TopShelf Blogs

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Mum's know best

Just came back from a short break with my mother. She is 85 now and has just lost her partner. I want to spend as much time with her as I can.

I never got much "Leeanna" time, as one of my sons stayed for a few nights. So last night I got a chance to try out a wig that my mother helped me pick. Long gone are the days my own hair sufficed. The dreaded testosterone has thinned my own hair too much to convince anyone.

She insisted it had to have a fringe. I think she was right.

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BCTS Data Breach ???

So, I was just cruising the web this afternoon when suddenly I was at a site that I did not recognize that had about 25 or more photos. One caption said that it was the server room on the east coast and another caption said BCTS. I don't know what was going on and it seems to have cleared now. I had previously visited a site called "Chat GPT" that did not interest me, so I left. I don't know if this caused BCTS any grief and if it did, I am sorry.



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Story posting schedule

Hi everyone! For anyone who is following my current series, Always and Forever, I'm changing my posting schedule to twice weekly until the series is complete. My plan is to post Monday evenings (GMT-5) and Friday mornings.

And for those of you who aren't following it . . . I hope I can entice you! :-)



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Pissing Me Off

This week end, I've viewed two stories on youtube that were oddly in text and I know that I read them on BCTS. There was almost no change in the Femdom office stories. The thing that angered me is that they expect the reader to sign up for a subscription that is far more than Patreon. You don't get to finish the story unless you pay. Now that I have seen their tactics, I'll know to avoid this unless I find I like being molested.



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Falling Down on the Job

At least a little bit.

Just a reminder, there's still 10 days on the May 2023 "Free Comic Book Day" Story Challenge.

I know I still haven't gotten the list of stories completed for last month's challenge posted as a blog. I'm REALLY sorry about that. I'll get that, as well as the information for the June challenge/contest, up either tomorrow or Monday, depending on how things are going.

The trip to get my stuff, and the resulting issues due to losing the car, have kinda had us in a bit of a fuzzle around here, and I just completely blanked on it until just now.

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Referral pt 10 - Taxing issues

There's a few more weeks before my NHS complaint is due to be resolved, but I'm beginning to have doubts that it will be resolved - at least in one of the scenarios that I would accept. I won't speculate further but will let everyone know what their answer is when I receive it.

Unsurprisingly I have heard nothing from my GP but I was called to the local general hospital for a mammogram, confirmation that my gender marker has been changed. The all-clear letter arrived a few days ago; it wasn't a definite as there's breast cancer in the family.

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Transgenders Gay?

So often, the people I meet assume that I am homosexual, while in fact I boringly don't have any sort of sex with anyone at all male or female. Though a correctly done spanking now and again would be nice. As most here know, I am mtf post op and having been living as a woman for a long time. (2004) In the last few years, I don't have any sort of pleasurable sexual sensations at all.

So, do other mtf post ops have any sort of partners? I apologize for being nosy.



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Still without a car

After our experiences on our Arkansas trip, Melanie and I have been taking it easy at home in California.

Meanwhile, a bit of drama we were not involved in directly happened in New Mexico: the insurance and the body shop managed to lose the car somewhere between the shop where we left it after being towed off the freeway and the body shop where it was to be evaluated for repairs. :)

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I got a bit of adulting done yesterday and today

So yesterday, we got a bit of a refund from our taxes, so we decided to take care of a few tasks.

First, we got the oil and drive fluid on my car changed, because that was due.

Then we went to Canadian Tire and got one of the tires checked, and found out we'd picked up a nail, which is why the tire was going flat.

Then we went through a car wash, because some pigeons had taken their bathroom breaks on my roof.

Then, today, we got some groceries, and then helped Sharon get some groceries as well.

Yay for adulting !

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At the moment, in addition to writing scenes for my own future works (alas, each time the impulse takes me, it's a different story concept. I'm not sure this is the way to make progress on a story.)

So I'm feeding the printer-friendly versions of stories into a text to speech engine on my iPhone. (I can recommend Voice Dream, on the app store. It's seems to take the most file formats.)

This approach has terrible problems of cadence, intonation, and basic pronunciation (some of which could be solved by building a phonetic dictionary file.)

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Science Fiction with some T

In the last 20 years my interests have grown more singular, maturing toward strong Science Fiction with quickly morphed attraction to everything feminine. The Psychology of such feelings is understandable to me, and it seems clear that efforts to explain things to others are futile.


