Raindrops on Roses

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Food is important to me. I grew up on a farm. We didn’t have any money, so we grew everything we ate, plus we hunted year-round. Nothing quite so tasty as ill-gotten venison. We had cattle, hogs, chickens, and ducks.

A number of years ago I became a pescatarian. It was an answer for high blood pressure, heart disease, and environmental concerns. It was quite a while before I had a name for it. I just cut out meat. As a guest -- I’ll eat what is served and I’ll split a hamburger with my spouse about every other month. But – mostly I eat fruit, nuts, and fish.

I’m one of those who thinks cilantro tastes like dish soap, so that cuts out a lot of what I would otherwise eat.

I actually like Impossible Burgers – but have found several plant-based substitutes that work well in most recipes calling for hamburger.

My favorite comfort food is tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I make the sandwiches with mozzarella cheese and spread the bread (inside) with mayo with a touch of oregano. Caramelized onions also work well.

If I’m eating out, I gravitate toward the Caesar salad with grilled salmon.

On vacation, at the lake, my go to is a steak bun stuffed with sloppy joe. If forced to fast foods on a trip I prefer the cod sandwich at Culver’s. No fries.

I love potatoes -- but like oven-fried, mashed, tater-tots, or baked.

If the grandkids are involved, I’ll make spaghetti and meatballs -- or mac and cheese.

I have a special place in my heart for lasagna – five or six layers.

When I make wild rice soup, I make enough for five or six meals. The same thing for chili. Thank god for mushrooms.

Christmas and Easter call for scalloped potatoes.

Other than that, I love the following comfort foods:

Vegetarian Pizza
Fried Rice
Tuna Melts
Salmon Burgers
Honey and Garlic Glazed Salmon
Caribbean Cobb Salad
Salmon Burgers
Fettucine Alfredo
Pasta – Pasta – Pasta (Whole Wheat)
Patty Melts
Herb Garlic Bread
Tuna Wraps

I realize my diet reflects my midwestern upbringing. What do you consider necessary comfort foods?



Ummm comfort foods

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Top of the list Dark Chocolate. If it's over 60% Cacao it's good for your heart, in moderation. After that a double chocolate mocha, iced in the summer and hot in the winter.

As far as real food, nothing beats a bowl of my homemade chili on a cold winter day. (Three kinds of meat, three kinds of beans.)


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

I'll have what you are having

Sounds really good to me. Especially right about now since it is dinner time.
I too grew up on farm. We still live rural so veggies are a staple. Swiss chard, spinach,beet greens and so many more. Since I'm on dyalasis I need extra protein so there are two eggs every morning.


"what's for dinner granpa" Hee Haw

Reverting to Childhood

Comfort foods are the stuff of my childhood - things Mom made to feed a large family on a small income. Meatloaf and scalloped potatoes (Campbell's tomato soup on the meatloaf, mushroom soup in the potatoes). Lime Chocolate Delicious for dessert (base of crushed chocolate cookies holding up lime jello whipped with sugar and condensed milk.) Pot roast. (No soup in this one.)

My anti-comfort food is tuna noodle casserole - dry and topped with soggy potato chips.

Then there's mac & cheese. My wife gets grossed out because I it was made with American cheese and tomato soup. Her Jewish family used cheddar. Both good, but I have my memories and she has hers.

These days my cooking includes just about any cuisine that sounds interesting and I have a rather impressive spice collection. One look at my belly will tell you that just about any food will bring me comfort,

An Oldie

Andrea Lena's picture

How many of us have felt like this?

My Least Fav'rite Things

(With a tip of the hat to Calpurnia Addams)

Oh, please don’t think of me as evasive
Your question just now was so rude and invasive
Acting as if somehow you know me…you don’t
Expecting me now to just answer; I won’t!

Telling me that as a woman you accept me
While making distinctions that outright reject me!
What I am wearing, be pants or a dress
Will never define me; I feel the need to confess.

You look at me and you say you don’t mind me
Which doesn’t jibe with how others might find me
You patronize with each word that you say
Leaving me worse than the previous day

When I tell you I’m a woman
Please don’t stand and stare
I’m simply the girl whom I have always been
And as for your thoughts? I don’t care!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

I have type 2 diabetes. I try

leeanna19's picture

I have type 2 diabetes. I try to eat mostly protein. I have mini wraps instead of bread. I fill thse with chicken or ham, cheese, cucumber, tomato, spring onion, and all sorts of salad. Oddly I don't eat much salad, but this tastes good.

I eat low sugar greek yogart which is pretty tasteless. To give it flavor I add a spoonful of instant coffee and a spoonful of cinnamon. I have this with zero-sugar jelly. I have lost weight and got my sugars down. I snack on nuts, gherkins and pickled onions. My cholesterol went up to 4 so I incresed my statins. It did not surprise me as I do love cheese. I is high fat , but very low carb.

If you are diabetic eating certain carbs are just like eating sugar. Carbs turn into sugar. Often low fat foods have a lot more sugar in them. The sugar gets into your blood and your insulin turns it into fat unless you use the energy. Pointless.
