TopShelf Blogs

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The Magic Flute

Been listening to the MET's Christmas version of the Mozart's The Magic Flute. I have always enjoyed this opera and we actually saw it performed in Vienna. I decided many years ago to see if I could adapt the story for this site. I did, and I think it worked out quite well. I wove the very famous but archaic Adventure Game into it. The story is "Cynthia and the Queen of Knight." Take a look at it. You might find it very enjoyable. It is part of the "Cynthia Chronicles."

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Fodder for Fiction

For those who follow space related news, Dmitry Rogozin, the former head of Roscosmos who now is in Donetsk, Ukraine, commanding invading Russian forces.

Anyway, according to this news posting (translated using Google Translate apparently) the man is likely to lose his erm 'family jewels' due to being injured by a Ukrainian artillery attack at his birthday party in a hotel.

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Just saw "Avatar: Way Of Water" a few days ago

It wasn't bad but I echo some of the critiques: it defnitely had some bloat and some of the action could have been trimmed. Honestly while the beginning connected the end of the first tailing into the other I don't think it was terrible though it could have been trimmed a bit. I don't want to get into the plot much except Jake now has a family and it really gets into that dynamic.

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all!

Five years ago we downsized to our retirement home going from six to two bedrooms. Yesterday three grandchildren, four dogs and eight adults celebrated what amounted to our first day of Christmas. Other than a minor mishap where the butter was left in the microwave and never found its way into the pancakes we survived and are on to five more days of "close" family fun.

I've hung my Kindle on the mantel waiting for Maximum Warp Chapter Ten to drop. Emma. . .it is Friday!

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Finally, a new book for Christmas - Fading Memories

I would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and hope that 2023 will be an improvement over 2022.

This has been a hectic and challenging year for me. I had great plans to release a book a month - such are the plans we make, eh?
I still am working on so many books, I might just finish a few in 2023 - I'm not being as optimistic as I was last year, as there are too many things to stop me.

But, I have actually finished one, just in time for Christmas - Fading Memories

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Interesting email

I got an interesting email the other day from Karen Lea. She was letting me know that life has slowed from its craziness, retirement I guess, and after reading some kind words from me she wanted to let me know that she got inspired and re-examined her tale "Educating Danielle". Anyway, long story short, she has had it professionally edited and it has been formatted and she has placed the first half on Amazon. She has completed the was previously unfinished...... and the second half she hopes to have up around Christmas.

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I found an award-wining (runner up) trans story

Okay so the last time I was over at Mike and Carol's they were packing up their books, and I took one that was a collection of the Nebula award winners from 1966. (The Nebula awards are presented by SF authors to the best stories of that year.)

One of the runners up was a cute little love story by Frederik Pohl, called Day Million.

The story is about a boy (of sorts), and a girl, and the girl was born a boy.

And the society in which they live, not only recognized her true nature, but had the ability to reshape her body to match her mind and heart.

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dark humor

I must be one real sicko. We got a wet heavy snowfall that just gummed up my snowblower without clearing anything. As a result I put in two sessions of heavy shoveling and have a lot to go. The sick part is that I found myself hearing the ballad of John Henry (too winded to sing if I could sing) with the words "die with my hammer in my hand" replaced with "die with my shovel in my hand". I figured I had better come in here and erase some things on this computer first!


An Almost Special Boy in the Feminist Republic

This is the start of an idea for a story, based on "Educating Special Boys in the Feminist Republic" by Torrey Grover. It's about a kid who doesn't really identify as a boy, but also doesn't identify enough as a girl to be brought into the program for "special boys". I'm posting it here in my blog, instead of with my stories, because I haven't heard back from Torrey yet, but I'm also wondering if people think it's close enough to the original story for it to work in the universe Torrey created.

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a mistake has caught up to me

so I have been using a CPAP machine for a while, and it had done wonders for my sleep apnea.

Unfortunately, it was only a loaner, and I have to return it Friday.

And because of mistakes I made trying to get Alberta Disabled support to cover me for one, I am going to be without one for the foreseeable

There have been a lot of times, I've made massive errors, and somehow avoided consequences, so if this time I am going to pay for my mistakes, so I can't kick too hard.

Still, its gonna suck not having the machine considering how bad my apnea is.

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The Left Hand of Darkness

The novel by Ursula K. LeGuin, of course. I saw it referred to recently and realized that I didn't remember anything but was sure I had read it. It turns out that I had read it more than once as my old paperback is quite battered. This story from over fifty years ago seems as if it could have been written with todays headlines in mind. My favorite of her Hainish universe books remains The Dispossessed, but anyone thinking about gender or the national political discourse on the meaning of patriotism will be intrigued by this book.

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Please Help

This site needs more revenue. Traffic is at the heart of revenue both in selling ads and in donations.