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Aliens or Vaccinations

Ladies give it more than trying to blend in. In all my years it isn't the girl or the woman who looked like everyone else who caught my eye. From observation the same goes for everyone else even if they weren't consciously thinking about her but admiring what they saw. Lots of compliments from both sexes. A couple men asked for a date. Had to be the skirt and blouse? Let's be realistic, I'm way past the "sell before date"


I know this may seem a little strange

hell – that concept fits me to a 'T' – to most of you but I could use a reader for something I am attempting. It isn't exactly Trans... but it isn't exactly NOT Trans. (How's that for a convoluted statement?)
Said reader must have some military background, a bit of science, and ( I presume ) everyone here has the Trans knowledge if not the experience.
My older sister was Trans. Originally my older brother she became my sister when she was around twelve. She was evicted to Europe shortly thereafter but she and I kept in touch.

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Are there any Maryanne Peters fans out there?

Doppler Press has recently published my 20th book on Amazon "Heroes of Romance" - link below
I always invite fans to write the forewords but in the case of "Heroes" I did invite Joyce Melton herself (my publisher and sometime collaborator) to write it, because the whole concept was her idea. Her touching note reveals that she too, is a fan.

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Secret Trans Writing Lair Mermay Bundle

My new short story, "Carpet-Bound," is available from in epub and pdf formats. But you can get more stories for your money by buying it as part of the Secret Trans Writing Lair Mermay Bundle, with eight mermaid and summer-themed stories by trans authors for $8.

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Aspergers tormenting...

Apparently they don't use the term Aspergers any more. Instead they use PTSD or CPTSD here on the west side of the pond. I don't know how those on the east side see it. I'm thankful to live in a place where they don't badger me to be a social butterfly, and the solitude agrees with me.

I see that I have written about "Spem in Alium" and other classical pieces that I find agreeable. It is doubtful that others would understand my love of "Queen" , "AD/DC" and among others ELO. Suffice it to say that my soul lives on that, Science Fiction and my quest for knowledge of the Creator.

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Cloudflare BUG

This is what i am getting a lot. it works the fist time i look at a page but not the next one. then about 40m it works again. this website works for this browser if "Cloudflare" was not actively blocking it.


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Update your browser to view this website correctly. More Information.

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Mea Culpa

I apologize for wasting everyone's time.

For over twenty years I've brought a passionate level of involvement to this site.

Lately, that passion has resulted in less than satisfactory results.

Recently, I was characterized as "cold, unprofessional" and accused of driving writers away from this site.

Recently, I was told that my involvement in a thread had caused a meaningless fight which had wasted everyone's time.

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Hatbox in a Pickle - Funds needed

This is not the regularly scheduled request for funds to operate BC. This is an extraordinary request for funds to help Melanie and I get back home so we can operate BC. We had an accident in my car. We are both fine, unhurt. But the car was not so lucky.

At the moment, we're stuck in the little town you end up in if you DO take a left turn at Albuquerque. The motel is nice but we want to go home. I haven't been able to get answers from the insurance as to whether they are going to cover a rental car while they decide whether to repair the car or junk it.

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Road Trip Blogs: (Possibly) Total-ed in New Mexico

A'ight, SO.

I mentioned the car trouble and layover yesterday in our blog.

Well, today we got news it's worse than we thought. As such, more details are warranted.


We left AR around noon on Monday, feelin' perky and like we could take on the world, so we decided to cut down on our remaining trip time and costs by pushing forward: no motels, just napping in the car on the way, taking turns driving and napping.

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Looking for a Reader for an A/B Test

Back in the before-fore times I contracted an editor to look over the 4th draft of 11th Sun. They were... unkind. Disappointingly so. And unfortunately the important question I needed answering, whether the 4th draft was better than the second, was never answered. I have my own thoughts about the job they did, and whether the were interested in helping me in the first place.

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Five Million Reasons to See Light at the End of the Tunnel

Just over forty years ago I was sitting in a Palm Springs hotel bar when Reggie Jackson came in and sat on the stool next to me.

I asked Mr. October what time it was just so I could tell people Reggie had given me the time of day.

That was a good day for me.

So was today. Teflon Don finally was held accountable. All the Trump wannabees should have learned today that doubling down until you win or the clock runs out doesn't always work.


Road Trip Blogs: Days 3 and 4

Belated, but here it comes!

