Book 5, The Light Between, has finally reached its completion. For any who have been waiting until it was posted in full to go binge read, the starter pistol has now fired! Go go go! :)
A huge shout-out and thank you to Kimmie for all her help in getting these last acts posted over the past few weeks. She's been absolutely awesome and tremendous.
And also a thank you to everyone who's commented either publicly or in direct message, each has buoyed my focus and motivation to get this done, and I now look forward to shifting focus entirely towards writing the next one in the saga! Though only after I go take care of everything I've neglected lately to get this book to the finish line.
Don't worry! The kitties are of course not amongst that list. They know they have highest priority - and they are entirely and happily spoiled, as they should be.
With love and thanks,
Erisian <3

After the ending of Book 4, I can’t imagine enough self-control to not have started Book 5 by now. I suppose there could be someone, as Hamlet more or less observed.
Gripping and thoughtfully detailed series.
Thank you!
Some folks really do wait before diving in, at least that's what they've told me!
I have no real way of verifying this, of course... ;)
What the world needs?
Light, light, and more light! I’m thinking, at least two more books’ worth. But thank you, Seraph, for the wonderful ride to date.
— Emma
Two or more books
My guess it will take three and maybe four at the outside.
Our wonderful writer is a slave driver though :P. Probably in real life works as a Mangler.
Urban definitions
I'm hoping that you meant 'Mangler' more as per the Urban Dictionary's definition of "inherent compulsion to over-indulge" which case, with regards to this story? Yep, total obsession and guilty as charged! My 'real life' job is much less an obsession, it just puts a roof over my family, food on our table, and provides some neat toys. Besides, is that 'real life' even real? -cues up Bohemian Rhapsody- I'd argue that I'm more myself when writing this story than when grinding away at the office.
Then again, maybe after your amazing job of finding too many of my lost commas while proofreading, you meant as a mangler of English... lol
At the moment I see at least two more books for the story. Though that last one could potentially itself split into two, but I won't know until I get there and it tells me how it wishes to be. But this book just completed was meant to really be the pause and then launch/setup towards that finale. All I know is that the whole thing won't let me be until it's all out on the page and I've typed in the final line that's been in my head since very close to the start of it all.
Someday it'll get there, someday...
You sweet summer child, a 'mangler' in office parlance is the semi-affectionate (I think ...) term for a manager.
But hey, it sounds like a multiple choice answer so, 'all of the above' ? ^_^