So apparently, we are not done with repercussions for the Move that Wasn't.
See, back when we were sure we were moving, my mom put a stop on automatic withdrawals from our current landlord, which was supposed to start at the end of September.
Then we didn't move and asked the bank to restart the automatic withdrawals again.
But then, our landlord called us and said they were unable to withdraw September's rent.
So we went to the bank, and discovered that not only had the stop had been applied to September, the restart we had asked for had not happened.
So we went through the process again, and are now kind of unsure if we can trust the bank to get it right.
Sigh, more huggles, please.
I’m confused.
The banks do not control preauthorized payments except to put a stop on them. The stop payment is applied for that payment only. If the landlord or whoever puts through another payment right after the stop payment will not be applied.
That means the bank legally cannot start a preauthorized payment for you. The landlord or whoever has to do it.
That aside preauthorized payments are a nightmare and you should never do them. 90% of the time the payment will try to go through your account when there is no funds in the account to cover them. No sufficient funds charge gets applied automatically by the computer. DO NOT EXPECT a bank to see this and transfer funds for you, or to cover these payments. Computers don’t care. The days of an actual person looking at transactions for you on your account everyday is long gone.
Many have said ...
"Trust ... but verify."
"доверяй, но проверяй" (doveryai, no proveryai),_but_verify