So, day 3 was the trek through the rest of TX, OK, and AR to get to our destination town there. After spending the night in a little place with a surprisingly nice room just off Route 66 (America's Best in V, TX: we'll give more details after the trip's over,) we started the day bright and early, with only a minor hiccup when I didn't get everything out of the room and we had to nab a spare key.

I'll be honest, TX... didn't impress me much. The windmills were nice, though.

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Getting Close

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading my story up to this point! We're getting close to the end of this particular book, and as I move toward the end, I'm going to start diverting further and further into fiction. The story, while exciting in the beginning, turned into 'just life' after the initial six months. So, with that being said, I really appreciate you all being here, and I hope you hang on after chapter 29, which is the natural end for the real life story.


I stood up to my stepfather last night

So I stood up to my stepfather last night.

Okay it was just a dream, but still . . .

I dreamed I walked back to the house we had in Calgary, and found him there picking on my younger self.

So I got between them, and told my stepfather if he wanted to pick on someone, he could try me, as I was his size.

He ran away, leaving me behind, calling him a coward.

Then I woke up.

I honestly am not sure how to feel about this dream, but I think its a hopeful sign.

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it didn't take Bud Light long to back down

Well, it didn't take Bud Light long to back down from its support of a trans influencer.

"Bud Light’s parent company Anheuser-Busch attempted to assure investors that everything is fine — even though everything most certainly isn’t — and it would get back on track.

Anheuser-Busch CEO Michel Doukeris distanced the company from transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney as sales of the beer continue to plummet.

'We need to clarify the facts that this was one can, one influencer, one post and not a campaign,' Doukeris said during an earnings call."

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Sir Lee

I am confused about how a person who calls themself "Sir Lee" and can message me can do all that and not appear on the Author page. Based upon his criticism I cut a story that had 100 kudos because of my own hot temper when I did have the choice to make the corrections that he wrote about. According to the site index, he has been here over 16 years. In the future I won't publish stories that are so half baked. Sorry.


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I'm not trying to create controversy or seem snarky in my first ever blog. As an American, I don't understand why my English sisters and brothers still have this tradition. Without putting down us 'across the pond' sisters, do most English still want to hold on to the Monarchy? I don't believe anyone still thinks it is ordained of God, or that all the Kings, Queens, Knights, Prince, Princesses, Dukes, Duchesses, etc. are anything special. I will own up to watching live in awe at the wedding of Charles and Diana back in 1981.

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Road Trip Blogs: Day 1

(For safety reasons, locations will be referred to by letters rather than name until after the trip is over.)

Yesterday morning about 10 AM we officially set out on our trip for AR! It's about 24-ish hours (driving) to get to our target in AR, so we've budgeted 3 days out and 3 days back, with 1 day there for any visiting and nabbing of my stuff.

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Florida Bathroom Law…….

So here I sit, less than three weeks away from a trip to Orlando, FL for a ten day vacation, and suddenly I have to worry about some asshole objecting to my using the Lady’s bathroom.

Because it’s “safer” to force me to use a bathroom because I am “a person belonging, at birth, to the biological sex which has the specific reproductive role of producing sperm.”

Who cares if I am a woman. Who cares if I can no longer use a urinal. Who cares if I am liable to be beaten to death in the Men’s room.

Yeah, thinking this may be my last trip to the so-called Sunshine State.

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13 years and 12 months

Yep, my 14th anniversary of being on this site has arrived. (well, my account says "13 years, 12 months" but details).

Boy, things sure change in 14 years - which isn't really surprising, but somethings remain pretty much the same.

I still love reading the amazing writing offered in this site, and am always staggered to even be mentioned in the same breath as some of the talented writers here.

I am still the one who comments on a lot of stories, which I hope isn't annoying.

And I am still the one who is hopefully growing and improving as time goes by.

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the dangers of being manic

For years, I was aware of how dangerous my depressions could be - I've been suicidal more than once in part thanks to the depression

But I really didn't understand that the manic phase was just as dangerous.

its the equivalent of being high as a kite, or being a "happy drunk", in terms of my lack of restraint.

I am so full of happy chemicals just about anything sounds like fun, and boy have I done stuff I regretted once the manic phase wore off.

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Grief from Abuse !!!

I just learned that the couple that I think wanted to abuse me around 2005 to 2008 has been arrested. At least I think this might be them. He was at least 350 lbs and wanted to pee on me and lock me in a box under his bed. He wanted me to eat his fecal matter. He wanted to chain me up. She was skinny but went along with him. They have apparently abused perhaps a dozen children, and imprisoned them. I hope they haven't murdered anyone.


