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Gender Panic and Other Stories

My new short fiction collection, Gender Panic and Other Stories contains 253,948 words of transgender fiction: seven short stories, seven novelettes, one novella, and two short novels. Six of the stories (including both novels), 163,318 words, have never appeared online before. The collection has an introduction, an overview of the stories, and content warnings, and afterwords to all the individual stories.

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Thanks for reading ‘Gamer Girl‘


It’s been great to see so many folks getting hold of a copy of ‘Gamer Girl’, over the last couple of weeks. I’ve seen feedback via e-mail, personal messages here, on Goodreads, etc... kind of chaotic. (Who knew that sharing a book for free would be so much harder than doing it for money?)

If you want to read it but don’t want to use Smashwords, there’s a downloadable .pdf version at Sugar and Spiiice.

Best wishes,


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New Tammy

One or two (hmmm) have asked when a new Tammy story would be available? The answer is *real soon*

The writing is 80% done for a 5 chapter story featuring Tammy and crew: Rank Stupidity
Edit - the manuscript is nearly complete. I've done a little housekeeping.

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New Ending for Mutation Part 30

I have added text for a new ending to my Mutation #30 story. Look for text "Replacement ending" The original ending follows the words "The End"

The original ending was meant to be humorous and ironic. I guess it failed at both. So I wrote a different ending that was closer to the story.

Authors sometimes like to try diffferent things with their stories.


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writing update

Well, I took a little vacation from writing stories, but now I want to get back into it, and to help me and give an update to you folks, here is a list of what I got going right now.

The final chapter of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Dot;

A Slip in Time: What if you found yourself back in high school? A lady name Dorothy finds out . . .

My Grandmother's Story: a real story from my family's past.

A Sense of Femininity: why do feminine things feel so good? I try to find out.

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Exciting news!!


For once, I have happy news ^_^

I got accepted into an intimacy coaching certification program!

I could really use some good luck, and I'm fundraising to help cover the tuition. I technically could cover it myself, but it would be really rough. I made a fundraising site that gives my whole story and goals HERE

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New super-short story, "Stimming," up on Patreon!

Heya folks!

Surprise! I have a new super-duper ultra-short story up over on the BCTS Patreon!

It's called "Stimming," and is -- I think -- a cute little slice-of-life piece I hope folks enjoy!

Melanie E.

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Thank you for the 'Feedback"

I am overwhelmed by how many folks came forward to express their opinions.

Thank You!

My stories have never sought any more than a PG rating. I am all about love, not the actual act. If I've included sex as most of you said, it's just talked about, not graphically portrayed.

And that's where I will take it.

I will write the story, but it will be on your terms and mine.

Thank you,


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Big Question wanting to hear some feedback

So, here's my dilemma. I have this vision for a story. The premise is that our Protagonist, who has dreams of being an actor, has sex with the person running an audition. It's consensual, and both parties enjoy it. After a wham, bam, thank you, ma'am; both parties go their separate ways. But, this one-night stand turns into a love song which will be my tale. So, here's the million-dollar question. "How graphic should this sex act be?" I want to hear your honest opinions, please.

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I have spent five holidays in Hawaii and every time I have spent most of the time on Maui, and each time I have been in close proximity to Lahaina. I never stayed in the town itself but always in Ka'anapali, a couple of miles north and Lahaina was where we would go to dine and just walk around for enjoyment. The banyan tree was a favourite sitting spot and Front Street was where all the good cafes and restaurants were located, so it is with a heavy heart that I see the devastation which has befallen the town.

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had a cute moment at the pool today

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So I went to the pool today, and while there I had a cute encounter with a small girl, maybe 2 years old.

She asked me about the skin tag I have on my forehead, and I told her it was just a little bump, and that I have a lot of them.

She asked about my bumps, so I showed her the skin tags I have under my arm, and she was so fascinated she had to come over and touch them.

I looked over at her mom, but she was on the phone and I don't know if she even noticed, but I thought I'd avoid trouble by waving goodbye and going elsewhere.

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Superhero emphasis at Transfiction wiki

I’m a contributor to the Transfiction wiki, but I have to ask... is it really a wiki about transgender fiction? Each time I look at the recent changes, virtually everything is the upload of a “superhero” type character (commonly an image) with nothing to make clear why it features on transgender fiction wiki.

