TopShelf Blogs

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Asking for editorial assistance from an Afghan War veteran

I've written a short story that has several scenes involving U.S. Army personnel, set during the war in Afghanistan, mostly at Bagram. I've done as much research as I can, but I'm reluctant to post it without a pre-read by someone who was in that conflict. If anyone would be willing to help, please shoot me a private message.

Warmest regards,


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All I Need is a Miracle- Character images

I am working on the first of two large chapters for “All I Need is a Miracle” and I noticed that only “Ty/Tai” has a picture in all of my postings, so the next chapter will probably use this picture.

From top left, clockwise:
Riley, Tai, Tony, Chris, Matt

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massive unexpected expense

Well, my lack of financial planning have resulted in me not having a cushion to cover an unexpected expense.

in this case, we had to replace our cable box, which is going to set us back just under 500$

with that, plus having to pay for my mistake with my cell phone - about 300$, I have basically given myself a headache for the next 6 months, as I will have to pay in installments.

I really wish I would stop making my life more difficult . . .

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Trying something different

So, I'm trying something different. A couple things, I guess. I'm writing a Halloween story, and I haven't done one of those before. It's not done, but I've posted the first part today. I plan to post a chapter a day until the 31st, so the clock is now ticking. I have to figure out how it ends, write it, edit it, and get it posted, between now and Halloween. I haven't done that to myself before either. My problem, I think, is that I don't have enough stress in my life!

I hope you enjoy the story.

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If It Was Your Husband, 17 & 18 -- penultimate posting

The penultimate posting posting of "If It Was Your Husband" is up.

We see things start to settle in for Mike, but he's a bit gun shy and Alex has to offer moral support and advice on how to keep thing sanguine on the home front. Mike is nervous about exercising his recently granted freedom and Alex is there to take his mind off the uncertainty that invades Mike's mind.

We see Lisa struggle with doing the right thing by Mike and set aside her previous prejudice. In the light of day she comes to a good conclusion about how the rest of the world sees things.

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Spending time as girl I want to be

I have recently spent more time as Leeanna in public. I never got a hostile or second glace, apart from some guy checking out my legs when the wind lifted my dress above the knee.

I learned most people will pass you by as they are not interested. I spent a few days on the Essex coast with a very kind gentleman who has been encouraging me to spend more time as my other self. Over the weekend I spent longer as Leeanna than I have ever before.

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BDSM House Sitting

I once read a story about a recently graduated co-ed that took up a job House Sitting along the California Coast, Perhaps Big Sur??? It was an uber modern house set part way up a hill near the Pacific Ocean. In one part of the house was an extremely automated gym with all sorts of exercise machines. The rest of the mansion was uber modern and controlled by an AI, I think.

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My Apologies

I must apologize to Erin and BC and all of the wonderful authors that have not only gifted us with their stories, but have allowed their stories to be published on Amazon and others and have donated all of their proceeds back to BC.

I am a daily reader on BC and try my best to post positive comments on the stories I read. I think most would agree, we have excellent writers on BC and their stories are very entertaining. Some of them elicit literally dozens of comments and are quite interactive.



End-month Bills - Funds Needed

Thanks to everyone who has sent money. We really depend on you. :)

We're not desperate because Piper and I have backstopped the company accounts, but funds for end-of-month shocks would be appreciated.

Thanks for any amount you can send. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks a great deal to all who have already contributed or paid for a membership at Patreon or Hatbox.

Many thanks!

Paypal contributions come straight to our accounts.


Changed Into More Female

Originally, in 2004, I didn't intend to be a woman but then my family and everyone around me were so mean and condemning and self righteous that it broke me and I gave up. I decided to be me, really me. I stopped trying to be that uber religious, pastor wanna be, and to just live for me! The kids were grown and gone. My then wife was super busy, self focused on her career, and she left me out.

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Question for Drupal experts

Below is an abstract of the info on the "My Stories" page for "If It Was Your Husband"
It was taken at 6:20 PM on 2023/10/20. The story had been up on the site for about 6 and 1/2 hours. Yet, total hits showed 244 and daily hits showed 172. Given that the story was up for so short a time, shouldn't the total and daily hits have be the same?

Title                Date           Total Hits    Daily Hits
If It Was Your Husband Fri, 2023/10/20 - 10:53am    244       172
15 and 16 of 20

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Toni With An i – Explicitness? Or Probably Not? - A New Author

If you’ve stuck with Toni With An i from Part 1 to Part 2 (I know, two long parts in quick succession, I only have a third chapter completed at the moment, so don’t worry) you’ll have noticed a change in how explicit it is. There’s definitely going to be moments where bodies are to the fore. Bodies and all the feelings around them simply are a part of who everyone is, trans or not. I wanted to let readers know, however, this isn’t a pure smut story, or even a mostly smut story, which I know would be atypical for this site; this community I’ve just joined as a new author.