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For the next week, Melanie and I will be on the road, going back to Arkansas to get her things to complete her move to California. That's three days each way, with maybe a day there to pack things and maybe short sightseeing detours.

This is going to cost about $1500 ($400-600 for rooms, $300-500 for meals, and $300-400 for gas). We've budgeted this, but it is going to be tight. It would be nice if we had a bit extra in the BC kitty to cover this.

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New series!

I just posted the first two chapters of a new series I’ve been working on. Currently I think it will be around 40-50 thousand words when finished, though I have been known to underestimate. From time to time.

I’m still traveling for a bit, so I’m likely to be a bit erratic in both my posting dates (I was going to post Friday mornings US East Coast time, but I had a bit of time today and don’t know what tomorrow will bring) and in my responses to comments. Rest assured, however, that I absolutely will respond to comments, even if I’m a bit slower than usual.

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May 2023 Free Comic Book Day Story Challenge is Live

Sorry for being a few days late on this!

The contest tag for the May 2023 Free Comic Book Day Challenge is now live, so feel free to get your stories up! You have until the end of the month to share them, and I'm looking forward to what people provide!

Just like with getting the tag up, I'm late on collating the stories from the April challenge. I apologize for that, and I'll try to get that done this evening or early tomorrow.

Melanie E.

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Hatbox funds needed, New month, new bills.

It's a new month and our hosting bills hit to the tune of nearly $2000, plus other bills.

Thanks for any help you can send. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks to all who have already contributed or paid for a membership at Patreon.

Many thanks!

Paypal contributions come straight to our accounts.

Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat, Ashly, Rasufelle and the rest of the crew


I Sure Hope

During my business career, I was mainly in marketing. Selling involves a lot of rejection. In order to make a sale you have to take a risk. The process involves a lot of very necessary motivational support. One of the ways I pushed myself was by keeping a myriad of statistics.

This habit has carried over into my writing. I have a massive spreadsheet that records statistics for my stories and books.

During the last three months, the over twenty books Doppler Press has published for me have received more total reviews than they received for the last over ten years.

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AI Images are changing the world!

Erin and I have been shooting the breeze with Erin about the potential of AI generated images.
Forget ChatGPT! Besides, we are writers and we don't need some robot to tell us what words to use - right?
But images ... now, imagine what we could do with images, especially if we don't have the talent or the time.

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April 30th: Challenge Updates!

It's the last day of April, which means it's the last day for folks to get their entries for the Take Your Daughter to Work Day Challenge in before cutoff!

As a reminder, being a challenge rather than a contest means that there are no prize. As such, you have until midnight PDT to get your entries in, and I will be collating a list of all entered stories tomorrow.

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Cancel Culture

The "Right" is always accusing those of us who are not of their persuasion of using "cancel culture" to silence criticism.

Isn't it strange that the Republican "law makers" in Montana have banned Zooey Zephyr from participating in legislative debates because she criticised moves to introduce restrictive laws to prevent TG treatments for juveniles. She is an elected representative to the legislature. It just happens that she is transgender.

It seems that Republicans cannot abide anybody objecting to their Nazi objectives.


Desire a Wig

This is completely off the grid as far as story telling or maybe not. Might generate some insight into how and what others think when writing their story and helping their hero or heroine. Normally when I go out in public I wear a hat for two reasons. Cowgirl hat to accent what I'm wearing or a ball cap with a badge emblem on the front. Hold over from a company we ran. The cap is to keep my hair out of my face and my mouth. Oklahoma wind remember? I seem to always be eating hair when I don't have a hat. Truth be known it's thin on top. Old age isn't for vain people.


Zooey Zephyr

All I can say is that I am in awe of her. Montana is a very hostile state to trans and for her get elected in the first place is already a huge accomplishment but I am sure she knew going in this is going to create tsunami level waves.

The fact that she has been 'cancel cultured' and her rights as well as the constituents she is representing are being taken away just shows what the opposition is made of.

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its been a few days since I blogged

I am not really sure why I haven't been blogging the last couple of days, but for anybody who is interested, here is an update:

I got my registration and insurance issues fixed, so I am back on the road, which is good news.

I took a heart stress test, and did very well, with my blood pressure well inside the normal range, which is also good news.

I've made some progress on my new Fluke story, which may or may not be good news, depending how you feel about that character.

