TopShelf Blogs

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I was closed off.
I was shut down.
I told myself I was happy,
Living the rest of my life alone.
But on a whim I tried my luck,
Not even hoping, just looking.
But then she found me, a girl like me.
We started talking
And couldn't stop.
Silly flirts and serious talk,
We shared our fears,
We shared our passions.
And I started falling.
Happy tears and lonely nights
Only one person on my mind.
When we finally met
It seemed too good
But it kept getting better.


Pretend, or Fake Princess

A few years ago, perhaps before Covic, I had been reading a story called something like "Pretend Princess", or "Fake Princess". Today, I remembered it and tried to use the BCTS search engine to find it so I could see if there were further chapters. The search engine indicated that it had "timed out", whatever that is. There had been a few chapters but it stopped, uncompleted. I can't remember the name of the author. I wonder what to do now?


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Bike (Easy As Falling Off variety)

I know that self-recommendation is no recommendation, or at least so my mother used to say, but I was recently asked a question about Bike which involved reading fifty or so episodes to answer. Now I know Bike has it's fans and many more who would probably enjoy it but are frightened of its length.

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The White Wolf

Written by Barbara Allan, "The White Wolf".
I thought I had read it years ago, but don't find evidence of it. I got part way through Ch. 1 but it hits too close to home. It seems to be a good story. The grammar is not perfect.

The story alludes to the idea of Native American Two Spirit, and their flavor of spiritualism. It explores the Native American philosophy about animals.

I'm trying to avoid involvement in gender switch writing or stories. Two or Three decades of that is more than too much.

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recommended: Dear Rylee & Dear Ariel

First, a warm welcome back to the talented Rylee Skye who has returned, continuing with Dear Ariel.

If you’re not familiar with the stories, I can’t recommend them highly enough. Rylee has a rare talent for covering what could easily be sordid and disturbing, with taste and grace. The story is intimate in scope, heartbreaking in circumstances, but uplifting in the characters’ growth beyond them. Its people are so profoundly human and so clearly drawn. The writing and editing are flawless.


so yesterday was mostly a flop

So yesterday I went to the denturist to get a mold for my dentures, and it was mostly a flop.

My gag reflex just refused to cooperate long enough for them to get a good impression on my top teeth, so I am going to have to go back and try again a week from Thursday.

Sighs, I need huggles, anybody got some to spare?

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Maiden by Decree ???

I was thinking about old stories that I loved and was reminded of Maiden by Decree by Maggie Finson.

Does anyone know where that story now lives? I think it was not at BCTS when I first read it, but I cannot remember where it was or even if the site is still around. I doubt it is.

Also, is there a list of where to find the Caregiver stories? It was not a long run like Whately, but it was a nice Universe that I dearly loved.

Thanks in advance,
Cassie Ellen

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Charlotte's Tale

I have recently reread this story that I last posted a new episode about eight years ago. Over the course of it I had many lovely comments but in the last one there were many asking for me to conclude it. It has some quite powerful chapters and it took me a lot of effort and energy to write, I thought I left it with a reasonable ending but accept some like everything done and dusted. There is a lot of me in the story and I don't want to spend hours and find no one reads a final chapter, plus it will take a while to write and to get in touch with the characters.

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Returning to the 'Rylee' Series

Hi Everyone - I'm not sure if it was noticed, but I recently tore down my Patreon, stopped writing Rylee and pulled out of Scribblehub. While it might have seemed spontaneous, there were real world reasons. I won't go into it all because, well, it's a lot of stuff. To make an extremely long, complicated story very short, the consequences of my own actions reared their ugly head and I believed that the world would be better off without me. I left all of my Discord servers, erased my Patreon, and tried to eliminate every trace of myself before attempting suicide.


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Panty Club 3 by Daring Diane

It's been a while, but I'm happy to announce the publication of a new book.
This is the third book in the Panty Club series which began as an entry in a story contest on Big closet.