Maybe I’m just the odd one out and you all love comic books.

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Hey loyal readers,

I was really hoping to have a chapter of Apocalypse Dawn to post tonight but between fighting writer's block since Saturday, having extra shifts this week, and now having a colossal migraine that will not go away, it's just not happening. Hopefully I can shake it and the writer's block off before my one day off on Sunday so I can at least get Snow Angel out on schedule.

*big hugs*


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What has happened to ++Fiction

I tried to post a story today and this is what came up!
I just wanted to post a vignette today, but I suppose that it could go in a book (I have found one called "Maryanne Peters")
How is this supposed to work?

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Well, I've done it. Written a story that takes place in london... native speaker needed.

My muse went crazy and decided that I could write a story that takes place in London England. A challenge I've been avoiding due to the differences in the King's English and what we speak on this side of the pond. But I guess like cross-dress, suppressing your muse's desire to write, makes it grow stronger. So I've given in to the pressure. Not only have I completed one, but I have another in the pipe line and one that I've only sketched the premise in a few paragraphs for.

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Pile on

Last year, and again this year, I was doxxed, including my photo, by some 'big names' in organised transphobia. One of the bigots took a video of a talk I gave to a charity, as well as the 'Look inside!" free preview on Amazon of my first book, and 'interpreted' all of it as sexual fetishism. Everything I do is done because I am a pervert: when I brush my teeth, it is because I [insert bizarre and unhinged explanation]

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Life as a Male

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Over the last fortnight, I've been gathering my resources, buy men's clothing, and making all sorts of decisions in a very deliberate way. Life is really complicated and where possible I intend to live as a man as far as that is possible. I idea of living as a recluse in the deep woods keeps passing through my head. I have no idea what my life will look like in the future.

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I'm still paying for a mistake I made Wednesday

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On Wednesday, I made a terrible mistake, and I am still paying for it.

The elevators in my building were not working, and thanks to being in manic mode, I started to panic about not being able to pick up my brother or take out the garbage.

So I made the mistake of taking the stairs down.

Wednesday, I didn't really feel it, but by Thursday, I was in serious pain, and my left leg simply wouldn't work properly.

Since then the pain has gone down, but I am still struggling to stand, walk, or straighten my leg.

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not a good day !



A bit of a shock for me the other day. My friend has passed , too dam young at 21 too dam young . those out there please yell scream grab some one call some one we are here we will listen . my friend i will miss you . i hope you are talking to your creator and at a final peace i am feeling old now as a lot i know are gone we grieve for ourselves not for those who have passed there is sorrow for those who are still here for we bear the pain of friends not here .


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I've unpublished my books from Kindle/Smashwords

This *ISN'T* a bad thing!

We're prepping an upcoming Doppler release that contains all my previous books, PLUS a handful of other stories, so I unpublished the other versions to make sure there weren't any issues with it.

Special Someones, by Melanie E., out soon on Kindle!

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For those who are unfamiliar Fa'afafine is the Samoan 3rd gender.
When I first read about fa'afafine, The article said families that had all boys would choose one to raise as a girl to help in the home and look after the parents in old age.

I wrote a story called The Fa'afafine Bill set on an alternative earth. One comment said that it was stupid premiss as men could do the same jobs as women without being women.

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Long time, no write

Well hi.

It's been a long while since I wrote anything and for the first time in all that time, I hope I've actually got something on the go that I can post. Honestly, I'm missing the feedback and the kudos.

I can't say how far through I am, but as much as it pains me, I'm glad I didn't do what I'd done before, trying to make a series on the fly and finding myself up the creek without a paddle. This one, I promised wouldn't go up in parts until I'd actually finished it.

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I met with a four footed furry therapist today

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so today, I got to go over to my aunt's place and spend time with her puppy.

To say I needed a four footed furry therapist today is putting it mildly, so I'm glad he was taking appointments!

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Thriftbooks .com


I was just reading over at fanfiction .net when one of their inbuilt ad spaces opened to show an add for this seller. AThe first book listed was by the esteemed (fancy word, I know) author ms. O'Malley, Hands of the Morri. It was listed as pre-order. I don't have an account so could not say anything nice about it. But, it is getting closer.