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I'm Wearing A Corset

I don't care if wearing a corset is a Fetish. It was normal back when.
I've been hating my self for feeling too fat, so I ordered an overbust one and today I put it on. It reduced me to 36" and that seems enough. (2")

I've also been inquiring about Spanking therapy. It does not appear in the DSM. I had it done years ago, and probably wrote about it here. It was wonderful. I know to be careful who I talk to about this. If I can't trust this crowd, that is pathetic.

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Best Disney Songs

Walt Disney can be controversial. He was a man of his times, which means that if judged by current standards he could be considered racist, misogynist, and anti-Semitic.

My opinion of Disney films is based on what I saw through my children’s eyes. For the most part, they’re captivating and highly entertaining.

The soundtracks for Disney films often exceeded the quality of the story or the animation. Disney has managed to work with some of the most talented songwriters and performers of our time.

These are my favorites:


Whatever Next?

This is the last novel in the Gaby Dorset Trilogy, I think there is something like thirty chapters and like the other two novels, I'll try to post one a week. It gets off to a burning start, so enjoy there will be racing and Gaby's crime-fighting involved. So will she finally deal with Meadows or will he get her? You'll have to read it to see.

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Boy or Girl Kit? :)

Riding weather is here again and I'm trying to decide if I will wear bike shorts or that with a pleated skirt over. I usually wear a hijab under my helmet for concealment and to keep dry. I don't bother with clippy shoes. I'm wondering if I should wear tights or would it have prevented my road rash? I had though I was mostly uninjured in my mishap, but it may have momentarily rang my bell. I've decided. Girl kit it is.

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Highs & lows

Just a quickly from Luebben

I’ve not got very good internet so I’m posting this from a backhand in the town while I have breakfast! I’ll do a better missive when I get back.

Fist the lows, we’ll the German unions, a strike on the trains nearly put the Kenosha on the trips reason d’etre on Friday and another strike by security at the airport means my return trip has been delayed by a day and now involves a lay over in Paris!

On the plus side, I had a god visit to Berlin, I did pretty much what I planned apart from getting sore feet on Thursday from an 18km walk!


It's Not.

It's Not.


It's not because she didn't own a gun.

It's not because she did.

It's not because she was a prostitute.

It's not because she was a nun.

It's not because she was white.

It's not because she was black.

It's not because she was old enough to know better.

It's not because she was too young to know.

It's not because she was born a man.

It's not because she did anything whatsoever to deserve it.

It's not because of her at all.

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Best Movie Songs

This week I watched the latest segment of Ted Lasso. They skillfully use Raindrops Keep Fallin on My Head in a scene with Jamie teaching Roy how to ride a bike.

I started thinking about songs in movies and eventually created a list of my favorite songs used in movies.

I was amazed to see two Dolly Parton songs in my top ten. Most people probably think of I Will Always Love You as a Whitney Houston song -- but Dolly wrote it and made over ten million dollars in royalties from the Whitney version.


I cooled off and also resolved some of my other issues

So while life is going to be tough for a month or so, I shall endeavour to post if I can. There is a new Bike tonight and I received a lot of support from different readers and one or two who weren't so supportive, but I don't expect everyone to agree with me, if they did I'd have to admit they were perfect too.

I was particularly boosted by other writers who supported my grumble including some very popular ones and also for whom I have great respect and I got some extra comments so I felt happy enough to return.

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For any who may have missed it

For any readers who may have missed it due to the one week allocated to the home page for multi-part stories, the fifth book of the Light series, The Light Between is indeed fully published! From the hit counts it looks like a number of folks who were enjoying it may not have seen that the last couple chapters indeed got posted. Thanks again to Kimmie for all her help! :)

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Life Almost Imitates Art

I've never been a fan of dancing or cheerleading, but circumstances conspired to have me at a dance show for a local high school. It happened like this: my daughter (now in her mid-forties) just got a job working at the high school as a restorative justice counselor, where she meets a whole lot of the students. The cheer squad was planning a big show on stage, and when some of them found out she had been a professional dancer in her youth they talked her into performing with them. In my totally unbiased opinion she did them proud, as a mature woman she still has the chops.

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Just Documenting Things.

Lately, I've stumbled upon a collection of masterpieces beginning with "The General's Daughter". The story kept me guessing every step of the way until the disappointing end. Wakening, sleepless in the middle of the night, I searched for and found more of the Author's stash; enough to keep me busy for a few days.

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