Panty Club 3 Cover.jpg

It is available on Amazon.

Thank you to all my readers.
Daring Diane

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Female Military Officers In Gowns

Reading another of Anne McCaffery's tales, Sassenach Pirate Planet where a senior female naval officer in a space fleet attends a dinner in what seems to be described as a Victorian era ball gown. As one might expect, the different space vessels use present day Naval designations Interesting. And they are using FTL propulsion. All this makes for fun fiction but is impossible by present day standards.

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Keeping in touch with friends……..

Recently, Willow Dancer posted a blog reminding us all of the fourth anniversary of the disappearance of Elsbeth, a much loved author on this site. Like many, I followed her work religiously - especially her stories The Lost Queen and Frejya’s Daughters.

Four years ago this week was her last posting. During the height of Covid, while many of us were stuck at home living vicariously through her wonderful writing, she was still hard at work. Until she wasn’t.

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Four years without Elsbeth

Elsbeth, one of my favorite authors on BCTS, abruptly disappeared 4 years ago today. I made a memorial post a year later. (See the last link below.) Here is what I posted. You will need to go to the original link to see the comments.

We miss you Elsbeth. I still read your stories several times a year.


I've met, well read the stories of and messaged with, many wonderful authors here at BCTS. One of them in particular had a large impact on me. Her name is Elsbeth.

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IMG_1224_0.jpeg We’ve been having some wonderful discussions lately about BC as a community. One of the many ways that this manifests itself is how generous, welcoming and supportive so many of BC’s established authors are when newbies like me show up. You know who you are, my dears; know that you are my personal pantheon of goddesses and heroes. I have benefited so much from your help, advice, and friendship.

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Karin Bishop's Port of Arrival

I've read several of Karin's books and like many TG authors she puts together arguments as to why we are just ordinary people trying to get on with our lives, however, in this book, she cleverly introduces the fact that we all know something, because everybody does, like the burning of bras by ardent feminists or George W Bush's ranch, no bras were ever burnt, just dumped in a bin - the burning being journalistic embellishment, second, George Bush was never a cowboy or had a ranch, she asserts that he doesn't like horses, may even be afraid of them - probably the only thing he and I have in

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had an odd conversation with Sharon

Well, I just had an odd conversation with Sharon.

She told me that while she cares for me, and always found being with me "fun", she loved me and still loves me like a buddy or a brother, and was never deeply in love with me. She then apologized for not being able to feel deeply in love with me.

I'm not sure what to do with this. I forgave her, but beyond that, I'm kind of stumped.

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Gamer Girl

Many will remember that authors Bryony Marsh and Chris Archer gave away copies of this ebook some while ago, I read it at the time and enjoyed it. I have just re-read it and i really did enjoy it, it captures the emotions of the characters very well and I think the difficulties of young-love story , with all its complications when you include some gender complications as well, and for a change Kate, the older sister of our hero, Danny, is a real brick and very protective and supportive of her younger sibling.

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Funds are always needed and appreciated

Thanks to everyone who has sent money. We really depend on you, more than you know. :)

Thanks for any amount you can send. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks a great deal to all who have previously contributed here or for Piper's apartment needs, or paid for a membership at Patreon or Hatbox.

Many thanks!

Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat, Ashly, Rasufelle and the rest of the crew

Below are versions of the PayPal links.

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Thoughts on weather

I love winter. I do. I actually love every season. I prefer it, though, when they stay in their lanes. Watching the poor daffodils wilt under an onslaught of sleet put me distinctly out of sorts this morning. Honestly, though, I’m sure it would depress anyone. It would depress circus clowns and hyenas and the people who get paid to record laugh tracks. I’m sure it would even depress Curly, the obnoxiously cheerful protagonist from the play Oklahoma.

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Accept the Difference

Four days earlier, lady in front of me was holding two planted pots. She tried to get the attention of the man pushing a cart already headed for the exit. Wasn't having much luck.
Obviously she wanted him to wait so she could pay for her plants and put them in the cart. "Ma'am do you want him back?"
She glanced in my direction and nodded, "Yes." Then turned her attention toward him.