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Dreams can be fun. Dreams can be bothersome. I am very fortunate that I seldom have nightmares. I don’t think I have ever had a night terror. Most of my dreams start out of nowhere and fade into nowhere. Many involve my life in the military and the jobs I had. They are never unpleasant. I also have dreams that involve the work I have done since I retired from the military. I worked In loss control for insurance companies. It was interesting work, and I was good at it. I also dream about making love to wonderful women, including my wife of more than 50 years.

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Tragedy in Cycling


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I am a very amateur cyclist. But I have some friends who are serious cyclists. And many of us on this blog have perhaps become fans or at least gained a deeper understanding of the sport from reading the many Gaby novels.

So I think perhaps we can all mourn the death on Saturday of 17 year old U.S. cyclist Magnus White. He was hit by a vehicle and killed while training for the upcoming world championships in Scotland.

R.I.P. Magnus

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Free Novella

I've written a new novella called Andy and Dawn.

The story involves a young man, in 1960, who is discovered by a Hollywood talent agent while washing cars. Of course, through a series of events the young man comes to question his/her gender identity. The story is populated with pop culture figures of that era.

As usual, it is my intent to give this book to Doppler Press. All proceeds will go to supporting this site. Rasufelle is already working on the cover art.

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Not Transgender

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I've not been writing or commenting little if any at all. I'm searching for a way for an old person to move away and become a recluse. I was checking out cars on line, perhaps a lease if they'll let me. I hope that the financers don't try to play games with me.

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A Request for Feedback (BC User Guide)

Heya folks!

So, I just posted a WIP of a project I'm in the middle of: The BigCloset User Guide. I'm hoping to make it the ultimate one-stop shop for information on site features and story posting best practices.

What I have out is *maybe* 1/2 of what the guide will ultimately be, but part of creating a document like this is getting user feedback on the value of the information provided.

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Rylee Updates

Hi! I think I left Dear Ariel off at chapter 3 and I forgot to tell you guys that I was going off to get my GCS. I came through surgery fine and I'm recovering.. painfully.

Dear Ariel is written up to chapter 5 and 6 is halfway done. There is also significant progress on Fen and Fern Chapter 2, so look for that soon.

I'm on an every two week posting schedule for the moment so while the chapters are longer there's going to be a bit of a gap between them. As always, thanks for reading :)

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Monkey Business by Melanie Brown - a new short story Patreon Exclusive

Randy can't race motorcycles anymore. But no one thought to say Randi can't ride side-hack!

Monkey Business
by Melanie Brown
New short story
Free exclusive on Patreon!
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Writing _Angel of Europe_

The story is over halfway completed, now, but still coming along slowly. It covers one of the adventures of Aaron/Malak during WWII. Yes, there are extradimensional monsters. :-) They are a relatively minor problem, though.

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Women wearing pants (trousers )

I was doing a little research on just when women started wearing trousers (pants on this side of the pond) and came across this article at

The last paragraph is precious. "Today in the US, the question of whether women can wear pants in public isn't a question at all, which means we're free to move on to the next frontier of gendered fashion, making it socially acceptable for men to wear dresses. Fair's fair, right?"

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Thank [insert deity of choice here] for California health insurance!

I had my doctor's appointment with Planned Parenthood this morning, and just got the call from them that my prescriptions for Spiro and estro patches have been called in to the pharmacy!

So, within the next couple days, yo' girl is gonna be on the girl juice! Woo!

And I got ANOTHER great piece of news too: my insurance *actually covers hair removal.* I'm not certain how much/where, but that's a HUGE relief.

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Russia a hostile place for trans people

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While the Labour party in Britain struggles with the gap between trans rights and feminist worries Russia has no such worries, Putin has banned all treatment for transgender folk making it illegal. And I thought we had problems in the west.

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That Was Unexpected


If one is stealth and not ready to out themselves, be vary wary of Mother Nature's Temporary Tattoo Parlor. Many years back I tried to get a bikini tan. Hours sunbathing, front, back and eventually if one wasn't too judgmental and used a lot of imagination it was possible to see I had been wearing a bikini while out in the sun. Over the years the results are about the same. Sadly I didn't have the opportunity to show off my bikini tan line to anyone. Okay, the dogs, cats got to see. My doctors only asked me to remove my blouse when they are behind a lead wall and aren't looking.

