I don't care if wearing a corset is a Fetish. It was normal back when.
I've been hating my self for feeling too fat, so I ordered an overbust one and today I put it on. It reduced me to 36" and that seems enough. (2")
I've also been inquiring about Spanking therapy. It does not appear in the DSM. I had it done years ago, and probably wrote about it here. It was wonderful. I know to be careful who I talk to about this. If I can't trust this crowd, that is pathetic.
Penis Gagged
Found a penis gag that will never be used, I hope. Reading a story, on this site that has deep throating going on. Such a turn on. Wish my body would respond.
Spanking is 'all over the map' ...
First, please use Extreme Care, for at least two reasons:
= If you have >any cardio-vascular problems, >especially< narrowing/hardening of the arteries (pretty much everybody does, whether they know it or not), or are on "blood thinners", ex: Coumadin/warfarin - anything where "throwing blood clots" is a bad idea ... You didn't hear me say 'flyswatter'.
= Just about everybody has had some trauma, likely even more so, for people here on BCTS. We can't be sure that even a caring spanking might Bring Something Up. Make sure your Spanker knows things might get a tad 'freaky' and have the Time (coupla hours), and the Space (privacy) for after-care.
Some of my treasured experiences include my Dom working over my butt, and a Lady at a Club offering 'birthday spankings'.
I and my Wife saw how much other couples were enjoying, and decided to try. Receiving did nothing for her, and giving, well any semblance of hurting me was such a turn-off, she just couldn't put her heart or hand into it.
Another friend tried 'getting'; she got three swats, stood abruptly and announced "Top!"
At another (clothes stay on) party, I went to check on a friend. She was facing away, getting spanked. All I could see was her butt in blue jeans - and from ten feet/three meters away all I saw was Really Happy Butt.
I strongly advise to use no alcohol or other psychoactive drugs.
Standards to know:
- SCC: Safe, Sane, Consensual.
- RACK: Risk-Aware Consensual Kink.
Phrased far better than I could have, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consent. ("[...]" are Wikipedia reference links.)
"Affirmative consent
Affirmative consent (enthusiastic yes) is when both parties agree to sexual conduct, either through clear, verbal communication or nonverbal cues or gestures.[29] It involves communication and the active participation of people involved. This is the approach endorsed by colleges and universities in the U.S.,[30] which describe consent as an "affirmative, unambiguous, and conscious decision by each participant to engage in mutually agreed-upon sexual activity." Notably, past research has found that college students generally held unfavorable attitudes toward institutional affirmative consent requirements (e.g., Antioch’s policy),[31] stating issues related to endorsement and practicality of these mandated policies . According to Yoon-Hendricks, a staff writer for Sex, Etc., "Instead of saying 'no means no,' 'yes means yes' looks at sex as a positive thing." Ongoing consent is sought at all levels of sexual intimacy regardless of the parties' relationship, prior sexual history or current activity ("Grinding on the dance floor is not consent for further sexual activity," a university policy reads).[29] By definition, affirmative consent cannot be given if a person is intoxicated, unconscious or asleep.
There are 3 pillars often included in the description of sexual consent, or "the way we let others know what we're up for, be it a good-night kiss or the moments leading up to sex."
They are:
1) Knowing exactly what and how much I'm agreeing to
2) Expressing my intent to participate
3) Deciding freely and voluntarily to participate[29]
To obtain affirmative consent, rather than waiting to say or for a partner to say "no", one gives and seeks an explicit "yes". This can come in the form of a smile, a nod or a verbal yes, as long as it's unambiguous, enthusiastic and ongoing. "There's varying language, but the language gets to the core of people having to communicate their affirmation to participate in sexual behavior," said Denice Labertew of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault.[29] "It requires a fundamental shift in how we think about sexual assault. It's requiring us to say women and men should be mutually agreeing and actively participating in sexual behavior."
Two more things:
- Consent >can be withdrawn at any time<. Activity >Stops<. (Red!)
- Consent should not be tainted with real-world power imbalances (teacher/student, police officer/traffic stop-ee, Senator/intern.)
"... or asleep..." Gotta tell ya... When that happens during fore-play ... It makes for a >really< long night ...
Spanking is all over the map
I'm a dirty, dirty North America! Crash my Grand Tetons and spank my naughty Florida!!
~I'm not bad, I'm just cartographed this way...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,