Writers Getting In Character

As a writer hoping for that big break, one of the characters in my stories is often what I wish to be. Less often, I will dress up like a cos-play character while writing but less often venture out in public. I have my own collection of role playing clothing. For me, cross dressing would mean wearing pants, perhaps cowboy boots and grumbling in as deep a voice as I can manage. I'd have to call myself Ahab.

Do real authors do such antics when composing their stories. I wonder.


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Wings, Again

Another reason I like characters with bird wings is one of my favorite childhood books: The juvenile novel Black and Blue Magic by Zilpha Keatley Snyder. Wikipedia says it came out in 1967 and I must have first read it within a couple of years at most. I now have an ex-school library hardback book of the 1972 edition.

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Plaint 9 from Other Space

We the inhabitants of the higher dimensional continua have become increasingly annoyed at the manner in which what you call "other dimensions" are being portrayed in your world. We are by nature tolerant and easy-going, but we've just about had enough!

These scurrilous falsehoods started with the comic books of your 1950's...
Wherein---typically---some person in a ridiculous outfit, a super-hero, would find himself being levitated, conveyed by unexplained forces through a garish "realm of mind bending strangeness"...


Anne McCaffery and Andre Norton on Kindle.

I was very much surprised to find some of the works of my childhood, on Kindle. Right now I am reading Dragon Riders of Pern, and enjoying it greatly. I haven't re-sampled Andre Norton yet, but assuming I don't encounter my mortality, plan to. Quite fun.


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I am a Republican, but I am so sick of the stupidity…….

I am so sick of the stupidity being spouted by Donald Trump and his cult of morons - it just gets worse and worse.

Their latest claim is that the Transgender community purposely scheduled Transgender Day of Visibility on the same day as Easter in order to mock Christians. That is total bullshit, and what’s more it is intended solely to stir up hate against the LGBT community.

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Passing in public

I have not written much recently. This is partly due to being unhappy at work. I just get home, eat go to the local pool to exercise ( my diabetes is getting out of control, so I must exercise.) Then come home watch TV and sleep. Rinse and repeat.

One of the reasons I write is to express my feminine side. I still don't know if I am really trans or not. I grew up wishing I was a girl. I was 3 or 4 when I asked why I was not a girl. When I dress now, there is no sexual thrill, just a sense of relief. When I am "made up" I just feel that I am looking at the real me.

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What The Hell Are Ad Blockers?

Often, when I click on a link from the NYT, or one of the UK papers, I'll get a pop up about having an Ad Blocker, and them requiring me to jump through a bunch of hoops. So far, just ignoring them and exiting out of that page allows me to go on my merry way. I normally use KOIN for local news and weather, but if I try to use other local internet TV web sites I get the same pesky issue. I've never knowingly signed up for an Ad Blocker. What a crock of nonsense !

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Definition of woman

In the Scottish courts they are actually debating this, Women for Scotland, partly funded by JKRowling, are trying to overturn the 2004 law of someone with a gender recognition certificate ( such as me) shouldn't have the same status as biological females. Read the article and see how at least one judge sticks to her principles, I admire and respect her.

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Kalista "Your Wings Are Beautiful".

This story was in my Internet History when I started my computer this afternoon. I have no recollection of reading it recently, so when I checked, I read 4 chapters of it a decade ago, even commenting. Then suddenly the author just stopped and there are no further entries in this story or blog. It was a good story. I would have enjoyed more.


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Saved login

Is anyone else not able to save logins? Every time I login, I check the "Remember me" box. Then then next time I come to the site, I have to login again.

Everything works well for me. I'm just wondering if it's something I'm doing wrong or is it just one more little detail that will be fixed when its priority number rises to the top.

