Editing for Dear Rylee 10

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Hey everyone! I want to apologize for being so slow with Dear Rylee - I just finished writing Chapter 20 and I'm working on editing 10 for this site. Unfortunately, the editing process is drudging up a LOT of old memories. I've been consulting with people who were there at the time the story happened and finding out what actually happened and what I imagined so I can edit appropriately. Of course, I also have to deal with Tori(not her real name)'s insistence that I just 'stick to my photography' and stop writing, because I'm driving her insane. Regardless, I'm going to get it out there as soon as I can, and I really want to thank EVERYONE for their feedback, it means SO much to me. You're all super amazing! :) <3


So . . . Breathe! You’re doing great!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

When I started posting my first story on this site last August I was dropping approximately two 15,000 to 17,000 word chapters a week. The stories just came pouring out. But when I did my most recent one, I found I had to work harder to get a product I liked. That’s when I started noticing that lots of established writers on the site that I really enjoyed were posting installments of stories much less frequently. One week intervals were common; two or more weren’t that unusual.

So I picked a day, largely at random (Friday) and worked to post a chapter weekly on that morning. That worked surprisingly well for me. But it also worked for the readers, who knew when to look for the chapter.

You have been generating incredibly powerful chapters at an impressive rate. And if that works, go with it! But if you are struggling to keep up, go easy on yourself. Slow it down a bit. You have an audience for your work, we love it, and we’ll wait for it. Try a weekly posting and see whether that is better for your sanity (and “Tori’s” too!). Eventually you’ll find a rhythm that works for you.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Warmest regards,
