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Dreams lately are perhaps impossible to separate from wakefulness. This morning I dreamed about writing a short story that would undoubtedly draw fire from some, or many, or even most. It would make use of every thing I can remember of all disciplines religious, scientific, mystical, and things without names. I don't know if it would include TG content because I haven't written it yet, still trying to recover from the dream, perhaps nightmare. I don't know if I can publish something here and not allow comments? I won't ask if anyone wants to read this one. I only wonder if there is a mechanism that will prohibit comments. It would be called "Outsider".



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Story w/o Comments

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If you use the Create Content link in the right hand logged in menu, there is a link for creating a Story w/o Comments.

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It's also possible to turn comments on or off for stories or blogs already created, but an admin has to do that.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.