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Busy Times

I upgraded my iMac to Sonora about two weeks ago. I immediately had several problems, some of which turned out to not be fixable. I had to wipe the hard drive and reinstall the previous OS (Ventura) then restore my Apps and data from backup. First thing the iMac does after successfully booting is tell me I need to upgrade to Sonoma. Yeah, not gonna happen for a while.

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IIWYH 15 and 16 is up.

"If It Was Your Husband" 15 and 16 is up. Much of the angst of the previous chapters has dissipated and our characters settle into a relationship approaching the status quo before all this happened.

Carrie seems to have gotten a little better at communicating with Alex. Though Carrie is still guiding him in how to progress, Alex has a little bit of forewarning about what she wants and there's some open discussion about the next step.

Things will progress at a pretty quick rate from here to the final posting. (Just two more.)

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dreams of death and seduction ?

Okay so last night, I had two dreams that were very different.

In the first, I was back in high school, and got word of something happening at my school.

I walked to the school, and found that several student had been killed, and others injured, in what appeared to be a mass shooting.

I joined the shocked survivors in the cafeteria, feeling helpless and guilty for not having been there.

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busy day yesterday

so yesterday I helped my aunt get to a dentist appointment, then took her grocery shopping, then mom and I did our own grocery shopping, and ended up going to Costco for paper products before making our way home.

I'd celebrate getting so much done, but I also popped my hip and pulled a muscle in my groin, and after I got home I broke my computer chair, so my celebration is kind of muted.

ah, well.

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I just said goodbye to faithful companion

She hadn't been well for few days, in fact really, I was back and forth to the vet for the last few months. Anyway, my Whizz developed heart failure which worsened over the last couple of days and she stopped eating or drinking so I couldn't get any diuretics into her. We had a lovely afternoon together and she knew something was up as she followed me around the house and sadly I took to the vet for the last time. I then brought her home and buried her in the garden, near to Bonzi's grave.

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Thanks for the kudos

Thank you to all those who left kudos for my last story. "A Space Oddity - Houston I have a problem".

That was the first time I had over 100 kudos for a story since "Taken by the Grey Folk" in March.

I kind of have a feel for what goes down well on some of the different sites I submit stories on nowadays. On Bigcloset, my highest-rated stories were the first part of Surgeon's Lodger, The Assult, with The Substitute Housewife Part 1, and Seven Years as a Wife being the top two.

Some of those had sex in the stories, but most did not.

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“Aria” Volume 1 Now on Kindle — Please Review!

A couple weeks ago I asked writers to identify which of their short stories they liked the best. But if I hadn’t limited the field, there is no doubt that An Aria for Cami is my personal favorite of all the stories I’ve written. It is being published by Doppler Press on Amazon for kindle as four books, and the first one, The Holly and the Ivy, has just been published. I hope that you will purchase, read and review it — all proceeds will go to BCTS to help support the site!

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From the Cheap Seats

Recently a story was published with a rape scene.

The story was tagged “explicit content.” Beyond that, the story unfolded logically and gave plenty of notice to the reader that a rape would occur. Further, the story was written by an author who writes femdom stories and has published them here for two decades.

I wouldn’t have read the story if the controversy had not occurred and been chronicled in other blogs. I assume several other readers read the story for the same reason.

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Incoming Content Guideline Clarifications

As a warning for folks, we're getting ready to put guidelines in place for content and ratings.

For most of the site's content this won't mean much of a change, but for certain more sensitive topics we'll be needing to re-evaluate how we allow them to be presented on-site.

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Is it me, or are there more stories of questionable content being posted?

Maybe it’s just my perception, but it appears to me that recently there have been more stories on this site which seem to revolve around forced fem, rape, and other objectionable topics and actions.

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The Day of the Dormouse

Those of us who are keen readers of Angharad's saga 'Easy as Falling off a Bike', will be thrilled to see that a dormouse appears on the new 1p British coin. Not only is the heroine Cathy Watts (Lady Cameron) an expert on dormice, so is author Angharad.

Is it possible that news of Bigcloset's longest saga has reached the Mint, or even Buckingham Palace? One never knows.

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my brother gave me his opinion on my transition.


my brother told me since I cannot change my gametes, because I must take female hormones for the rest of my life, I cannot be a woman.

He believes I am suffering from a delusion, that I have wrong ideas about men and woman, and the doctors who supported me did so at the behest of Big Pharma.

so there it is.

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Yikes! BC problems

I have noticed the site has been slow for a few days, but then I do know there's a nasty DDOS going around, it must be the change in weather.