Erin is working on a Google Ads program to bring in more traffic. This has worked in the past.

I'm donating an additional $100 this month above my normal contribution. Emma Anne Tate is also throwing in an additional $100.

Will you please join us in this effort?

Traffic is a long-term solution to the funding problem.



Super Head Injuries

Dr. Big McLarge Huge tells it like it is (well, with some exaggeration):

Yes, it's amazing so many supers (both heroes and villains) make it to retirement age at all, much less remain legally competent in their senior years. Remember that Energia has already had one (fortunately mild) concussion.

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Problem with an author's site

There seems to be a problem with Samantha Michelle's Storysite (Samantha MD).
I have tried at least once a day for the last 10 days to view it looking for new stories and have not been able to.
A message appears that the server isn't responding.
I hope is all is well with Samantha and hopefully it is just a minor equipment problem.
And yes, I did see the newest part of her latest story was posted Friday.


a cute moment at the mall

Okay so today I was doing a little taxi service for Sharon and Sam, and while they were out shopping in a mall Mom and I went to the food court and got supper.

On our way back to the car, a little boy, maybe about 3 or 4, came up to me and proudly showed off the candy cane he had.

I told him "wow", the kid's dad grinned and kind of blushed, and mom and I went on our way.

Every once in a while, God throughs a little goodness my way, to remind me its not all darkness in the world, and today I really needed it.

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The first cut..

...for a long, long time. about 50 years, in fact. Our company Christmas party is coming up soon, so I decided my hair, which had returned to the wild, needed something which wouldn't get in the soup, or require the usual ponytail band all the time. I took this here photo, just after being outdoors so pardon if the mop still looks a bit unruly. If you feel the need to laugh, be my guest! It makes me smile.

Dec22 cut01.jpg

Colour needs re-doing.

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Sick Season

I've been under the weather the past two or three days. I thought the cough I had was due to the damp weather combined with the dust raised by the work I'm having done in the basement. Said coughing was bad enough that I had to use my inhaler a few times.

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Unless I feel much better, there won't be a Bike tonight.

I have succumbed to a virus, I don't know if it's Covid, but I have a stupid tickly cough that has kept me awake for two nights and prevented me from attending a geology workshop that I have wanted to go to for a year. I am so fed up with life at present I'd like to disappear to a tropical island and never come back.

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Caretaker/ roommate needed

Roommate/caretaker requirements:
I have a large bedroom whom I am willing to give a trans girl a good place to live, all utilities paid, and shared food bills. Full laundry and kitchen. Dogs/cats are welcome.

In exchange I would need someone with a car. she would be required to run occasional errands, do minor housekeeping, and take out the trash.

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Read This Blog Only If You Want BC to Be Here Next Time You Log On

For at least the last fifteen years, the majority of websites have used a "freemium" approach to business. They sell advertising to cover their costs while not charging for the content. This leads people to believing everything on the internet is free.

It isn't!

BC costs money to maintain. The 200,000 unique visitors a month it attracts allows Erin to sell advertising. However, that advertising only generates a fraction of the revenue needed.

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Update on my life (Triggerable things mentioned)

Well hello, my lovelies.

I am still alive, for the moment.

I did survive 2 rounds of Covid & at least 4 shelter quarantines & close contact, because of outbreaks.

It has been some time, since I updated you & believe it or not, things have slightly gotten better….. but nothing is without its consequences.


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My Anti-Semitic Story

I am pleased to see that BCTS readers accepted my story “Discharged – Female” for what it was – A harrowing work of fiction firmly based on researched fact bringing to light appalling injustices done to gay people during South Africa’s apartheid regime. Some on Fictionmania saw it as something very different.

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Producers Encyclopedia of Story Scenes

Most of my time is spent either writing, or watching movies on my computer. All too often I recognize scenes and situations from one movie story in another. I wonder if there is some group that keeps track of these things and use their lawyers to keep from getting caught impinging on copyrighted material from another work? "Marvel" seems to spend lots of time skirting the edge of legality. There was an author on BCTS who featured Strap on Wings in their work, and then died in Europe. I have seen those wings in more than one Marvel movie. Interesting.

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Happy 70th Birthday

Today was my 70th birthday and I admit waking up remembering what day it was and then thinking that being 70 was a new experience and wasn't I supposed to feel old? I didn't I I felt the same, despite my stroke back in May. My daughter was visiting with her hubby and I had arranged three roast beef dinners, 'Denis dinners', which those who have visited me in Dorchester for things like a Gabyfest will have experienced and named from the owner of the cafe where we ate.

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Looking for another old story

I'm looking for a story that had a guy moving from the British Isles to the US. He had a name that is male there, but female here (maybe Shannon?).

There's an issue with his luggage and he's stuck with a suitcase of female clothes (I think they are even close to his size).

