Changed Into More Female

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Originally, in 2004, I didn't intend to be a woman but then my family and everyone around me were so mean and condemning and self righteous that it broke me and I gave up. I decided to be me, really me. I stopped trying to be that uber religious, pastor wanna be, and to just live for me! The kids were grown and gone. My then wife was super busy, self focused on her career, and she left me out.

I took my retirement fund, and more, and spent it and more on self care. The upshot was I got a neo Vagina, and grew nice breasts that look very average and lovely for a woman. I even had tattoos around the nipples. Though I am not sure of the mechanism my voice changed to that of a woman. I had to take lessons to learn to use that voice like a woman does and though it is not perfect, it pleases me. Apparently my odd genetics lend themselves to being a woman. I'm XXY...... and other stuff.

I was just approached by my Doctor's office about Gender Affirming Care that I don't have to pay for. I have an appointment on Wednesday to talk to them. And I intend to talk about everything from deepening my Vagina, why I want to be spanked, facial feminization with makeup and perhaps plastic surgery and things I haven't even considered.

This is a lot to take in because I'm 76 but in shamefully good health aside from COPD, and Dental issues. I've been told that I look to be in my early 50s and act younger. Someone pinch me, please? Someone is actually reading what I write now, and critiquing it in a constructive way. Yes, my last two short stories have drawn some attention, and they are prodding me to do better than that but not in a way to tear me down. Will I emerge into the nirvana of professional writer?

What happened???

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