Having just logged on, I got this:

Notice: MemcachePool::getstats(): Server (tcp 11211, udp 0) failed with: Connection timed out (110) in require_once() (line 19 of /var/www/html/bcmain/armoire/sites/all/modules/memcache/

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The song of corazon

Hello all. I just re-read Maggie finson's masterful work. For the old timers, you know what I mean. For the younger generations that may not know of the Caregivers stories, I urge you all to find and read them, and re-read them. If they are not all here on BC, they are all up on the whateley site in the library except for Straycats entry, which is still on storysite. Get it. Read it. Save it off. Who knows when it may vanish, and that's the only place to find it I know of. Owner/operator. Look for it. Finson wrote several, EE Nalley originated it and did several, along with Straycat's.

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Now You've Gone and Done It -- Emma Anne Tate!

You've set an impossible bar for civility, creativity, and positive influence.

Your writing is amazing and makes us all pea-green with envy.

Your demeanor is above reproach. . .at least a foot above the highest reproach known to womankind.

But where you really have us all outdone is in your blogs that inspire people to do good things.

Your latest series of blogs about authors' favorite short stories is a prime example. (I hesitate to use the word "prime" because a coach out west might have that word legally restricted to his ego.)

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Kindle Good, Patreon What the Hell?!?

If an author puts something on Kindle, getting to it to read it is simple. Patreon on the other hand is very difficult for me and I usually just give up. Does Patreon Pay more? Is Amazon too difficult for Authors? For me if a story is offered on Patreon, it might as well have gone down a black hole.


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Reader’s Choice

As an author, I have more ideas than time to write. I often get inspired and write the first portion of a story only to get stuck because I wrote myself into a corner. Often it takes months or years to complete the story.

I now have about two dozen stories in various stages of completion.

This is where you all can step in. Read the story ideas below and tell me which story you want me to complete.

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Murdoch Media "Balanced" Reporting

An article in today's Australian newspaper (Newscorp's description, not mine) claims that "new evidence" supports limiting childrens' access to blockers. The article claims that 34% of children in a survey reported deterioration in their mental health one year after using blockers, while 29% said they felt better and 37% felt no difference.

The article then quoted "a leading child psychiatrist" as urging restraint in prescribing blockers for trans children on the grounds that they could be deleterious to their mental health.

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IIWYH 11 & 12 of 20 is up

"If It Was Your Husband 11 & 12 of 20" is up. Another late in the day post.

It's only been a month since the school year started and being school bus driver, that means early mornings and early bed times. I'm still acclimating myself to the routine. Somehow, Friday doesn't seem like Friday until after I take the kiddies home and then I have to start fixing dinner.

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a bad day yesterday

so yesterday I went to the phone store to try and straighten out what's going on with my cell phone, and the experience was just a bunch of gut-punches

Not only did I spend almost an hour there and accomplished nothing, the whole time both the in store person and the phone help person insisted on using male pronouns for me, even after me showing them my ID that said my name is Dorothy.

I am now hurting badly, and wish I could just hide from the world forever.

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Lieutenant or Leftenant?

We may have discussed this before but I do not remember the outcome.

I was just watching a YouTube video about a British Sunderland scrapping with some German aircraft and the narrator repeatedly used the pronunciation (Leftenant) of the word I normally hear as Lieutenant. Then again I have been told by some of you from the UK that Lieutenant is the proper form. Which is it to be?

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Old age and the death of fantasies

I have tried gluing on my breast forms a couple of times recently. It seems so simple in the stories I've read - and written. Instant gratification and a shapely figure, works every time! Not for me, within a few hours the darn things come loose leaving red, irritated skin patches that are painful and take a week or more to heal. I just figured I had a problem with the glue.

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Unfinished chapters

Below are a couple of unfinished chapters for stories I've been working on. I seem to be kinda stuck about halfway through the chapters for a while, so I thought I'd try posting what I got here, just in case anybody who's read the earlier chapters of these stories might be able to offer suggestions on how to get to the ends of the chapters. If nobody has any suggestions, it'll still be nice to at least have a place where people can see what I've written, instead of having them stuffed away in my story files. :)

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my most encouraging dream yet

So last night, I had a very encouraging dream.

I was back in high school, as Dorothy, and although I had challenges, I kept working on solutions.

Like I would forget a book in my locker, and just go back for it without panicking.

Or I would be unsure of what my next class was, and go to the office and get a new copy of my schedule.

Or a teacher would ask for my legal name, and I responded with "Dorothy" without hesitation.

As I said, I found this dream very encouraging.