He's got long hair and everyone in the new town (except the relative he'll be living with thinks he's a girl.

I *think* he's high school age as well.

It's *not* Texas Two-Step. I just re-read that because the synopsis seemed close.

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Never Give Up

This only affects a small select few here on this channel with most of this info. Some may be informative to most trans. I still wish to share. If the VA you are going to doesn't full fill your needs then check with another one. Three years ago Amarillo informed me I had aged out of TG care. They would treat me as a vet but not trans. Switched to OKC and received more support than I knew what to do with. Keep in mind I was supplying them with forty years of knowledge about the mental and medical knowledge of trans in return. Most my doctors knew, some they didn't.


a streak comes to an end with a whimper

Some time after I had been on this site for a while, I realized I had managed to publish at least one story, poem, or essay each calendar month with one exception.

Being the kind of individual I am, it became an obsession to keep this streak going, and honestly, I think the quality of my stories suffered for it.

Well, as of midnight tonight, the streak is over, as I have not been able to produce any content for the month of November.

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advice needed

I really need advice.

I think my ex is taking advantage of me because I have a car, and she often will ask for a ride, only to add 2 or 3 extra stops, or want to spend much more time somewhere than she mentioned before she got into the car.

I put up with a lot because she is the sole caregiver of my disabled daughter, but then today she spent part of the trip insulting both me and my mother and claiming we were going to hell.

I really want to set a boundary here, but I don't know how to without it hurting my daughter.

advice please.

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Working on sequel to a book. Gas-lighting question

I spent a lot of yesterday trying to piece together a “meeting of the minds” between Jennifer Monroe and Travis Miller. Travis was one of the guys who left her for dead on the side of road in Missoula, Montana. Three years later, she returns to Missoula to confront her past tormentor:

I want to know if this is a good example of “gas-lighting”:

“It Can Only Go Up From Here”
Chapter 8 “Not Just a Girl” (snippet)


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Daddy issues

I really ... really wish I could have a father/daughter relationship with my dad. When I first came out to him, I wasn't especially surprised when he had issues with me saying I was his daughter. But ... it's been a few decades since then. I'm pretty lucky, when compared to others, because my dad is willing to see me, and tells me he loves me. But, deep down inside me, there's still a little girl who wants to be held and cuddled by her daddy. I guess that may sound silly for a 58 year old woman to say, but that's how I'm feeling right now.

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Kaitlyn Jenner on Fox News……

I just read an article on Fox News - and yes, I know, it’s Fox. Don’t kill me for reading Fox, but the only way to be truly informed is to read multiple news from multiple sites and from multiple perspectives. Yes, I am a Republican - but I am also not a Trumper (God, how I hate that man and his ilk!), and do not vote the party line. I am a fiscal conservative, and became a Republican because I believed in small government and what the REAL Republican Party stood for decades ago. So please don’t get on me for reading something that Fox posted as I also read MSNBC, CNN, the BBC, etc.

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Happy, happy Thanksgiving!

It's Thanksgiving in the US, and still 5 AM in the Northwest, so I'm laying in bed, thinking of all I have to be thankful for.

So many things are good! Even when things look bleak, I find that when I turn them around and examine them from all angles there's something good there. Even the death of my dad earlier this year got my sister and me working together, something we hadn't done for a long time.


Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

I have much to be thankful for this year - I have survived yet another year, it appears that my immunotherapy has been successful in that I have been cancer free for over a year and a half, the reaction which I had to the immunotherapy seems to have settled down and I am no longer in constant pain from my joints, my mobility has returned to very nearly 100% of what it was previously, and I am still surrounded by my family.

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Fact more disgusting than fiction

I have just posted a story based on fact entitled "Discharged - Female"

I had heard about these forced sex changes in South Africa and so I researched it a little and discovered more about the whole horrific thing, and that the number of mutilated victims was larger than I thought. Some stories have been told but many more have been buried. I did not access the findings of the "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" but I do understand the reasons why the post-apartheid government would want to bury the sins of the past in a bid to move forward as a mixed society.

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Mockreet Pocket Guide

Okay, so here's the breakdown of The Mockreet. I can't believe I have to type this out, but here we go:

Timeline 1(Faedrye): Lyra appears in the body of Micah Lavoric, she lives in Auglire with her sister Sheena Rossi. She's been abducted due to Calliope's idiocy and now Sheena is searching for her. Lyra is now hiding amongst a group of would-be revolutionaries led by Quinn Mallory in their fight against both the High Landy and a smuggler named Old Jaf.


I’ve got spurs that jingle jangle jingle

I remember proudly singing that song on stage at Main Street Church kindergarten, beating sticks together while dressed in a tiny red vest, string tie, and cowboy hat. I don’t remember now if I had boots, or what girls got to wear.

