car yesterday afternoon, but while doing a grocery run with her sister, my mom forgot and started to put the window down.

The glass didnt fall out, but its no longer in place.

So off we went back to the dealership today to get it fixed - again, but they haven't called us back, which means we are sans car for now.

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