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Two lines on my screen

At odd times there are two vertical lines on my monitor screen to the right of the centerline. They are a very minor inconvenience. I am just wondering if they come from my own Video card, BCTS or some sort of source elsewhere on the internet. I have tried to restart but they are still there.

My computer is an aged (7+ years) HP wide screen all in one that uses an INTEL core i5 processor with an Nvidia video card inside. It is running Win 11. I plan to use it as long as it keeps running. I do text and internet with no games.


'Do you know many men who menstruate, Wendy?' People are morons

I was flicking around Youtube. I know I shouldn't. Something always pisses me off.

I saw this

As usual, trans women get the blame in the comments. When Men who menstruate are trans men who have not had a hysterectomy will menstruate. That's how you have men menstruate and have babies. Also "chestfeeding" instead of breastfeeding is for the benefit of trans men.
Trans women are blamed for that too.

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2 very different dreams

so last night, I had 2 very different dreams.

in the first, I transitioned to Dorothy in high school, and it didn't go well.

While nobody beat me up, I was rejected and shunned.

In the second dream, it started with me transitioning in high school again, but instead of being rejected I was mostly ignored, and one boy in particular decided he liked me enough to lay beside me on a grass hill, just cuddling.

Make of those what you will

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A dusty old story

I remember bits and pieces of a really old story about a Brother and Sister. They inherited a motel and instead of selling it they ran the motel. Over time the boy is feminized, starting with his sister's panties. I found a story on Amazon the sample read like I remembered it. Does anybody remember the story and author?

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I must really like punishing myself

I must like to punish myself.

Right now, I've been re-reading "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" and once more feeling all the parallels between myself and the character Linden Avery

If that wasn't enough, I just finished binge-watching "Moon Knight" and I can really relate to the main character broken psyche as well.

I wish I could figure out why I'm doing this . . .

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Wednesday Knights is finished!

That's right! I've finished an actual FULL-ON NOVEL LENGTH STORY! 77k WORDS! WOO!

But for real, I finished the final chapter of the story earlier today and sent it off to Ms. Erin for approval (she did so.)

Normally there would be one chapter of the story each week, but we will *probably* wind up posting the last two chapters to Patreon as a single post, mostly because they're both relatively short (about 2400 words combined.)

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Diaries: hoping to be found?

I'm wondering: anyone who keeps a diary -- a physical diary, a book made of paper -- do they have the expectation that it will be found?

Or a fear that it will be found?

In my own case, when I actually had something significant to write about, the idea that someone else might come upon it prevented me from writing it.

Of course, being able to write online, or to keep files on one's computer, has changed that.

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MS Word and Drupal?

I was preparing to re-read Warrior of Batuk, and in the notes before the beginning, the editor said to use a certain font in MS Word. I tried to cut and paste Chap. 1&2 in an open document in MS word, and as I had expected, it did not happen. We all know that I should be on a leash when on the computer. Is there some secret that I missed and is it worth the effort?

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If It Was Your Husband concerns

To those of you who have been displeased with the turn of events in If It Was Your Husband; I apologize and ask that you bear with me as a writer. I’m trying to grow my craft. IIWYH is a departure from my usual fair in that it is edgy, not the usual fluff that I tend to write. I can see that I’m still unskilled in putting that kind of story together. This is my first attempt at a story so long that it demands to be posted as a serial.

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Looking for a story

As usual, I can't remember the title or the author, or even where it was posted.

The story I'm looking for is about a cross-dresser, whose wife knows about, but does not embrace their feminine expression. They went to Southern Comfort and had their picture taken and it ended up online. They are subsequently then approached by a well known professional football (American) player that are acquainted with.

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Done it now..

Well, I've been thinking about life, the universe and gender related stuff for ten years or so, and booked to attend a club event with some friends I had not seen for, well, years. We had a Christmas party for the weekend, Xmas pullovers required, and the main dinner at a sports club was themed, 1920s was declared. Dared I? Really?
Yup, we had eight flapper girls, and only one with a Y chromosome :-D
I have no photos - yet. Once I do I promise to share.

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looking for a story

Hey i tried the search function but im not finding what i am looking for,
Im looking for a story about a con man or thief and his partner that go on the run and end up at the partner's rich mom's mansion. the main character has to pretend to be the partner's daughter while on the run and eventually the butler finds out her secert while the grandmother prepares her to be a young lady of society

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Every Now And Again

I occasionally check "My Stories" to see if anyone has been masochistic enough to read one or at least registered a hit or very rarely a new comment. I don't claim they have any literary value but obviously they have a sentimental value for me. I sometimes think of something that might improve what I wrote and today was one of those days.

However I was surprised to find that the text of each story that I checked had vanished. All the comments seem to have survived but the story itself has disappeared. Please, Admin people, can you restore them?

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