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Cathy Michel

Cathy Michel called me this morning. She wanted everyone to know that she is still alive and keeping up the struggle. She has given my phone number to her caregivers so that in the event something happens, they can call me and let the BC community know.

Cathy is unable to sit at the computer and work or even read at this time, but she wants everyone to know how much she loves us all collectively and many of us individually as well.

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A Special Cooperative Feature!

There's a new short story up over on the BCTS Patreon!

"T" Shirt

By Melanie E. and Melanie Brown

That's right! Me and Ms. Brown traded off on writing duties on this one. Can anyone guess whose parts are whose?

Melanie E.

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Norton -- The Irony

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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From Norton's latest log of resolved security risks:

7/20/2023 9:11:43 PM,High,Norton Internet Security 2006 Password Manager setup.exe (Heur.AdvML.B) detected by Virus scanner,Quarantined,Resolved - No Action Required,Threat Actions performed: 1


7/20/2023 8:28:37 PM,High,Norton Internet Security 2006 Password Manager setup.exe (Heur.AdvML.B) detected by Virus scanner,Quarantined,Resolved - No Action Required,Threat Actions performed: 1

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Referral pt 13 - The complaints

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It's been and up & down week, and it was only Thursday when I received the latest news from the local NHS complaints office:

"Your complaint and the response from the practice, together with your recent emails is currently undergoing an independent clinical review. We will of course let you know once this has been completed."

So all I can now do is wait.

I have asked, several times, for a change of GP but I've heard nothing about it as yet - that doesn't have to depend on the complaint(s) but I suspect they have linked the request with the original complaint.

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why am I doing this to myself?

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As most of you can tell, "Games without Frontiers" is pulling from the darkest part of my past, and then spinning it by imagining if I had been given support right away.

And writing it is stirring up my PTSD like crazy.

So why am I doing this to myself?

Because I think I have no choice.

This story is bubbling up every time I go to bed, so by the time I wake I either write or explode.

So the story will continue, and I will need all the support I can get.

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Criticism vs Critique

I grew up with the phrase, "Provide constructive criticism".

On my Authur page, I have the comment: "I share my creativity with you and look forward to hearing your constructive criticism."

Today someone suggested I change the word "criticism" to "critique" to be less . . . harsh? less negative?

What do you all think? Should I use the "criticism" or "critique"?

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tough couple of days

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So I have had a tough time the last couple of days.

Been fighting PTSD, and dealing with depression at the same time.

And just for the sprinkle on top, I have also been dealing with gender dysphoria.

But I will not surrender, and the sun will shine again.

Until it does, I appreciate any huggles you guys want to sent.

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everyone should know


I just learned from a radio program that the national (USA) suicide hot line number is 988. They said that only 17% of Americans are even somewhat aware of this. I think that particularly with some members of this site it should be 100%. The menu at the start of your call will get you connected to a live counselor specializing in veterans, lgbtqi, or other areas. I hope you never need it but it can't hurt to know it.

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Referral pt 12 - New referral

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I've had an email today from the Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust to confirm that they have accepted a referral for me. I immediately responded, asking them for my effective referral date and who made the referral. The answers took 15 minutes (!): 26 July 2022 and my GP's team made the referral.

So it's in. Unfortunately the other piece of information from the Trust was that they are giving first appointments to patients with a referral date in July 2018! So if you felt tremors, it's not because I'm jumping up and down with joy.

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On a positive note...

A little while ago, Jessica C (from Germany) posted that she was visiting a small town in Canada, near London, Ontario and asked if anyone wanted to get together. I corresponded with her and since I live near Detroit, MI, and London is only about a two and one half hour drive. We agreed to get together. There is a small town called Stratford that is also near London and is famous for their Stratford Festival during the summer where they put on first-class plays. I made arrangements and we agreed to get together and see Shakespeare's 'Much Ado About Nothing'.

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Pleasantly Surprised... discover that my work is being pirated online.

Earlier this year, I noticed one of my pen names come up on a routine online search. The link led to the "erotic fiction" section of a (fairly) well known file-sharing site. Apparently, people have been trading PDFs of my short story collections since (at least) May 2020. These included most of my anthologies and related artwork.

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The more I write...

