I must apologize to Erin and BC and all of the wonderful authors that have not only gifted us with their stories, but have allowed their stories to be published on Amazon and others and have donated all of their proceeds back to BC.
I am a daily reader on BC and try my best to post positive comments on the stories I read. I think most would agree, we have excellent writers on BC and their stories are very entertaining. Some of them elicit literally dozens of comments and are quite interactive.
I am ashamed of not being as diligent to post comments to Kindle or Amazon. I have tried to buy as many of our author's books as I can but I haven't always posted reviews on them. I am in the process of rectifying this. It's something we should all do to support BC. Many of us pledge money through Patreon or to one of Erin's pleas. But by putting good reviews on the commercial sites, we encourage others to buy the books that in turn gives money to BC, not to mention highlighting our gifted authors to the world.
Case in point, as of this moment, my comment on Emma Tate's book 'Aria' is the only one, and that was 10 days after it was published! Emma's book 'Duets' has been published almost 4 months ago and has 6 comments (thank you Dallas and Ron!). We have many talented authors that have selflessly donated and the least we can do is write a review. Emma routinely gets 20-30 reviews the day her story is published on BC. Perhaps someone could post a list so we include them all.
C'mon girls! Let's fix this! :DD
I wanted to chime in briefly here…..
I did promise to post a review of “Aria” when it was published, and I will do so.
I do owe Emma an apology that it has taken as long as it has - I wanted to re-read the book prior to reviewing it so that my review would not be some simple generic drivel. Because of time limitations (I am in the midst of a rather serious career change right now; having quit my job some few weeks ago due to unethical practices being put in place by my former employer, I have been interviewing heavily for a new position - fourth round interview with one potential employer, and second with another!), so I just started re-reading last night.
I will post a review within the next several days - promise!
This was an outstanding tale and deserves to be noted as such.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Good luck!
Good luck with the interviews and getting a new position!!
Thank you…….
I have a few very good opportunities, and I am hoping to secure something that will give me a better home/work blend than I have had recently.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Good luck, Dallas!
— Emma
We have corresponded about her writing, and I wasn't aware that one had been published. I shall have to seek it out.
Link to Emma's stories
Emma Anne Tate page on Amazon
Read First
It is my understanding that Amazon weights reviews according to a proven purchase and read. I believe they check to see if you spent time reading the book.
I wait until after I've been through the book before I post a review.
I believe it helps with sales to review the book quickly after it is published while it is in the various top 100 lists.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Perhaps Amazon Doesn't Want Comments?
I've read lots of good stories on Kindle, but the way to post comments is elusive. Maybe comments use too many of their computer resources? I have gone back to BCTS to post a comment on a story, if I can identify the author. I wish things were better.
Amazon comments are one way
You finish a book ,buy a shirt or something and they throws up the comment or feedback page and you never hear back after the receipt. They count the stars average the score and use it as a sales tool.
Here at BCTS the authors frequently give additional knowledge about the story or the craft and work to establish a rapport. There is no comparison in the comment area. I do like being able to read the whole story in a single go but I'm willing to go through the fits and starts for my daily lit fix.
Thank you, Dee!
Both for the plug, and the timely reminder. Speaking just for myself, I prefer posting my stories here, for the reasons Ron mentions. I only decided to put a couple up on Amazon, and the sole purpose was to try to make some money for BC. I’m no expert on how Amazon’s algorithms work, but I gather than reviews drive visibility and sales.
— Emma
To feed Amazon's Algorithm
I believe in order to feed Amazon's Algorithm one must first download the file to your kindle in question and then leave a review, showing that you were the buyer. I must also apologies, I brought Ms. Tate's lovely newest offering a few days ago but at the same time I happen to buy several used light novels from the Spice and Wolf series. And much to my embrassment I've been sucked into the world were the main plot of the novels focuses on turning profits. But as soon as I'm done I promise to leave read it word for word and leave a in-depth review, with spoiler tags. Daisy Scout's honor.
I have to agree
I agree with Sunflower, Angela and the rest. I suggest that we all buy the book on Amazon, read the book, and post a review.
I try to buy all of the author's books that Doppler publishes, which sometimes I have already read here on BC. But I usually post my comments on BC because of the back and forth we all enjoy. So the gist of of my post is that I need to post to Kindle or Amazon after I get through the book.
I must add that I can't believe that a year has passed since Duets and Aria were posted here on BC. It has been quite eye opening rereading them on Kindle. Duets was Emma's first story she published here, and to read it again after reading all of her subsequent stories makes me appreciate how much of herself that she shares with us. We really have an amazing and supportive community. :DD
Anazon comments
Don't forget that after a comment has been posted, it CAN be replied to--there's a button at the bottom of each comment. And remember that comments and replies can only be made when logged into an Amazon account.
Some sellers do allow comment without purchase; I have posted that way when a, shall we say, unpleasant work has been published. That facility seems to depend on the ego of the seller.]cough failed Irish comedian cough]