Jangle, hats, what am I thinking? The hatbox donation link

Please help keep this site going if you can.

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The Anthropology of Desire

I just finished reading a Wiki piece on the Eroticism of Islamic thought. The gist of it is that men are sexually attracted to a covered woman. And, generally women like being sexually attractive. In my years attempting to be a practicing Muslim woman, I liked being covered and really felt secure in the full face covering. The article strips the mystery away for me, not that I think there is anything wrong with being modestly covered. I think that being Muslim or not, generally men like to be in power over women. The Quran and Bible reinforce this. It's a funny funny world isn't it?

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Home Contracting

As usual with home improvement projects, installing a new shower, and adding a sink and commode in the basement is taking longer and costing more than anticipated. The contractor is currently in the basement with a concrete saw, cutting out the floor.

Clay pipe under the floor is a good choice (in this case made in 1940) if you assume never having to excavate. It doesn't corrode. However, it is fragile. Argh. Tying modern plumbing drains into it is also a problem. Oh, and none of this is vented, so they have to add that.

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'32 trans people killed this year.'

'At least 32 transgender and non-binary people have been killed in the US this year, the Human Rights Campaign said yesterday in its annual report.

America's largest LGBT political lobbying organisation found that transgender people of colour made up 81% of known victims, with more than half (59%) of victims being black. Trans women accounted for 81% of the deaths.

The report said the number of fatalities was likely to be an underestimate because deaths of trans people often go unreported or victims are misgendered.' (Associated Press)

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some good news about Sam

So, we went to Sam's doctor today and got some good news.

Her CT scan showed no problems, which means whatever is wrong with her, it's not being caused by a tumor or a stroke or anything of that kind.

Which means that as was suspected at first, this is a psychological issue, or possibly a chemical imbalance, or maybe a bit of both.

We're a long way from a cure, but I think this was a major step forward.

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Gender Switch Channel

Found this Ikea commercial on Beverly Simmons' Youtube channel (she curates short video clips of gender transformations in movies, TV, and other media).

As far as I can tell, the channel has only been active for several days. She's been posting multiple clips each day. Magical transformations aren't my particular thing but I know there are lots of besties on this site who would enjoy these little video snippets.



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my dreams keep getting better

Okay so last night I think I had one of my best dreams ever.

I was an officer of the law, chasing a dangerous criminal in the mountains of British Columbia.

And I was amazing.

Strong, smart, and above all fearless, I overcame obstacles in my way with ease.

Sadly, the dream ended just as I had the bad guy cornered, but I have no doubt that version of me would succeed.,

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The Genesis of Scratch!

The Genesis of Scratch!

This little amusement created itself while we were away for a few days in East Anglia. The hotel had been booked before Her Majesty died, which meant that we ended up with two days (Sunday and the Monday of the funeral) when almost nothing was open. Stuck in a hotel room with only sandwiches bought the previous day and kept chilled in the room mini-bar, the idea slowly matured...

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Family traits

Things to look out for.

Something that happened to me today…again.

When my hackles get up due to a perceived insult I become defensive. If it moves to a direct insult on me I get mad.

When I get mad I get very stubborn.

At that point I try to hurt the person that hurt me just as much or more than they hurt me. All reasoning with me goes out the window, along with any common sense apparently.

This is a family trait. I know about but can’t stop it from happening.

Makes me feel very bad afterword but the moment of apology is long gone.


Define: Finished Story

I've been wondering about two stories, and what happened. Anastasia Allread wrote Healing a Princess, and Admiral Krunch did Christina Chase. Both have lain fallow since the last chapters were written, though neither story felt finished to me.

Penny Lane's Somewhere Else Entirely seems to periodically get charming carry on chapters.

I suppose HAP could have ended with one more chapter? It is not said what happens to Christina Chase though there is a strong implication that something would follow.

I'm thinking of reading all three of these stories again.


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Beware of Old People and Kids

One must love watching and talking to old people and or kids. Many have no disconnect on what they are thinking and what comes out of their mouth. To put the encounter into perspective I counsel those like myself. Too many take themselves too seriously and demand others don't make any errors in talking to or addressing them. Most little kids six or under seem to find me fascinating as they stare at me while holding their mother's hand or sitting in the shopping cart. Not my fault. Although I don't have her curves, I'm like Jessica Rabbit, I was designed this way.


Paranoia about going out in public

I went away for my last "fishing trip" of the year this weekend. I do actually go fishing, but the main reason I go is to have time as Leeanna. The memories I have let me cope with not being who I want to be.

After my mother helping me and pushing me the last time. She wanted us to go into the bar on the site. I refused. I just went for a short walk in the dark with her. She told me not to wear red lipstick and keep my makeup understated. She also told me not to use the red wig I have.

I went for a plain look. I just wanted to look like an older lady out for a walk.

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