Tomorrow many Americans will celebrate our distinctive Thanksgiving holiday. It’s a difficult time for many in the trans community, especially those who have been rejected by their families. But it’s also a time to count blessings and give thanks. I didn’t want the occasion to pass without giving the thanks I can only articulate in this space: my deep, profound, and heartfelt thanks for every member of this community. For the women and men who have read my stories and for the incredibly talented authors whose stories have touched me this past year. For the comments and the blog posts and the private messages. For Joyce, Melanie, Piper and everyone who keeps the site running. To the people whose financial support pays the bills. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being here — you have made my life immeasurably richer.
Much, much love,
So say we all
Amen and amen!
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Well said.
Very well said Emma. I hope you Thanksgiving is filled with fun, fellowship, good food and most of all pecan pie. It can't be Thanksgiving without pecan pie. I would also like to take this chance to thank you for making this site a little more welcoming, for giving back as much as you do for the community and for being you, there can only be one Emma Anne Tate and I'm grateful she here on BCTS.
Aww ya beat me to it!
I was going to post a blog entry of thanks to everyone tonight too, but since you got there first I'll just tack on from here!
Thank you to everyone on this site: our glorious hostesses, writers, proof-readers, and reading audience all! One of the best decisions I made six years ago (after sitting on the fence forever) was to stop lurking, create an account, and toss out my first major writings for more general public TG consumption...and I've been grateful to the wonderfully supportive responses ever since. The awesome support given has buoyed me aloft to keep me chugging away with the writing, lifting my sails whenever they otherwise would have sagged and stalled. For this I cannot say thanks enough!
And also thank you to Emma for blowing on in not only as a breath of fresh air but also as inspiration to us all. Love ya, Emma! :)
May everyone have a blessed day tomorrow and weekend after, and remember: calories on holidays don't count*!!
- Erisian <3
* - Some restrictions apply, see your doctor for details. Not necessarily valid in all states of consciousness. Broccoli is prohibited anywhere near my plate. Canned cranberry sauce required.
Please include the less fortunate than yourself
Celebrating with extended family is al fine and dandy, but way overrated. At some point it starts to feel incestuous. Especially when it is not only a family gathering, but moves to the realm of a clan gathering.
Instead of just turning inward and expending all that time, effort and stress on your own [extended] family, turn your attention outward and reach out to those less fortunate than yourself. You experience more satisfaction by helping and sharing with others, than when you hoard for yourself.
Please go and read the wonderful story Parables to see an example of what I just stated. And in a comment there I also shared some personal experience to back up my statements above.
Not to mention (for those that subscribe to the Christian faith) that reaching out to the less fortunate by inviting them and sharing with them is the “Christian” thing to do, and is actually faith in action.