The more I'm writing my stories, the more stories I'm outlining. I'm trying to stop outlining stories, but if I think my stories are bad, I write another story, not to post it yet, but to see if I can get better at writing. I think I could write 15 stories with the outlines I have. Anyway, hope everyone is fine...

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A Wild Book Sale Appears! (The Arctic Fox)

In preparation for the sequel coming out, we're running a sale on The Arctic Fox on Kindle! In fact, we're running the biggest sale possible... because we're giving it away for FREE!

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Another non trans book recommendation

I just finished reading Horse by Geraldine Brooks. I hadn't read anything else by the author and chose it almost at random from the available titles at the library. She does a remarkable job of combining the true history of the greatest race horse of the nineteenth century with her fictional tale of slavery and of racism then and now. While referencing physical abuse and family separations she brings home the truth of Frederick Douglas's explanation of the harm of slavery even under a "good" master.

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Dear Rylee available for Pre-Order on Amazon


'Dear Rylee' is being taken down from BCTS, save for the first three chapters and the epilogue due to Amazon's policies, but there is good news! The ebook will be released in a few days, meaning you can purchase that, or buy the print version. It would also be a shame if you could click here and just get the whole damn thing for free.

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37 years and still counting

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It was on this date in 1986 that I went to work as me for the first time, goodness it was nerve-racking and looking back on it, it only seems a short while ago, but with a stroke and ageing plus diabetes, I have slowed up considerably, but I am still going and hope to be for a few more years yet.

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She Possessed all the Brownie Points


At Costco, in OKC, yesterday back at the pharmacy dept. She is one of those women we all write about. The one in ten thousand females we lesser mortals never see. Let me set the scene. Her facial features had the looks of a top movie actress. She is wearing lycra or painted on polished black pants along with a crop top same material. From my long experience judging women’s measurements, she was a thirty eight, twenty six, thirty eight. Her polished black hair in a ponytail still reached the top of her buttox. Her age was around twenty six. She was wearing strappy sandals.

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Has the traffic on BC reduced?

I have noticed that the last several stories I posted are not getting many reviews. Two years ago, it was common to get 20-30 reviews from a post and now it is a struggle to get 5.

The reason I write is primarily an outlet for myself and secondly to support the readers here and the site.

I admit that reviews of my stories help motivate me as I love hearing how what I wrote helped someone, even if it was just to take their mind to a better place for a few hours.

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Being Trans.

I wouldn't call myself homosexual having never had willing penetrative intercourse other than anal rape. Many years later I look back at the three boys who did it and hope that they repented and had good lives. When it happened, the victim was blamed as much as the assailants. The PTSD and Psychologists who drove surgical intervention were as much at fault as I am. Lately I am just sure that I would have done fine as a crossdresser. I did not know it at the time but the peculiarities of law mean that if I had not started living as a woman, I might be living in a tend or even dead.

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a very strange dream

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Okay so last night, I dreamed I was back in university, and for some reason I decided I was ready to come out as Dorothy.

I was told there was a building with a lot of clothes and other items being given away, so I went there, and after riding the most bizarre series of elevators ever (it was more like a ride at an amusement park) I found the place.

But looking at the clothes, they were apparently discards from the drama department, and I decided that was of little help to me, as I wanted to look as much like a regular female student as possible.

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my brother has a new health problem

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So when my brother came over on Friday, he told us that his doctor had a lot of trouble finding a pulse on his foot.

Now, none of the reasons this could have happened are good news, but some are obviously worse than others, and I'm going to admit I'm worried.

So I'm taking all hugs and prayers anybody wants to send my way, and if you would include my brother in those care packages, that would be awesome.

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My partner just died


My partner, Laura, of 33 years just died.

One moment she was struggling with a bad chest congestion and next moment her heart stopped and she stopped breathing.

I was there when it happened. As soon I realized she had stopped breathing I called 911. The EMTs were there soon after.

I am still in shock at the moment.

She was far from perfect but she was all I had. She struggled with alcoholism, fallout from a fall that hit her head, depression, deepening memory issues, psoriatic arthritis. She was basically bed bound for the most part.

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Made It to the top


Well, despite the bike troubles I made it to NordKapp today. Winds gusting to 20mph from the north giving a temp inc wind chill of -2C. Then the clouds cleared and it rose to + 3C (in wind chill) out of the wind, it is actually nice.

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