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Nex Benedict

I was shocked, saddened and disturbed by the death of Nex Benedict in Owasso, Oklahoma in February 2024. As it happened, I was making a trip to Tulsa to visit my sister. If I had known of it, I might have attended one of the vigils at Owasso or down in Tulsa. We drove by the turn-off to Owasso a couple times but didn't try to visit there.

We did drive down to Guthrie Green in the Tulsa Arts District where one vigil was held. And we visited the Woody Guthrie Center right across the street.

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Many Thanks!!

This is Amy, Piper’s wife. I just wanted to thank everyone for the donations as well as their patience. As previously stated, the gas bill has been paid off and the new goal of $2400 will cover the rest of what is needed for electric.

I along with Piper, and our Ninja cannot thank y’all enough for the support!

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Palm Sunday

Hello, it Rebecca Anna Coleman here! Many of you know me as that girl who writes stories that feature anime like characters and often have anime like plots. Most know me as that one girl who always seems to set her stories in Mississippi. But many of you don't know that I've also an the solo acolyte of my local Episcopal Parish, Trinity Episcopal Church.


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I'm officially jealous

OK, I'm officially jealous. It seems that others have had access to the site for a few weeks and just this morning my bookmark for the site actually brought me here. I've been looking at a 404 error that replaced the temp page that went up a while ago for at least two weeks.

I've only experienced the kind of feelings I had about not being able to login here once before. That's when I quit smoking. I didn't realize how much it meant to be a part of this community. Dallas put it right when she said, "just know you are there," is a big thing.

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I first learned this about molecules in fifth grade: a molecule is the smallest amount of a material that has the properties of that material. The textbook ended a discussion on oxygen telling us, "Oxygen atoms travel in pairs. Two oxygen atoms form an oxygen molecule. The oxygen molecule is the smallest amount that has the properties of oxygen."

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Computer on its last legs :(

Well just when I started to get back into developing more story ideas, my computer has decided F you and isn't working properly anymore. Its making weird noises and keeps shutting itself off. I used to have the money to replace it but my account is all but empty now because life sucks. So just when things were FINALLY starting to look up for me, the universe is giving me the finger. :(

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I wrote a blog post on one of my sites this week after some anniversaries happened.

One such was 12 years use of a social media account on 20 March. That led me to check a domain I use, and that is 12 years and a month old. Then I found a photo taken 18 March 2008 during my first transition (I lasted 6 weeks, no support).


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Piers Morgan and friends hate on Dylan Mulvaney.

I hate posting twice in one day, but I watched about 3 minutes of Piers Morgan hosting a "debate" on Dylan Mulvaney. the amount of just utter hatred towards trans people, the complete lack of respect or even treating someone like a human being was just awful to watch. It sucks to be a part of a tiny minority that has attracted the attention (and hate) of people.

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Spring Forward

IMG_1224_0.jpeg Good morning, everyone! And to all of you in the Northern Hemisphere, happy spring! (To my friends in the Southern Hemisphere . . . Sorry about that. :)

I know that Piper and Erin and the whole admin team have been working really hard to fix all the damage from the recent hacking incident. And I know that we aren’t back to normal functionality yet.

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More Updates!

So good news! The Natural Gas bill is paid off in its entirety (or will be once the payments we made have been posted to the account), and not only have we taken a chunk out of the electric bill, but the utility adjusted the bill after we noticed they didn't shut off the service when we requested it!

As such, we have lowered our GoFundMe goal to represent this change.

Because of these changes and some extremely generous donations from BC Members, we are more than halfway over our goal!

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So What Should I Do Next?

These last few weeks have NOT been a good time for this site, have they? For what felt like a while, I kept clicking on links to pages associated with this site, only to be met with a blackwall. Apparently the site was having some issues. At first I was worried that the site might end up going down, and I'd lose all the TG stories I've published on here, but that turned out not to be the case. (Although, right now I'm trying to click on the "Home" tab, and it keeps logging me out. So maybe there are still some bugs left?)

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